黑龙江省2019-2020学年英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:there be 结构(II)卷

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黑龙江省2019-2020学年英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:there be 结构(II)卷_第1页
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黑龙江省2019-2020学年英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:there be 结构(II)卷_第2页
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黑龙江省2019-2020学年英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:there be 结构(II)卷_第3页
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黑龙江省2019-2020学年英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:there be 结构(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择读短文,选择正确的答案。This is a big jeans shop. Cathy and her mother are in the shop. There are many jeans in the shop. They want to buy a pair of jeans. Cathy likes the blue ones. Her mother likes the black ones. The blue ones are 358 yuan. The black ones are 488 yuan. Cathys mother thinks the black ones are too expensive. At last, they take the blue ones. Cathy is very happy.1 . Cathy and her mother are in a big _ shop. ( )AsocksBshoesCjeans2 . Cathy likes the _ jeans. ( )AblueBblackCbrown3 . The black jeans are _ yuan. ( )A238B358C4884 . _ thinks the black ones are too expensive.ACathyBCathys motherCCathy and her mother5 . At last, they take the _. ( )Ablack shoesBblue jeansCgrey socks二、填空题6 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Where _ (be) you?2. _ (turn) left at the first crossing.3. The _ (supermarket) in the city are good.4. I am on _ (you) left.5. They are my _(teacher).三、汉译英7 . 汉译英。1.爬树_2.在床上跳_3.玩捉迷藏_4.做早操_四、句型转换8 . 按要求完成句子。1. I will drive my car to work. (改为否定句)I _ drive my car to work.2. I am going to take four. (用will改写)I _ four.3. Please dont forget to write. (改为同义句)Please _ to write.4. Four people are in the shop. (对画线部分提问)_ people are in the shop?5. Jenny will go to school by bus. (改为一般疑问句)_ Jenny _ school by bus?五、改错9 . 改错题1.There arent some cakes here. _2.He has a lot of student._3.Is she a English teacher too?_4.There are some apple on the tree._5.She writes storyes._六、看图题10 . Look, read and write.看图,填上适当的单词完成句子。1. Whats in the _? There _ four _. Are they all big? No. One egg is big, _ are small.2. How many _ are there? Three. _ are they? Theyre in the _. What can they do? They can _.3. Its windy today. Where are the children? They are in the _. What are they doing? They are flying the _. Are they happy? _, they are.第 4 页 共 4 页


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