拉萨市2019-2020年度英语五年级上册Module 10单元测试卷(II)卷

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拉萨市2019-2020年度英语五年级上册Module 10单元测试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出与所给图片同类的一项。1 . ( )AhatBcoldCwarm2 . ( )AbigBsunglassesCnice3 . ( )AshopBNew YorkCwindy4 . ( )AblackBglovesCfirst5 . What do you have _ breakfast? ( )AaboutBforCto6 . a big map of China! ( )AWhenBWhereCWhat7 . Amy is _ music in the bedroom now. ( )Alisten toBlisteningClistening to8 . It _ now. ( )ArainsBis rainingCrainy9 . _ eat too much! ( )ADontBNoCdont10 . Markcomes_Britain.( )AfromBonCfor11 . My grandparents _the UK. ( )AlivesBlive inClives in12 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AfastBballCwall13 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AheadBbreadChand二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择最佳答案。Anna has two cats. One is very big and the other is very small. She likes them very much. One day, Yangyang, a friend of her, comes to see her. She sees two holes (洞) in the door, a large one and small one. She says to Anna, “My dear friend, why are there two holes in your door?”“Let the cats in and out,” Anna answers.“But why are there two holes? Isnt one hole enough (足够)?” asks her friend.“How can the big cat go through the small hole?” she says.14 . Anna has _ cats. ( )AoneBtwoCthree15 . -Does Anna like her two cats? ( )-_AYes, she does.BNo, she doesnt.CI dont know.16 . There are two holes _. ( )Aon the bedBin the doorCon the desk17 . -Can the small cat go through the big hole? ( )-_AYes, it can.BNo, it cant.CYes, it cant.18 . -Who is foolish? ( )-_AAnna.BYangyang.CI dont know.三、单词拼写19 . 根据所给汉语意思,补全单词:dr _ k (喝)20 . stopped (原形) _21 . 单词拼写。(10分)(1)There are differences between Chinese and Americans in an _ (邀请) of dinner.(2)Yesterday I saw a lot of film stars at Dalian _ (体育馆).(3)_ (周三) is the fourth day of the week.(4)I like _ (看) football matches.(5)He can play table _ (网球) very well.(6)The _ (魔术) show is wonderful.(7)Its Manchester United, my _ (最喜爱的) team.(8)_ (野餐) in the open air is cool.(9)My family usually go to the park at _ (周末).(10)_(保持) healthy, and you can do the work well.22 . 按要求写单词。1 .some flowers (中文)_2. this(对应词)_3. there(反义词)_4. draw (现在分词) _5.it(宾格) _23 . 根据图片将单词填写完整,然后根据词组意思给图片涂色。24 . shouldnt (完全形式) _25 . 默写单词1. 数学 _ 2.二十_3.肯帮助的,有用的_ 4.加,加上_5.更多的,另外的 _四、英译汉26 . 写出下面单词相应的中文意思。1. birthday _2. balloon_3. candle _4. present_5. cookie _6. old_五、判断题27 . Read and tick (T) or cross(F): I saw some snow. (_)28 . 根据实际情况判断对错:You shouldnt talk in class. (_)判断图片与句子是(T)否(F)相符。29 . The potatoes are big. (_)30 . Look at the green beans. (_)31 . I like tomatoes. (_)32 . Theyre so long. (_)33 . 根据实际情况判断对错:You should say “hello” to your teacher in the morning. (_)34 . 根据课文内容判断下列句子的对()错()。(_)1. Betty is going to an English class today.(_)2. The sweater is Bettys favourite.(_)3. The new shorts are nice for a party.(_)4. Betty will wear the dress.(_)5. The gift is from Bettys father.六、连词成句35 . 连词成句。1. have, we , holidays, summer(.)_2. come ,the , to ,please ,place(.)_3. let, talk , us, about , spring(.)_4. do , you , do , what , in , this ,week(?)_5. the , is ,students , teaching , teacher(.)_36 . 连词成句:went, this, morning, she, home ( . )_37 . 连词成句:feed, too, much, them, shouldnt, you, (.)_38 . 连词成句:Mr noodles cooked Smart (.)_39 . 连词成句,注意大小写。1. do, to, park, how, the, you, go (? )_2. the, is, to, museum, it, next (. ) _3. bookstore, turn, the, at, left (. )_4. to, the, cinema, we, going, are (. )_5. tomorrow, do, to, what, going, are, you (? )_七、连线题40 . Read and match.(读一读,连一连。)1. get upa. 怎么啦?2. in the morningb. 深呼吸3. next timec. 起床4. go to the hospitald. 在上午5. come heree. 看病6. Whats wrong?f. 到这儿来7. take a deep breathg.下一次8. see a doctorh. 去医院第 7 页 共 7 页

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