贵阳市2019版英语三年级上册 Module 7 Let's look back单元测试卷(三)B卷

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贵阳市2019版英语三年级上册 Module 7 Let's look back单元测试卷(三)B卷_第1页
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贵阳市2019版英语三年级上册 Module 7 Lets look back单元测试卷(三)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The boy is going tonext week.( )Aplay basketballBtake a tripCvisit teacher2 . 根据汉语提示,选出正确的单词。【小题1】优美地( )AbeautifulBbeautifullyCbeauty【小题2】饮料( )AdrinkBdrankCsang【小题3】忙碌的( )AtimeBhappyCbusy【小题4】游戏;比赛( )AfootballBgameCpicnic【小题5】在那儿( )AthereBhereCwhere从四个选项中选出不同类的一项。3 . AeastBwestCsouthDin4 . AtookBsawCleaveDdid5 . AcheaperBlongestClargestDhottest6 . AstoneBgrassCwaterDhome7 . AtrainBwriteCbusDsubway8 . AthereBwhereCweatherDhere9 . AcityBtownCschoolDprovince10 . AfruitBfindCfoodDvegetables11 . 读句子,选答语。( ) 1. What time is it?( ) 2. Can I have a try?( ) 3. Its 6: 00.( ) 4. Lets play football.( )5. Whats her name?( ) 6. Is this the library?AIts time to get up.BYes, it is.CHer name is Mary.DOK!EYes, you can.FIts ten oclock.12 . Those boxes are. ( )AtheirsBherCour13 . Beijing is the_ of China. ( )AnorthBcountryCcapital14 . - Is it your cap?- No, it is _ cap.ADannyBDannysCDannys15 . You _ my teacher. ( )AareBam16 . Mum usually _ a bus to work, but today she _ a taxi, because its raining. ( )Atakes; takesBtakes; is takingCis taking; takes17 . _ your head. ( )ATouchesBtouchCTouch二、情景交际18 . 当朋友想知道你在香港买了什么东西时,他可以问:_( )AWhat did you buy in Hong Kong?BWhat did you see in Hong Kong?CWhat did you do in Hong Kong?三、填空题用所给单词的适当形式填空。19 . He is good at _ (dance).20 . Liu Tao often _ (fly) kites and _(play) football after school.21 . Do you have a _ (swim) lesson? Yes, I do.22 . The art room is on the _ (two) floor.23 . My cousin cant skate very_. (good )四、判断题24 . 判断汉语与英语是(T)否(F)对应。【小题1】书包(bag)_【小题2】钢笔(pencil)_【小题3】小鸟(boy)_【小题4】小狗(dog)_【小题5】书(book)_【小题6】帽子(cat)_【小题7】猫(hat)_【小题8】铅笔(pen)_【小题9】男孩(boy)_【小题10】女孩(bird)_【小题11】门(door)_【小题12】窗(window)_五、字母题按字母顺序写出下列字母的大小写形式,并划出其中的元音字母。25 . Aa _ Gg26 . Mm _ Rr27 . Ss _ Xx28 . Ee _ Ll29 . Qq _ Vv第 5 页 共 5 页

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