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海口市2019版五年级下册期中测试英语试卷(二)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . What is he? ( ) _ is a driver.ASheBheCHe2 . _are you?Fine. ( )AHowBOhCYou3 . She have a knife. ( )AhasBdontCdoesnt4 . They all enjoy the festival _ home. ( )AinBonCat5 . Its timebasketball. ( )Ato playBplayCplaying6 . I _ dance.( )AneedBcan7 . Did Tom go to Hangzhou? ( )ANo, he cant.BNo, he went to Beijing.选出下列单词中属于不同类的。8 . AAprilBwinterCMay9 . AinBtripCmeet10 . Aschool tripBsports meetCNew Years Day11 . AwhenBinCwhat12 . AmeetBcontestCon13 . _ did he go? ( )AWheresBWhatCWhere14 . When is your birthday? ( )Its _October.AinBonCat二、阅读选择阅读理解Peters father wants to know how his son is getting along in school. One day he asks, “Peter, how are you getting along in school? What is your place in the class?” “Number twenty-one.” “And how many students are there in your class?” “Twenty-one, Father.”Some weeks pass. One day Peter brings home his test paper.“Whats your place in the class now?”“Number twenty now.”“Good. Then you are one place ahead.”“No, Father. One of the students left the class. His family goes to another town.”单词小览number n. 第名be getting along 进展得place n. 名次pass v. 过去test paper 考试卷ahead adv. 向前地根据上文,选择正确的答案。15 . Peter is getting along _ in school. ( )A. poorB. wrongC. well16 . Peter is always in number _ in his class. ( )A. twentyB. twenty-oneC. twenty-two17 . Peter is one place ahead because _. ( )A. He studies hardB. He likes to studyC. His classmate leaves the class三、填空题请根据提示填空。18 . 作家_19 . 公司职员_20 . 警察_21 . firefighter _22 . nurse_23 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空1.I _ (be) going to jump.2.I dont know how _ (drive) the car.3.The Green Apple Team won the game_the end. (介词)4.Sorry, _(be) late for school, Miss Fang.5.They_(enjoy) themselves last week.6.Hi, Judy. Its 11 oclock now. You are 30 minutes late. What _you _ (do) now?Im so sorry, Jenny. I _ (have) my brunch. _ (not wait) for me.7.The apple is _(small) than the watermelon.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)I am Tom.Everyone in my family has a hobby.My fathers hobby is collecting stamps.He has a lot of stamps from other countries. My mother likes reading and collecting books.My grandpa has many old clocks and watches.His hobby is collecting toy cars. So you can see books,stamps,clocks,watches,maps and toys cars in our house.24 . Tom likes collecting stamps. (_)25 . Toms mum likes collecting books. (_)26 . Toms grandpas hobby is collecting toy cars. (_)27 . Toms grandma likes collecting maps. (_)28 . There are many stamps from other countries in Toms house. (_)五、英汉混合29 . 英汉互译。1. 经常_2. 困难的_3. world_4. knife_六、填内容补全对话30 . 填一填本课的对话A: Is this a _ your family, Ben?B: Yes, it is.A: _ a _ man in it. _ is he?B: He is my_. The _is my _.A: Who is this _?B: Its my _.七、改错31 . 改错题。1. It can cleans the streets._改为_2. People washed clothes on hand._改为_3. We still have lot of time to play._改为_4. Now we use a wash machine._改为_八、匹配题给下列句子选择相对应的答语。AIts a monster.BYes, it is. It is a red chair.CIm fine, thank you.DIts in the desk.ENo, it isnt. It is in the book.32 . Where is my bag? (_)33 . Is it in the bag? (_)34 . Is it a chair? (_)35 . Whats this?(_)36 . How are you? (_)第 6 页 共 6 页


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