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济南市2019年四年级下册期中检测英语试卷(一)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . How much is ? ( )Five yuan.Ahot dogBa hot dogChot dogs2 . 根据汉语意思,选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。(_) 1. wy(路)A. aB. oC. u(_) 2. tr(尝试)A. gB. yC. i(_) 3. dp(深的)A. eaB. aeC. ee(_) 4. hle(洞,孔)A. oB. aC. e(_) 5. sml(微笑)A. i,eB. a, eC. u, e3 . The bird lives the tree. ( )AinBonCof4 . _ your father cooking the meat _ some potatoes? ( )ADoes; withBIs; forCDoes; forDIs; with5 . Schoolis _.Letsgohome. ( )AonBupCover6 . What are we going to do? ( )AWere going to do some research.BHes going to collect pictures.CShes going to find information.7 . 选出下列每组单词中与所给单词同类的一项。(_) 1. hand A.enjoyB.mouthC.tomato(_) 2. often A.filmB.armC.always(_) 3. buy A.tellB.thiefC.music(_) 4. wrong A.trainB.carrotC.tall8 . - _, Tom? ( )- Tina cant find her kite now.AWhat are youBWhat happenedCWhat do you likeDWhat are you doing9 . Dont _ sad. ( )AbeBareCis10 . Where is Dad now?Im not sure. He _ be in the livingroom.AshallBMayCneedDmust11 . Where are you? ( )_AIm Sarah.BIts 6 oclock.CIm in Tianjin.选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。12 . AwriteBreadCpicture13 . ArunBtalkCthese14 . AsisterBmakeCbrother15 . AlistenBTVCread16 . AtakeBChinaCtalk二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择适当答案Alice is Lucys best friend. Lucy is going to hold a birthday party for Alice this Saturday afternoon. Would you like to go to the party? Now let me tell you how to go to Alices home. First, go to the bus stop near Peoples Park. Take the No.3 bus.Then get off at Xinhua bookstore. You can see white building on the right of it. Alices home is on the 2nd floor,202.17 . You can go to Alices home this _.( )A. Sunday afternoon B. Saturday afternoon18 . -Can I go to Alices home by the No.3 bus? -_.( )A. Sure B. Sorry, you cant.19 . The bus stop is near Peoples _.( )A. Zoo B. Park20 . The bookstore is on the _ of the white building. ( )A. right B. left21 . Alices home is on the _ floor. ( )A. second B. first三、填空题根据中文提示填空22 . The doctor _(帮助) sick people.23 . Liu Tao likes watching _(电影).24 . My sister usually _(画画) in the park with me.25 . I have an _(动物) friend.26 . It has red _(眼睛) and _(长长的) ears.27 . My uncle is an English _(教师).四、单词拼写28 . 将单词按正确的顺序排列。1.arec_2. saher_3.umpj_4.onlg _5. ihgh_6.nnerru_五、判断题29 . 判断下列单词画线部分读音是()否()相同。(_) 1. like visit(_) 2. future full(_) 3. withthank(_) 4. dear nearly六、选内容补全对话选择合适的句子补全对话,有项是多余的。A. What about you?B. Nice to meet you too.C. Im Xiaoyu. Im from Guangdong D. Good morning.E. Welcome. A: Good morning!B: 30 . A: Im Tom. Im from the USA31 . B: 32 . A: Nice to meet you.B: 33 . .七、改错选出下列句子中错误的一项,并在题后的横线上将其改正34 . They sawa interesting showlast Sunday.(_)_ABC35 . Tom wantedgive mea fish.(_)_ABC36 . Was hego fishingyesterday?(_)_ABC37 . The childrenwashungry and wet.(_)_A BC38 . Mike went to a farm and pick some appleslast Sunday. (_)_ABC八、匹配题选出合适的答句。AYes, there are.BLets go boating.CYes. There arent many people.DThree.ENo, there isnt.39 . The park is so quiet. (_)40 . How many people are there? (_)41 . Are there any tall buildings? (_)42 . Is there a river in the park? (_)43 . There are small boats. (_)九、连词成句44 . 连词成句:early, bed, go, to ( . )_第 6 页 共 6 页


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