杭州市2019年英语五年级下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 第三课时 Cartoon time-Checkout time 练习卷(II)卷

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杭州市2019年英语五年级下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 第三课时 Cartoon time-Checkout time 练习卷(II)卷_第1页
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杭州市2019年英语五年级下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 第三课时 Cartoon time-Checkout time 练习卷(II)卷_第2页
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杭州市2019年英语五年级下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 第三课时 Cartoon time-Checkout time 练习卷(II)卷_第3页
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杭州市2019年英语五年级下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 第三课时 Cartoon time-Checkout time 练习卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ is a good girl. _ isabad boy. ( )AHe, SheBShe, HeCHe, HeDShe, She2 . Billy and Willy cheer _them loudly. ( )AtoBforCwith3 . This is _ book. ( )Amy teachersBmy teachersCmy teachers4 . 读单词,选出与所给单词同类的一项。【小题1】pen( )ApencilBschoolCclasssroom【小题2】pupil( )AteacherBbirdCEnglish【小题3】girl( )AyellowBredCboy【小题4】desk( )AwhatBhowCchair【小题5】I( )AyouBthisCmy5 . Mom, I _ ill. I may have a fever. ( )You should go to see a doctor.AfeelBlookCsoundDbecomes6 . A: How do you go to school every day? ( )B: _ by bike, but _ on foot.AUsually, oftenBUsually, sometimesCSometimes, oftenDOften, usually二、填空题7 . Whose birthday is on _(April 23th, April 23rd )用所给单词的适当形式填空。8 . Sometimes my parents _ (watch) TV in the evening.9 . My sister_ (have) a big telescope.10 . Are these your pens? No, theyre _. (Nancy)11 . Please give the magazine to _. (she)12 . Lets _ (go) to the library now.三、排序题13 . 连词成句。(8分)(1)Years, when, New, Day, is(?)_(2)date, is, what, the(?)_(3)birthday, 12th, my, is, March(.)_(4)your, is, birthday, 8th, September(?)_四、汉译英14 . 翻译词组。1.吃药_ 2.休息一下_3.喝些热水_ 4.太多_5.刷牙_ 6. 睡觉前_7.牙疼_ 8.看医生_五、英汉混合英汉互译。15 . 郊游_16 . 在森林里_17 . 感到又累又饿_18 . 给我一根香蕉_19 . 继续走路_20 . find a sign_21 . on a tree_22 . a lot of monkeys_23 . eat bananas_24 . Its time for lunch._第 3 页 共 3 页

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