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河北省2019年六年级上册期中模拟测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . We all go out except_. ( )AIBmeChim2 . The library _ at five. ( )AcloseBclosesCclosing3 . Mr Han often to work subway. ( )Ago; onBgoes; atCgoes; by4 . Jack often _fishing on Sundays. But he _kites with Mike last Sunday. ( )Agoes; flewBgoes; fliesCwent; flew5 . Look at the picture. My grandma _ young then. ( )AisBwasCwere6 . He_to the mountains yesterday. ( )AwentBdoCgoes7 . Dont go out. Its raining _. ( )AquicklyBheavilyCloudlyDhardly8 . Mike _ fun yesterday. ( )AhadBhasChaveDam9 . Mr Smith_swimming every weekend. But he_do it last week. ( )Agoes; didntBgoes to; didntCwent; didnt10 . We like _ play.AandBtwoCto二、阅读选择阅读理解。Hello,mynameisSarah.Igetupat6:50.Ihavebreakfastat7:30.ThenIgoto school.Ihavefourclassesinthemorningandtwoclassesintheafternoon. Ihave lunch attwelveoclockatschool.Igohomeat4:50.Havedinneratsevenoclock.Igotobedat9:30.11 . Sarahgetsupat _. ( )A6:40B6:50C7:0012 . Sarahhasbreakfastat _. ( )ABC13 . Sarahhas _classesallday. ( )A4B6C714 . Sarahhaslunch _. ( )AatschoolBathomeCinthelibrary15 . Sarahgoestobed at _ . ( )AnightoclockBtenoclockCninethirty三、填空题16 . 按要求写出各词的适当形式。1. go(现在分词)_2. tiger(复数)_3. nose(复数)_ 3. they(形容词性物主代词)_5. draw(现在分词)_6. she(宾格)_7.big(反义词)_8. like(第三人称单数)_9. good(反义词)_10. he(宾格)_四、单词拼写将下列字母按正确顺序排列。17 . gyanr _18 . anple _19 . sitvi _20 . sbywau _21 . ghirt _22 . oushld _23 . cimane _24 . obyhb _25 . arehs _26 . rognw _五、任务型阅读27 . 读信件,判断正(T)误(F)。Dear John,My name is Feng Yang. Im a boy. Im a student in Grade 5. I often help my father and mother do housework on weekends. I can sweep the floor, set the table, do the dishes and make the bed at home. But I cant cook the meals. My mother says it is very dangerous(危险). But I would like to have a try. Please tell me something about yourself(你自己).Your pen pal,Feng Yang( )1. Feng Yang is Johns pen pal.( )2. He can help his parents do housework at home.( )3. He can cook the meals and sweep the floor.( )4. He doesnt want to cook the meals.( )5. He is helpful at home.六、汉译英根据汉语提示,完成句子。28 . 我怎样才能到达你的房子?_ can I _ your house?29 . 在大街上,我们必须等到绿灯,才能通行。We _the green man, then we can walk.30 . 你可以乘公交车上学。You can _ school.31 . 你必须遵守交通规则。You _ traffic _.32 . 今天你必须呆在家里休息,因为你病了。Today you must _ at home and _ because you _.七、英汉混合小小翻译家。33 . classmate _34 . 高兴的_35 . girl _36 . 新的_37 . Christmas _38 . 谢谢你_39 . pencil _40 . 英俊的_41 . the supermarket _42 . 在动物园_八、句型转换按要求改写句子。43 . My father is a teacher.(对画线部分提问)_44 . There are three people in my family.(对画线部分提问)_45 . She is a student.(用复数形式改写)_46 . Is she your sister? (给出肯定回答)_47 . He is a farmer.(否定句)_九、匹配题48 . 给问句选答句,把序号填在题前括号内。(_) 1. Can I read the books here?(_) 2. Where is Amy?(_) 3. Whats the little monkey doing?(_) 4. Keep your room clean. (_) 5. What are the pandas doing?AShes reading a book in the classroom.BOK, I will.CYes. Of course. DTheyre eating bamboo.EIts playing with its mother.第 6 页 共 6 页

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