海口市2019年英语三年级上册Module 1 Greetings单元测试卷 (五)C卷

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海口市2019年英语三年级上册Module 1 Greetings单元测试卷 (五)C卷_第1页
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海口市2019年英语三年级上册Module 1 Greetings单元测试卷 (五)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Whos she? ( )Shes _.Amy mother.Bmy father.2 . Can your sister draw well? ( )_very well.AItsBNotCCant3 . Whats this? ( )_.AIts a book about ChinaBIts niceCThank you4 . 选出不同类的一项( )AplaneBcarCcat看图,选择与图意、句子相符的选项。5 . We go to the market by bus. ( )AB6 . ( )Aa computerBa keyboard7 . ( )ApizzaBsalad8 . This is Mrs Duck. ( )AB9 . ( )AMy mother is a policewoman.BMy father is a doctor.10 . ( )AIm going to buy some gifts in Hainan.BIm going to buy some books in the bookstore.11 . Does your pen pal live in Canada? ( ). He lives in Beijing. AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CYes, he is.12 . Before theremany whales, but now therenot many. ( )Awas; isBwere; areCwere; is选出每组中不同类的一项。13 . AfootballBbasketballCthink14 . AcatchBplayCfirst15 . AcanBteamCshould16 . AgoalkeeperBfastCfan17 . ArunBwellCjump18 . Grandma is sleeping.You cant _.Areading a bookBdoing your homeworkCplay the drum19 . Whats your mothers job? ( ) _.AShes friendly.BShes a doctor.CYes, it is.二、情景交际20 . 你告诉妈妈你喜欢那个桔子,你会说:( )ADo you likeBI like oranges.CI like that orange.21 . 当你想表达“它是一只黑狗”时,你应该说:( )AIts a black dog.BIts a black cat.三、选内容补全对话22 . 根据对话内容补充对话。AHow are you?BGood morning!CYes, I am.DGoodbye!EIm fine, too. Thank you.Alice:Good morning,Miss Fang.Miss Fang: 1._Are you Alice?Alice: 2._Miss Fang: 3._Alice:Im fine, thank you. And you?Miss Fang: 4._Alice: Goodbye,Miss Fang.Miss Fang: 5._第 4 页 共 4 页


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