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西宁市2019年六年级下册小升初冲刺训练英语试卷(八)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题AyourByou2 . name is Janet. ( )AMyBMeCYou3 . This is . ( )Athe Spring FestivalBthe Mid-Autumn FestivalCthe Double Ninth Festival选出下列各组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。4 . AbiteBhappilyCquicklyDbig5 . AwakeBmakeCsadDcake6 . AnetBgetChelpDbecome7 . AwalkedBlaughedCwantedDasked8 . AbecomeBcomeCbutDfrom9 . I am looking the new book. ( )AtoBforCwith10 . What is this?( )Its white.Aweather BnameCcolour11 . _ are very long and they dont have feet. ( )AElephantsBTigersCSnakes12 . 这是一个橙色的橘子。( )AThis is a orange orange.BThis is an orange orange.13 . Billy is too fat. He can t of the door.( )AgetBgets outCget out14 . m _sic ( )AuBeCo15 . 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项(_)1. A. zoo B. panda C. park(_)2. A. clean B. film C. play(_)3. A. windy B. snowy C . grape(_)4. A. healthy B. dance C. draw(_)5. A. May B. Monday C. July16 . Four girls and a boy _ a computer in our class.Ahave got Bhas got Care17 . 选出不同类的单词。( )1.A.sofaB.tableC.bedD.chicken( )2.A.chairB.openC.phoneD.table( )3.A.studyB.kitchenC.chickenD.bathroom( )4.A.fridgeB.computerC.quietD.desk( )5.A.keyB.candyC.toyD.have二、任务型阅读18 . 阅读理解。This is the map of China. This is Xiamen. Its in the south of China. Its a beautiful city. This is Harbin. Its in the north of China. In winter, we can go there to see snow and ice. Its cold there. This is Qingdao. Its a beautiful city, too. Its in the east of Shandong. Its also in the east of China. Beijing is the capital of our country.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 1.Xiamen is in the south of China.( ) 2. Qingdao is a nice city.( ) 3. Its hot in Harbin.( ) 4. Beijing is the capital of our country.( ) 5. We can go to see snow and ice in Qingdao in winter.三、判断题19 . 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(25分)Daming and Sam went to the Great Wall yesterday.They went there by bus.The Great Wall was very beautiful.They were hungry and thirsty,so they bought some bread and juice.They also bought some postcards about the Great Wall.They had a good time yesterday.( )(1)Daming and Sam went to the British Museum and the River Thames.( )(2)They went there by car.( )(3)They werent thirsty.( )(4)They bought some flowers.( )(5)They had a good time yesterday.四、连词成句20 . 连词成句。1. lakes, any, on, the, mountain, there, are _?2. the, dog, it, is, in, front, of _. 3. do, any, kung fu, can, you _?4. your, favourite, food, is, what _?5. Sally, cleans, her, house, often_.五、书面表达21 . 书面表达My animal friendI haveIt isIt hasIt hasIt can_第 5 页 共 5 页


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