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内蒙古自治区2019年六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(一)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There are many ducks_the lake.( )AonBunderCbetween2 . - How many crayons do you have?- _ANine.BIm fine.CIts a canyon.3 . You should care about your _ and live _.( )Ahealth, healthyBhealthily, healthChealth, healthily4 . ( )AThe monkey is in the box.BThe monkey is under the box.CA. The monkey is on the box.5 . It will _ in Qingdao. ( )AsnowyBbe snowCsnow6 . Are there _ matches in your home? ( )Yes, there are.AsomeBanyCmuch7 . Lingling is _ shy. ( )AbitBa bitCa bit of8 . I was born on _, 2004. ( )AAugust 3rdBApril 1thCMay 3nd选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。9 . AwhiteBsweaterCpants10 . AhotBcoolCweather11 . AhorseBpotatoCcow12 . AtheseBthoseCmine13 . AfortyBPECeleven14 . We should _ a long walk. ( )AtakeBtakingCto take15 . _ are you? ( )I am in the living room.AWhatBWhoCWhere16 . We are _ you to the hospital. ( )AwithBtakeCtaking选出不同类的一项17 . AteacherBnurseCjump18 . AsportBfootballCbasketball19 . He _so tired. He _ to go to bed now. ( )Ais, wantBis, wantsCare, wants20 . We are going to _ books. ( )AreadBreading21 . What time is it? ( )_AHere is my homework.BHe is 36.CIts 10 oclock.二、阅读选择阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。Tom: Hello! Do you go to school every day?Lily: No, we go to school from Monday to Friday.Tom: What are you going to do this Sunday?Lily: I am going to swim.Tom: What about your brother, John?Lily: No, he is going to fly a kite. Tom: Where is he now?Lily: He is at home. He is making the kite.Tom: Can I go and see him?Lily: Sure. Lets go.22 . Lily goes to school_ ( )Aevery dayBMonday and FridayCfrom Monday to Friday23 . Lilys brother is _ ( )ATomBJohnCI dont know24 . John is _ now. ( )Aat homeBat schoolCswimming25 . John is going to _ this Sunday. ( )AswimBmake a cakeCfly a kite26 . Tom is going to _ now. ( )Asee LilyBsee JohnCfly a kite.三、填空题27 . 选择合适的单词完成句子。visit, Chinese, easy, live, about1. My cousin and his parents _ in Hong Kong. 2. Lily will _ the UK next year. 3. Have you got a book _ the world?4. Tingting, Xiaoxue and I are all _. 5. Its _ for him to get up at half past five.28 . 选词填空(词汇运用)fireworks visit January dinner dumplings Chinese Chinafireworks visit January dinner dumplings Chinese China(1)The Spring Festival comes in_or February every year(2)People also call it_New Year(3)On Chinese New Years Eve,families have a big _togetherThey often eat fish and_(4)People_their friends and relatives(5)People also watch_at night29 . 按照例句写出相应的形式。Clean the room I am cleaning the room.1. Look at the sun,_2. Talk about the picture._3. Sing over there._30 . 填空题根据给出的大写或者小写字母写出相应的大小写。1. W _ u _ V _根据图片,填上合适的单词。2.How many flowers?_ flowers.填上合适的单词。3._ umbrellas?Two.写出所给字母的左邻右舍。4. _ Ss _ Vv _填上合适的介词。5.Uncle Li is _ a van.根据图片的提示填单词。6.There are _ chicks.四、单词拼写31 . 补全本课出现的单词1. f_st2. libr_3. com_ter4. _ther5. t_k (过去式)五、任务型阅读32 . In some parts of the world there are large deserts. There are no trees and no water there. Travelers must take food and water with them. The only animal that can walk through the desert is the camel. It can go without food or water for a long time and it can carry heavy things. People call the camel “the ship of the desert”. The camels humps(驼峰)hold fat, and its stomach(胃)holds water in twelve deep pockets. Each pockets has a mouth which closes, and the food does not mix (说合)with the water. When the camel wants some water it can get it out of the pockets. The camels food is grass and leaves of trees.根据短文内容,判断正误正确的写T,错误的写F。( )Camels can walk through the desert because they dont drink or eat.( )People call the camels “the ship of the desert”,because all camels can swim in the desert.( )All camels have less than three humps.( )Every camel, even the young, has got twelve pockets in its stomach.( )Camels eat only grass.六、句型转换按要求完成下列各题。33 . 你会弹琵琶吗?(译成英语)_34 . I can do some kung fu.(变成否定句)_35 . Are there any rivers in the village?(变成单数句子)_36 . Is there a lake in the nature park?(作肯定回答)_37 . are, there, many trees, here(.)(连词成句)_七、匹配题38 . 填上适当的字母。Excuse me._AGo down this street and turn left.What do you want to buy?_BIts cold and snowy.Wheres the library?_CTo the grocery store.Where are you going?_ DYes ?Hows the weather?_EI want to buy a new dress.八、连词成句39 . 连词成句。1am to going I buy a comic book_.2are you what going to do afternoon this_?3to going am I my room clean_.4you are where going tomorrow _?5by I going am plane_.九、书面表达40 . 小练笔。Although winter means cold weather, I love it all the same. I think winter is a beautiful season, especially when it snows. Snowflakes fall down naughtily. They fall on branches of trees, on roofs of houses and on wheat fields. Soon the whole earth will be dressed in white. Everything is shining in the sun. Every time it snows, I will remember an old saying, Winter has come, can spring be far away?虽然冬天意味着寒冷,但我仍然热爱冬天。我认为冬天是一个美丽的季节,尤其是下雪的日子。雪花像玲珑剔透的小精灵,调皮地飘落下来。它们落在树枝上,屋顶上和麦田里。很快整个大地都银妆素裹起来。太阳出来后,万物都闪烁着光芒。每次下雪,我都会记起一句格言:“冬天来了,春天还会远吗?”Do you like winter? Write something about what you like to do in winter._第 9 页 共 9 页

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