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太原市2020年五年级上册期中调研测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Would you like _ bread for your breakfast? ( )AanyBsome. C2 . Would you like a new bike for your birthday? ( )AYes, please.BNo, I dont.CYes, I am.3 . What are they _?( )AdoingBdoesCdo4 . Our teacher often asks us to practice _. ( )AwritingBspeaksCreads5 . My uncle is _coach. He works in _ gym. ( )Aa; aBan; aCan; an6 . Would you like _ in a world with no pandas, tigers or whales? ( )Ato liveBliveClives7 . Lets play! OK? ( )_AThanks.BWow!CGreat!8 . The robot is stuck in the mud. He is_. ( )AhappyBinterestingCworried9 . My socksblue. ( )AamBisCare10 . Mum, Im hot. Id like _. ( ) OK, here you are.Aa sweetBa glass of waterCsome cakes二、阅读选择根据短文内容选择最佳答案。I am a Chinese girl. I am 12. My brother and I are the same age. We are pupils. I had my birthday on May 25th. My mother bought a big doll for me. My father bought a bike for me. I had a good time on my birthday.11 . She is a _ girl.( )A. English B. Chinese C. American12 . Her brother is _ years old. ( )A. eleven B. thirteen C. twelve13 . She had her birthday on _.( )A. March 12th B. May 25th C. April 15th14 . Her mother bought a _ for her. ( )A. kite B. bike C. big doll15 . Her father bought a _ for her. ( )A. bike B. doll C. cake三、填空题16 . 选词填空she he1. Amy is my friend. is from the UK.2. Wu Yifan is a boy. is from Shandong China.3. That man is Mr Jones. is my teacher.4. That women is Miss Green. Is my teacher, too.四、阅读回答问题阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Hello! Im Li Ming. Im a school boy. Im tall and strong. We have lunch at school. I like beef very much. But I dont like noodles. We have beef on Mondays. And we have P.E. that day. We all like our P.E. teacher. So Monday is my favourite day.17 . Li Mings favourite food is noodles. (_)18 . They have lunch at home. (_)19 . On Mondays,Li Ming has a P.E. class. (_)20 . Li Mings favourite day is Tuesday.(_)五、汉译英汉译英。21 . 休息一下_22 . 拿了一小瓶_23 . 太多面条_24 . 太重了_25 . 去超市_六、句型转换26 . 按要求改写句子。1Whats this? Its a bus.(改为复数形式)2. There is some milk in the glass.(改为一般疑问句)3. Do it like that.(改为否定句)4. He saw elephants yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)5. She does her homework at 7:00.(改为否定句)七、看图题数一数每一种颜色的物品有几个。27 . red(_)28 . green(_)29 . yellow(_)30 . blue(_)31 . orange(_)32 . black(_)33 . white(_)34 . pink(_)35 . brown(_)36 . purple(_)八、音标题37 . 读一读,找出句子中与所给单词画线部分发音相同的单词抄写在四线格里。I have a big robot and a black ball. Theyre my birthday presents(礼物). book38 . 选出划线部分发音不同的一项。( ) 1. A. bikeB. timeC. milkD. smile( ) 2. A. bagB. nameC. catD. cap( ) 3. A. kickB. fishC. sitD. time( ) 4. A. pictureB. iceC. lifeD. ride( ) 5. A. cityB. pigC. liftD. like九、书面表达39 . 写作乐园仔细阅读表格中的内容,介绍你和家人的出行情况。(不少五句话)(提示词:bybike,bybus,byplane,on foot)_第 6 页 共 6 页

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