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山西省2020版六年级下册期中模拟测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Animals and plants live _ Earth. ( )AonBon theCin the2 . We should learn _take care of ourselves. ( )AfromBtoCfor3 . Welcome back _ school.( )AatBinCto4 . I am sleeping, _ the telephone rings. ( )AorBbutCso5 . _ are you doing? ( ) Im practicing for the talent show.AHowBWhatCWho6 . Do you answer the questions _? ( )AactiveBactivelyCactivety7 . Its hot. Please _ your hat. ( )Atake offBput awayCput on8 . John can play _football. He cant play _piano. ( )Athe; 不填B不填; theC不填; 不填根据图片提示, 选出相应的句子。9 . ( )AGoodbye, Lili.BHello! Yangyang.10 . ( )AGood morning, Mrs Li.BGood afternoon, Mrs Li.11 . ( )AHi! Whats your name?BGodbye!12 . The dogs are very _.( )AusingBusefulCuse二、填空题13 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Are you going to run on _(sport) day?2. I _ (be) going to jump.3. I am the_ (win) in this game.4. Im going to run the 100 _ (metre).5. Good _ (lucky) to you.14 . 用适当的介词填空。1.Mike lives _Sunshine Town. It is far _the school.2.My brother always gets up _seven oclock.3.This toy is _you, Tim.Thank you.4.Dont leave your books _, Yang Ling. )5.Turn right _the third traffic lights. The bookshop is _ your left.6.Wang Bing lives _Flower Street. He goes to school _bus. 三、排序题15 . 给下列句子排序。(_)I am sad.(_)Why?(_)Im sorry to hear that.(_)Because I have a lot of homework to do. I cant go to the zoo.(_)Whats wrong?四、任务型阅读Read and write Tor F.Bubby has got a doorbell. If you visit him, you must ring his doorbell.One day, Mr. Panda visited him. He knocked at his door. He knocked and knocked. After a while, Bubby shouted in the room, Please ring the doorbell! But Mr. Panda didnt hear it. He knocked again. This time, Bubby opened the door and said, Dont knock at the door. I cant hear. Ring the doorbell, please.16 . Bubby doesnt have a doorbell. (_)17 . One day, Mr. Panda visited him and rang the doorbell. (_)18 . Bubby didnt at home that day. (_)19 . Bubby asked Mr. Panda to ring the doorbell. (_)五、汉译英20 . 鱼生活在水里。 Fish _ in the _.六、匹配题请找出下面句子的中文意思,将其编号写在括号里A挥挥你的手臂。B打开你的铅笔盒C摸你的鼻子。D坐下。E你叫什么名字?F摇摇你的身体。G摸摸你的头。H. 转个圈。I. 跺跺你的脚。J.让我看看你的蜡笔。21 . Touch your nose.(_)22 . Whats your name?(_)23 . Touch your head.(_)24 . Open your pencil case.(_)25 . Turn around.(_)26 . Sit down.(_)27 . Show me your crayon.(_)28 . Wave your arms.(_)29 . Shake your body. (_)30 . Stamp your foot.(_)七、其他31 . 用所给单词造句1.cake_2.party_3.candle_4.candy_5.table_第 5 页 共 5 页

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