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山东省2020版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷2C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There are _ vegetables in the kitchen. We need to buy some. ( )AfewBa fewCa little2 . I wrote Lisa a letter. But she didnt _. ( )ArepliesBreplyCreplied3 . _ is a box of mooncakes? ( )50 yuan.AHow manyBHow muchCHow old4 . _ are the ducks doing? ( ) Theyre eating our food.AWhenBWhatCWhere5 . You must keep _ the grass. ( )AawayBoffCupDon6 . What are these? ( )AIt is a sheep.BThese are sheeps.CThey are sheep.7 . I like _ in the sea. AswamBswimsCto swim8 . Lets school! ( )AgoBto go toCgo to9 . Dingding wants to _ a crayon _ Baobao. ( )Aborrow, toBborrow, fromCborrows, to10 . There_ a banana and some apples_ the plate. ( )Ais, inBare, onCare, at二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确选项。Im Jack. Today is Saturday. Myfamily are at home. My mother is in the kitchen. She is cooking fish for us. My father is in the bedroom. He likes reading newspapers on the bed. Im in the toilet. Where is my little brother, Tom? He is in the living room. He is playing with a toy car. He likes it very much. I love my family very much11 . Yesterday was . ( )A. SaturdayB. Friday12 . Where is Jacks mother ? ( )A. In the kitchen.B. She is cooking fish for us.13 . Where is Jack? ( )A. In the kitchen.B. In the toilet.14 . What is Tom playing with? ( )A. A toy car.B. His family.15 . There are_ people in Jacks family. ( )A. fourB. five三、填空题单词分类,将大写字母编号写在横线上。AonBfeverCfunDsurprisedEunderFtookGtoothache H. excitedI. beside J. stomachache K. rode L. fromM. met N. tiredO. headache P. went16 . illness(疾病):_17 . adjective (形容词):_18 . verb(动词):_19 . preposition(介词):_20 . The art room is on the _(one)floor of the building.四、排序题21 . 请你将下列句子按照一般生活规律重新排列1. I get up at half past six.2. I watch TV at six oclock.3. I go home at half past four.4. I go to school at half past seven.5. l go to bed at half past eight. 6. I have lunch at twelve oclock._五、任务型阅读根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。Today is Friday. Ill have a nice weekend. I am going to have a picnic with my family on Sunday in the park. We will go to the park by car. Well do many things there. First, we will go to the supermarket to buy a lot of food and drinks. Dad likes bread and butter. Mum needs to buy some fruit. Apples and bananas are her favourite fruit. I like snacks best. I want to buy some chocolate and a big packet of nuts. Then we are going to sit under a big tree and have a picnic there. And Im sure we will have a lot of fun there. I will also remember to keep the place clean after picnic.22 . Tomorrow is Saturday. (_)23 . I will have a picnic with my family on Sunday in the park. (_)24 . Dad likes bread and apples. (_)25 . My favourite food is apples and bananas. (_)26 . I like butter best. (_)六、句型转换27 . 按要求改写下列句子1.You mustnt play near fires in the kitchen. (换种表达,但意思不变)_2.Trees and grass burn in the fire. (改成否定句)_3.The firefighters are using a lot of water. (根据划线部分提问)_?4.Can you tell me about fire safety? (改成肯定句)_5.Yaz lives in a cave. (根据划线部分提问)_?6.What mustnt we do for fire safety? (根据实际情况回答)_七、匹配题28 . 从栏中选出与栏相匹配的句子,将其序号填入题前括号内III(_) 1. Whos your friend?ATheyre Helens.(_) 2. Can you come to school tomorrow?BIts a shirt.(_) 3. Where is Liu Tao?CHes in the library.(_) 4. Whats that over there?DHelen is.(_) 5. Whose jeans are these?ESorry, I cant.第 5 页 共 5 页

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