沈阳市2019年英语六年级下册Lesson 3 Let's Play! 练习卷C卷(模拟)

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沈阳市2019年英语六年级下册Lesson 3 Let's Play! 练习卷C卷(模拟)_第1页
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沈阳市2019年英语六年级下册Lesson 3 Lets Play! 练习卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Its time _ go home now. ( )AtoBfor2 . my grandma. ( )AHesBShes3 . The panda is _fruit.AeatBeattingCeating4 . The work is _ difficult. ( )AtwoBtooCto5 . My friend _ watch TV. ( )AlikeBlikesClikes to二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择合适的答案。John lives in a tall building in the city of Beijing. There are eighteen floors in the building, and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He uses a lift(电梯)to go up and down.John works very hard. He goes to work early. Every day he gets out of the lift. Then he walks to a bus stop. It is about two hundred meters from his home.He usually catches the number 11 bus to work. John works in a factory about ten kilometers from his home. He starts working at 8:30, and finishes at 4:30. He gets back home at 5:15. He gets into the lift, and he goes up to the twelfth floor. Then he gets out of the lift and climbs up to the fifteenth floor on foot.6 . John is in _. ( )Athe USABChinaCCanada7 . He lives on _. ( )Athe eighteenth floorBthe twelfth floorCthe fifteenth floor8 . John usually goes to work _. ( )Aby busBon footCby train9 . He works for _ a day. ( )Aseven hoursBsix hoursCeight hours三、任务型阅读阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。I like many kinds of sports, basketball is one of them. In this sport, every member is an important part. Basketball is a sport more than just exercising. It needs team work. No one can play himself. A team should work together. We can enjoy running, jumping, shooting in the basketball game together with other members. No matter we win or not, we are happy, because we are fighting during the game, and our body become healthier. Come on, friends, love this game please, and enjoy your health and joy!Basketball requires speed, height and skills. I run, jump, switch, and try to hit! All parts of my body are exercised in this sport. I feel that Im like wind flying in the playground for my goal. It makes me feel so great!10 . In this sport, every member isnt an important part. (_)11 . Basketball is not only exercising, but also needs team work. (_)12 . When we win, we are happy, because we are fighting during the game, and our body become healthier. (_)13 . People can play himself, a team should work together. (_)14 . Basketball requires speed, height and skills. (_)四、英汉混合翻译句子。15 . Please come to my birthday party!_16 . Im going to be sixteen._17 . What are you going to do on Sunday?_18 . 你可以来吗?请回复。_19 . 我周六打算去看电影。_五、音标题20 . 选出画线部分读音不同的一项。(_)1Aride Bwith Cchild(_)2Aend Bdress Cwomen(_)3Anow Bshow Cyellow(_)4Acap Bshape Cname(_)5Ausually Bdry Csky第 3 页 共 3 页

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