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拉萨市2019-2020学年外研版(一起)英语期中检测C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出单词中不同类的一项:( )AfruitBappleCpear选出不同类型的单词。2 . AmyBheCherDyour3 . AthreeBfourCfifthDsix4 . AtallBwindCshortDcold5 . AIByouChisDshe6 . AweBmyCherDhis7 . 选出每组中与众不同的一项: ( )AbehindBtheCwith8 . _ are they? ( )Theyre blue.AWhosBWhat colourCWhose9 . ( )He wants to be a taxi driver.AWhat does he do? BWhat does he want to be? CHow is he?10 . 季节 ( )AweatherBseason选出每组中不同类的单词。11 . AfamilyBsheChe12 . AdadBboyCmum13 . AsisterBmanCwoman14 . AwhoBtodayCwhere15 . AmyByourCthis16 . Look at the three ducks _ the water. ( )AatBunderCon17 . Howtreesarethere?( )AmanyBmuchCsome18 . Wheres the elephant? ( )_AYes, it is.BIts under the tree.19 . -What _ is it? ( )-Its eight oclock.AweatherBcolourCtime20 . Whats your _?Im Xiaoping.AnameBboyCgirl21 . _? ( ) Yes, they are.AAre they tallBAre you tall22 . - is he? ( )- Hes in Shenzhen.AWhereBWhoCWhat23 . _?Its here.AWhats thisBWheres the teacher?CWheres the libraryDIs it here二、情景交际24 . 你想问同学在家会做什么时,你应该说:_AWhat will you do at home?BWhat do you do at home?CWhat can you do at home?根据中文意思选择正确选项。25 . 在图中你能看到什么?应该这样说:( )AWhat can you see in the pictures?BWhat can you do?26 . 当你想问别人正在做什么,会说:( )AWhat are you?BWhat are you doing?27 . 你想告诉朋友蒂姆正在跳舞,应该这样说:( )ATim is dancing.BI am sleeping.28 . 你想告诉好朋友今天是自己的生日,应该说:( )AToday is my birthday .BToday is her birthday.29 . 当你想问别人来自哪里,应该这样说:( )AWhere are you going?BWhere are you from?30 . 当弟弟上台阶时,你可以说:( )AIm sorry.BYes, please.CMind the steps.31 . 当你迟到了,你应该对老师说:AYes ,Miss Green.BIm sorry, Miss Li.CCome in, please.三、英译汉32 . 将句子译成汉语:Lets go swimming!_33 . 翻译下面句子中画线的单词:How many? Lets count._34 . 将画线的短语译成汉语写在横线上:Six pupils dont like red._35 . 将句子译成汉语:The father lion is scary._36 . 将句子译成汉语:The giraffes are tall._四、判断题判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打T,错误的打F。37 . 这是我的嘴巴,可以说:This is my mouth.(_)38 . 请递给我一支铅笔,可以说:Give me a pen, please.(_)39 . 我会跳舞,可以说:I can draw.(_)40 . 她是我的奶奶,可以说:This is my grandfather.(_)41 . 他很矮,可以说:He is short.(_)判断对话与图片是(T)否(F)相符。42 . How many ducks? Five. (_)43 . Whats this? Its an elephant. (_)44 . Can I have some fish? Here you are. (_)45 . Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. (_)46 . I see red. I see yellow. (_)47 . 判断题。(_) 1. These are the Four Great Inventions of ancient China.(_) 2. I think paper is an great invention.(_) 3. I like wear it.48 . Look and write (T) or (F):There are some tall trees in the park. (_)49 . 判断图片与单词是否相符,相符写“T”,不符写“F”。1. fish(_)2. milk(_)3. rice(_)4. apple (_)5. noodles (_)6. man(_)50 . Read, think and write (T)or (F): pandadogbird_五、改错51 . 改错: This are my red cat._52 . 下列各句均有错误,请改正。1. He can speaks English very well._2. May I come back? No, you may._3. He doesnt buy something his brother._4. I cant not speak Japanese._5. What can you sister does?_53 . 选出错误的一项,将序号写在提前括号内,并把正确答案写在后面横线上。( ) 1.Ihaveanstorybook. _A B C D( ) 2.Ihave aruler. Meto! _A B C D E( ) 3.ShowIyour water _bottle. _A B C D( ) 4.Looktomynewbag. _A B C D E54 . 改错:what is your doing? _55 . 判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确,并选出出错误的单词:Lets to sing and dance. _六、匹配题56 . 给下列图片选择正确的单词或词组。Aheart-shaped cakeBice creamCstar-shaped cakeDjelly(_)1.(_) 2. (_)3.(_)4.七、连线题57 . 英汉对对碰。(连线)1. Whats this? a.它很胖。2. Its a baby monkey. b.它们是猴子。3. Its fat. c.它们是什么?4. They are monkeys.d.这是什么?5. What are they? e.它是一只猴宝宝。第 8 页 共 8 页


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