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重庆市2020年英语三年级上册期末检测卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AgreenBtreeCred2 . Whose _are these? ( ) Theyre my baby sisters.AsocksBshortsCshoes3 . We _ take a walk tomorrow morning. ( )AareBwill goCwill4 . Who is she? ( )Shes my mother.AB5 . Is this the computer room? ( )ANo, it is.BYes, it isnt.CNo, it isnt.选择与图片相符的句子。6 . ( )AMy name is Zoom.BIm Zip.7 . ( )AOpen the book.BClose the book.8 . ( )AGoodbye, Wu Yifan.BHello, Wu Yifan.9 . ( )AShow me your pencil.BShow me your bag.10 . ( )AI have a crayon.BI have a ruler.11 . What are you going to do_?( )Ain this morningBmorningCthis morning12 . Have some fish. ( )A吃一些米饭。B吃一些鱼。13 . Do you often work at night? ( ) _AYes, I can.BYes, I do.CYes, I am.14 . What are you going to do? ( )_AIm going to visit my friends.BIm reading.CIm going to Hong Kong.二、抄写题15 . Copy.(抄写):umbrella bring high paper film 16 . 正确拼写下列句子。1. HOW DO YOU GO TO THE USA?2. USUALLY I GO TO SCHOOL ON FOOT.3. LETS GO TO THE PARK THIS AFTERNOON.4. LOOK AT THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS.5. YOU CAN GO BY THE NO. 10 BUS.17 . Copy.(抄写):begin get umbrella thanks careful18 . 正确抄写下列单词和句子,注意大小写和标点符号。advisor check working Whats in your schoolbag?_三、连线题19 . 将下列句子的序号与该句所描述的动物图片连线1. Its tall. It has a very long neck and legs. It likes eating leaves. What is it?2. It looks like a horse. It has black and white stripes. What is it?3. It has long ears and a short tail. It loves carrots. It can run fast. What is it?4. Its our good friend. It can help the blind people cross the road. What is it?5. It likes peaches. It can climb trees. It has a long tail. What is it?1.A2.B3.C4.D5. E.第 4 页 共 4 页


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