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重庆市2019-2020学年二年级下册期末测试英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . What about _ football after school? ( )AplayBto playCplayingDplayed2 . 你想知道Joy什么时候起床,要说:( )AWhen do you get up?BWhats the weather like?3 . Im listeningmusic and she is reading. ( )Ato, booksBto, bookCfor, a book4 . ( )AtreeBflowers5 . Do you play football with your friends? ( )No, I _.AamBcantCdont6 . The desk wasnt _ then. It was new. ( )AoldByoungCbig7 . Thepenislong. Thecrayonis_.( )AsmallBshort8 . - this your crayon? ( )-Yes, .AIs; it isntBIs; it isCWhats; it is9 . Whats for lunch? ( ) _.ARice, fish and vegetables.BOrange juice.10 . Tom is _ a mess. ( )AmakingBmakeCdoing11 . Dont talk. ( )A不要说话。B不要睡觉。12 . 选出不同类的单词。( )1. A. A. ruler B. shortsC. dictionary D. schoolbag( )2. A. rabbitB. bearC. monkeyD. notebook( )3. A. myB. sheC. yourD. his( )4. A. blueB. orangeC. bananaD. yellow( )5. A. fortyB. hundredC. fineD. ten( )6. A. dressB. scarf C. coatD. water bottle( )7. A. sandwich B. pieC. coffeeD. bread( )8. A. sisterB. motherC. teacherD. father给下列句子选择正确的翻译。13 . Be careful!A当心!B放心!14 . Can I help you?A你能帮助我吗?B我能帮助你吗?15 . She wants a hot dog.A她想要个热狗。B她正在吃热狗。16 . Is it really a hot dog?A它是一个真的热狗吗?B它不是热狗吗?17 . Whats a hamburger?A什么是汉堡?B你吃过汉堡吗?18 . - How _ are you? ( )- Im 52 kilograms.AshortBsmallCheavy19 . 找出不同类的一个: ( )AshyBcleverCvery二、填空题用所给单词的适当形式填空。20 . Look! They_(walk) home.21 . Look at_(this) pictures.22 . I see two big_(factory) over there.23 . We can_(walk) to the park.24 . Lets_(sweep) the floor_(make) the classroom clean.25 . I like_(live) in the city.26 . Jack often_(throw) the rubbish in the bin.27 . You shouldnt_(walk) on the grass.28 . Please_(pick) the banana skin up.29 . This_(is/ are) Alexs new camera.30 . Tom is playing_(with/ to) his train.选词填空。31 . _ she fat?(am/ is/ are)No, she _ thin.32 . Im _ (come/ coming), Mum.33 . Danny _ (says/ said) the basketball was heavy.34 . Did you go _ (and/ with) your mother?35 . I am_(not / no) eating.三、英译汉36 . 翻译句子中的画线部分:Where is your mum?_37 . 将画线部分翻译成汉语:Im at the park with my family._38 . 将画线部分翻译成汉语:They are playing in the playground._四、判断题39 . 判断句子与图片是“T”否“F”相符:My uncle sent an email to me yesterday. (_)40 . 判断下列句子正()误()( ) 1. Poor Danny! Are you okay?( ) 2. Some men are flying kite!( ) 3. Lets fly a kite.( ) 4. Dont worry .I can not help you.( ) 5. Yes, its difficult.41 . 判断图片与所给句子是否相符,对的打T错的打F。It will be rainy in Tianjin. _判断图片与所给内容是否相符,相符写 “T”,不相符写 “F”。42 . Good morning, Grandma.(_)43 . They are my friends.(_)44 . This is Helen. Shes my brother.(_)45 . This is my mother.(_)46 . Ll Mm Nn(_)五、选内容补全对话47 . 选择恰当的句子补全对话。AShe is dancing.BIm eight.CIm singing a song.DCan you say a poem?A: What are you doing, Tom?B:_A: Wow, how old are you?B:_A:_B: Yes, I can. I like saying a poem.A: What is Lingling doing?B:_.六、连线题48 . 读一读,连一连。(1) Hes eating. A(2) Hes running. B(3) Shes riding a bike. C(4) Theyre playing five-stones. D(5) Theyre playing hide-and-seek. E49 . 将英文句子与其相应译文用线连起来。1.That is your zip. a.这是你的校服吗?2.Is this your uniform? b.那是你的毛衣吗?3.Show me your box. c.给你。4.Here you are. d.那是你的拉链。5.Is that your sweater? e.给我看看你的盒子。第 7 页 共 7 页

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