广州市2020版英语二年级下册Module 10 单元测试卷C卷

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广州市2020版英语二年级下册Module 10 单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、填空题1 . 选词填空。useful,bus,middleschool,things,Chinese1.Imgoingtothe_.2.Imgoingtolearnlotsofnew_.3.Icanspeak_.4.Chineseisvery_.5.Illgotoschoolby_.二、选内容补全对话2 . 选择句子,补全对话。AI like these purple flowers too.BDo you water them every day?CIt has big and thick leaves.DThere are many plants in my gardenLinda: Welcome to my garden, John. 1._John: 2._Linda: No, I dont. I water them every Wednesday. Look at this plant.John: Oh, it is tall. 3._It has three purple flowers. These purple flowers are beautiful. I like them.Linda: 4._三、连词成句3 . 连词成句。1. shouldnt, bed, to, go, late, you (.)_2. well, get, soon, will, you (.)_3. we, shall, do, what (?)_4. help, the, come, to, animals (.)_5. teeth, morning, every, your, brush, evening, and (.)_4 . 连词成句(注意标点符号、大小写)。1. has, it, got, long, nose, a, (.)_2. monster, the, hands, ten, has got, (.)_3. I, can, play, with, your, plane, (?)_4. is, there, a, pen, the, on, desk, (.)_5. lets, have, a, look, (.)_5 . 连词成句1. there a home is behind supermarket your (?)_2. are how going you the to Sunday cinema evening (?)_3. let the run dont dogs fast too (.)_4. grandmother will story my tell about a us Change (.)_5. lots have comic space books I of about (.)_6 . 连词成句(1)from, are, countries, flags, 193, These(.)_(2)from, I, to, show, Daming, a, China, want, present (.)_(3)in, the, UN, there, are, member, states, many, how (?)_(4)UN, want, Do, you, to, visit, the, New, York, building, in (?)_连词成句。(写序号)7 . meetNicetoyou_.8 . aboutWhatanegg_?9 . thankyou,No_.10 . Yesplease,_.第 4 页 共 4 页


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