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黑龙江省2020年(春秋版)英语五年级上册专项训练一:词汇D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出画线部分发音与众不同的一项。1 . AJuneBtuneCdrum2 . AsquareBdearCnear3 . AbigBpictureCbike4 . AredBbeCTed5 . AtakeBcatCcap选出每组中不同类的一项。6 . AtodayBtomorrowCyesterdayDcity7 . AtheirBthemCourDyour8 . AlakeBriverChearDmountain9 . AbehindBcowCrabbitDpig10 . AtwelveBthirtyCfiftyDfavourite11 . My teacher tells me that I could be a _ in ten years time from now. ( )AdoctorBfarmCcake12 . 你想告诉別人草莓汁又酸又甜,你可以说: ( )AThe strawberry juice is sour and sweet.BThe strawberry is sour and sweet.CThe strawberry juice is not sweet. Its sour.二、填空题读一读,写一写。13 . are (过去式) _14 . collect (现在分词) _15 . short (反义词) _16 . see (过去式) _17 . countries (原形) _根据中文提示, 补全句子。18 . There are flags from all the world _(世界各地).19 . Please stand _(排队).20 . Its beautiful. I want to _(拍一些照片).21 . What a big _(地图)!22 . It has got a fat _(身体).23 . 选词填空1.My mother _ tall and thin. (am / is / are)2.This _ my father. (am / is / are)3._ she fat? (am / is / are)No, she _ thin.4.How _ you?I _ fine, thank you. (am / is / are)5.Who _ she? (am / is / are)She _ my friend.6.I_ Mary. You _ Joe. (am / is / are)7.Two thin girls _ tall. (am / is / are)8.He _ tall and thin. (am / is / are)9.Peter _ a boy. (am / is / are)10.Who _ you? (am / is / are)24 . 根据图片提示,补全句子:He has got a_. 25 . 给短文填上合适的词。每空一词。The Earth is our home. We (1) _ try our best to protect it. We can do many things. We can plant more trees. Trees help keep the (2) _ clean. When we visit public places, take the rubbish away and (3) _ it in the bin. We shouldnt (4) _ too much because cars use a lot of energy. Dont use plastic bottles because too much plastic is bad for the Earth. We can use (5) _ bottles. These are the easy things we can do. If everyone does these, we will have a better living environment.三、单词拼写根据首字母提示填空。26 . My grandpa r_ newspapers thirty years ago.27 . We are going to enjoy a lion d_ tomorrow.28 . The rubbish makes the streets d_ and m_.29 . What does it m_? It means No smoking.30 . Mike is sad, because his pet dog is d_.四、判断题31 . 判断题。(_)1. radio和red中的字母“r”发音相同。(_)2. It help us stay healthy.(_)3. My swimsuit is to big.(_)4. Sometimes we play ball games.五、填内容补全对话32 . 看图,补全短文。Im Bob. I _at five. I _ at six. I _ at seven. Sometimes I _in the playground. At nine in the evening, I _.This is my day.第 4 页 共 4 页

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