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昆明市2020年英语五年级下册专项训练:语音与词汇(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题单词辨音,找出划线部分发音与众不同的选项。1 . AtalkBsportCjobDwalk2 . AshareBwhereChearDhair3 . AringBnightCfindDwin4 . AcraftBplasticCfatDfan5 . four three _ ( )AelevenBtwelve6 . 选出与所给单词画线部分读音不同的一项。(_) 1. A. manyB. planC. whenD. anything(_) 2. A.thankB. theseC. thoseD. the(_) 3.A.applesB.chairsC.shipsD.things(_) 4. A. youngB. aboutC. soundD. ground(_) 5. A. hitB. giftC. bitD. holiday二、填空题选词填空。Mine; like; funny; time; my 7 . It is _ sisters schoolbag.8 . The coat is _.9 . I _that red hat.10 . Its 9 oclock. Its _ to go home.11 . You are so _.12 . 根据汉语提示补全句子。1. Last Sunday I went to the park with my _ (父母).2. He _ a horse in Xinjiang last year. (骑)3. He is taking _ in the garden. (照片)4. They _ the mountains last month. (爬)5. My cousins visited the Great Wall in _. (七月)13 . 写出下列基数词的序数词及其缩写形式。(1)twelve_(2)thirty_(3)forty-one_(4)seventeen_(5)twenty-six_根据中英文提示,每空填一词。14 . My little brother is good at _(跑步), too.15 . Su Hai and Su Yang are going to be _ (钢琴家) when they grow up.16 . Mrs Green is a teacher. She teaches _ (they) Science.17 . We use plastic to make bags, bottles and many _(其他) things.18 . Mary is reading a book in the _(图书馆).19 . Liu Tao usually finishes his homework before _(晚餐).20 . How about _(watch) the swimming race?21 . My mother wants _ (clean) the windows.填上合适的月份将句子补充完整。22 . Teachers Day is in _.23 . New Years Day is in _.24 . Chinas National Day is in _.25 . Easter is in _.26 . Tree Planting Day is in _.27 . My father doesnt often _.28 . 选词填空。1.He _(likes/like) reading stories.2.What _(is/are)her hobbies?3.He _(also/too) likes singing.4.He likes _(do/doing) kung fu.5.Xu Wei likes _(swiming/swimming).6.What are Peters _(hobby/hobbies)?29 . 词型转化:1.I(形容词性物主代词)_2.work(名词形式)_3.hobby(复数形式)_ 4.fifth(基数词)_5.winter(对应词)_ 6.watch(单三形式)_7.one(序数词)_ 8.big(比较级)_9.write(现在分词)_10.mother(对应词)_三、选内容补全对话选择最恰当的词,完成下列短文。bluehotplaysummerplantbestswimwindyspringcoldThe 30 . time to go to Beijing is fall. Its 31 . and cool. You can go to the Great Wall. Winter is the best time to go to Harbin. Its snowy and 32 . . But you can 33 . in the snow. 34 . is the best season to go to Sanya. Its sunny and 35 . . You can 36 . in the sea. 37 . is the best season to go to Hangzhou. The sky is 38 . . The leaves are green. Its beautiful. You can 39 . trees.40 . 选择合适的句子,补全对话。A: Hes my new friend.B:_A: He likes drawing pictures.B: Does he go to school by bus?A:_B: Does he live in the country?A:_B: What is his fathers hobby?A:_B: What is his mothers hobby?A:_ANo, he doesnt. He lives in the city. BYes, he does.CHis father likes swimming.DWhats his hobby?EHis mother likes singing.四、看图题41 . 看图写单词,完成句子。1. Its between the bookshop and the _. 2. We can row a _on West Lake. 3. I want to visit the Great _next week. 4. I play the _in my free time.5. John likes taking _. 五、音标题42 . 请在句子中找出一个含有与例词划线部分相同发音的单词例如: floor The bird can fly.fly(1)bike He likes running and swimming._(2)she Jack is playing chess with me._(3)hand The girl looks very sad._(4)dog The flower shop is near my school._六、连线题43 . 看图,将图片与相应的词组连线。1. Ado some research2.Bwrite a report3. Cstudy and think4Dread a book第 6 页 共 6 页

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