沈阳市2019-2020年度英语四年级下册Unit3 Weather Part A 练习卷(II)卷

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沈阳市2019-2020年度英语四年级下册Unit3 Weather Part A 练习卷(II)卷_第1页
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沈阳市2019-2020年度英语四年级下册Unit3 Weather Part A 练习卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Do you play soccer on _?ASundaysBMondayCSunday找出每组中不同的一项。2 . AbookBpencilCappleDpen3 . AABoneCCDE4 . AappleBbananaCorangeDcar5 . AeightBtwoCfourDblue6 . _ the weather report.AThisBThis is7 . Dont _ angry.AisBareCbe8 . _! Thesoupishot. ( )AComeonBJustaminuteCBecareful9 . Lets the playground.( )Ato goBto go toCgo to二、情景交际10 . 你告诉营业员“我想试试8码的鞋子”,应该这样说:( )ALet me try 8 size.BLet me try size 8.CTheyre just right.11 . 当你想知道现在几点了时,应问:_ ( )AWhat time it is?BWhats the time?12 . 你想告诉别人这件短裙是橙色的,会说:( )AIts red.BIts orange.CIts yellow.13 . 你想让别人指向那只鸟时,你会说:_ALook! A bird.BPoint to the bird.14 . 你想表达“它很烫”,你会说:( )AIts very cold.BIts very hot.三、填空题看图完成下面的句子。15 . I have four _. 16 . This is my _. 17 . The _ is white. 18 . I see a _. 四、排序题19 . 给下列句子排序,使之成为一段通顺的对话。(_) ItssunnyinBeijingtoday.(_) HowaboutNewYork?(_) Well,youcanplaygamesoutside.(_) WhatstheweatherlikeinBeijing?(_) Itssunnytoo.(_) Goodidea.五、任务型阅读任务型阅读。Dear Grandma,Thank you for the new sandals(凉鞋). They are cool!It is hot in Guangzhou. Its sunny,too. I can wear my sandals. I have a new hat. It is beautiful. I always wear it when I go out. I want to buy a pair of sunglasses(太阳镜). It is ten yuan. I think it is cheap(便宜的). What is the weather like in Harbin?Is it hot?Love,Sarah20 . 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。(_) 1. It is cold in Guangzhou. (_) 2. Sarah wants to buy a pair of sunglasses.21 . 1. 翻译文中画“”线的句子。_2. 写出文中画“_”线的词的反义词。_3. 对文中最后一句话作否定回答。_六、改错下列句子中各有一处错误,请找出来并改正。22 . She is a beautifulman.(_)_A B C23 . HeisAmys mom.(_)_A B C24 . Whois the boy from?(_)_A B C25 . That girl is yourbrother.(_)_.A B C26 . Letdraw a dog.(_)_.A B C七、匹配题选出相对应的答句。A. Thank you.B. Its ten yuan.C. A glass of juice and an egg.D. Yes, I do.E. How beautiful!F. Its on the sofa.G. Yes, I can.H. Thirteen.27 . Do you have any apples? (_)28 . Where is my jacket, Mum? (_)29 . How many balls do you have? (_)30 . Here you are. (_)31 . What would you like, Dad? (_)32 . Can you swim? (_)33 . How much is it? (_)34 . Look at my doll. (_)八、看图题35 . 单词拼写(词汇运用)1. Is it s_and c_? 2. My sister is a n_ . 3. Its time for m_ class.4. Its time to go to_ . 5. I can see five g_ in the classroom. 九、连词成句36 . 连词成句,注意标点符号及大小写:flowers, am, watering, I, the(.)_第 6 页 共 6 页

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