重庆市2020版英语三年级下册Unit 2 My family 单元测试卷(II)卷

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重庆市2020版英语三年级下册Unit 2 My family 单元测试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Miss Liu taught _ English on Sundays. ( )AourBweCus2 . -_ are you? ( )-I am fine.AHowBWhoCThat3 . Jack and Jill _ draw together. ( )Ais going toBare going toCare4 . Can you give _ the red skirt? _ like red. ( )Ame . MyBme . ICI . my5 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AbananaBfootballCapple二、情景交际6 . 当你想知道对方是不是苏海时,说:( )AIm Su Hai.BAre you Su Hai?7 . 你想问那些是不是橘子,你应问:( )AAre those oranges?BTheyre oranges.CWhats that?8 . 露西想知道妈妈给她新买的连衣裙是什么颜色的,她会问: ( )AWhat colour is my skirt?BWhat colour is my new dress?9 . 当你看到一个陌生女人,你想知道她是谁,应问:( )AWhos that man?BWhos that woman?10 . 看看这个大象。A、Look at the elephant.B、Look at the monkey.三、填空题11 . 根据句意或括号中的英文提示,在每个空格处填写一个适当的单词1. There are four s_ in a year.2. Are you going _ (have) a party?3. Is there a_(market)near the library?4. Peter is my _(brotherfathergrandfather).四、任务型阅读12 . 读一读,判断下列句子正()误()Hello! Im Liu Qiang. Im from Qingdao. Im ten. I am a student in Grade Three(三年级). I have a happy family. There are four people in my family. My father is a teacher. My mother is an actress. Shes very beautiful. My brothers name is Liu Tao. They all(都)love me. I love them,too!( ) 1. Liu Qiang is from Qingdao. ( ) 2. Liu Qiang is a student in Grade Three. ( ) 3. Liu Qiangs mother is a teacher. ( ) 4. Liu Qiangs father is an actor(男演员). ( ) 5. Liu Tao is Liu Qiangs brother.五、判断题13 . 判断单词是(T)否(F) 属于一类:apple tiger peach orange(_)六、匹配题给下列物品找到相应的英文单词。A. the toothpaste B. the shampoo C. the towel D. the soap 14 . _15 . _16 . _17 . _七、字母题18 . 给下列字母排序,写在下面的横线上。E e G g S s V v Y y U u Q q M m R r D d_第 3 页 共 3 页

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