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吉林省2020年(春秋版)英语五年级下册专项训练三:完形与阅读C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择阅读并判断下列句子,选择正确的答案。This is Teddys bedroom. In the room we can see a map on the wall. It is a map of China. The books are on the desk. There is a clock on the desk, too. The skirts are on the bed. The shoes are under the chair. There are two end tables near the bed. There is a mirror on the bed. The room is not big, but its very nice. Teddy likes it very much.1 . Whats on the wall? ( )AThere is a clock.BThere is a map.2 . What can you see on the desk? ( )ASome books.BSome skirts.3 . -Where are the shoes? ( )- Theyre_Aunder the desk.Bunder the chair.4 . -Whats the room like? ( )- Its _.AprettyBsmall.5 . -Whose room is it? ( )- Its_.ATomsBTeddys阅读理解。A Clever Man Has Little HairTom is not old, but he does not have much hair. His wife Linda has thick(厚的) and black hair. They have a son, his name is Jimmy. He is six years old.One day, Tom is reading a book in his room. Jimmy looks at his father for a long time and asks his mother, “Why does father have so little(少的) hair, Mum?” “He has little hair because he thinks a lot. He is a very clever man,” Linda says with a smile.“Then why do you have so much hair, Mum?” asks Jimmy.6 . What color is Lindas hair? ( )AyellowBblackCbrownDgray7 . Linda and Tom are Jimmys _. ( )AfriendsBgrandparentsCparentsDteachers8 . How old is Jimmy? He is _ years old. ( )AsixBsevenCeightDnine9 . Linda tells Jimmy Tom has little hair because he is a _ man. ( )AfoolishBcleverCkindDlovely10 . What do you think of Linda? She is a _ mother. ( )AbeautifulBhappyCcleverDfoolish阅读理解。It is a sunny morning. Robin is going to sit on the grass when he hears, “Wait”! It is a little ant. He is afraid. “Please dont sit on me. One day I can help you.”“Dont worry, little ant. I wont sit on you,” says Robin.The next day, it is raining. Robin is in the park. He is stuck(陷入) in the mud. He is worried.Then he hears, “Let us help you!” It is the ant and all of his friends.They are strong. They pull Robin out of the mud.Everyone is happy.11 . Where is Robin going to sit on? ( )AFloor.BPark.CGrass.12 . Who says “wait”to Robin? ( )AAn ant.BA boy.CSome ants.13 . Where is Robin stuck in(陷入)? ( )ARain.BMud.CAnt.14 . Who pulls Robin out of the mud? ( )AHis friends.BAn ant.CThe ant and his friends.15 . Which statement is true(正确的)? ( )ARobin is playing in the zoo.BHe sits on the grass.CThe ants and his friends pull Robin out of the mud.阅读短文,选出正确的答案。Mum and I go shopping. We dont have any meat (肉). We need to buy some. It was five yuan a kilo before (以前). But now two kilos are sixty yuan. I say, Mum, lets buy some fish. Mum answers, OK. Fish is Uncle Lees favorite food. We buy one kilo and a half. We also buy some vegetables and some chicken, but we dont buy any hamburgers. Uncle Lee doesnt like them at all. Mum also wants to buy me some apples. You know, I like apples very much.16 . How much is meat now? ( )AFive yuan a kilo.BFifteen yuan a kilo.CThirty yuan a kilo.17 . What doesnt mum buy? ( )AMeat.BChicken.CHamburgers.18 . Uncle Lees favorite food is _. ( )AfishBchickenCnoodles19 . The writers favorite fruit is _. ( )AapplesBbananasCoranges二、完形填空完形填空Its Saturday morning. There are many people in the park. Many of _are young and some are old. Some children are_games over there. Two boys are playing_their toy boats. There is a lake in the park. The water is very_and beautiful. There are some boats_the lake. _ the lake a young man is reading. There is a house near the lake. Beside_house two men are working. Look at that big tree! There are some birds_it. A cats is_up the tree. What does it_ to do? It wants to catch the birds.20 . AtheyBthemCthemselvesDtheir21 . AplayingBdoingCare playingDplay22 . AbyBforCinDwith23 . AcleanBdirtyCbusyDtidy24 . AatBonCfromDin25 . ABetweenBInCNearDUnder26 . AaBtheCanD27 . AonBinCwithDat28 . AclimbingBclimbCclimbsDclimbed29 . AwantsBthinkCthinksDwant30 . 完形填空。My name is Bill. Im 1 American boy. Im twelve. Im a student 2 a middle school. Im in Class 4, Grade 1. Li Lei my friend . Were in the 3 class. He is eleven. Here is a picture of 4 family! 5 look at it .His father, the one behind the tree, is a policeman. His mother, the one in the red hat, is a teacher of Chinese. He has 6 sisters. They are twins. Their names 7 Fang Fang and Fang Ling. They have a cat. 8 name is Mimi. Look! Its 9 the floor under the table. 10 twins are middle school students, too. They are in different 11 . They look after 12 at school. We are good friends.( )1.A. the B. a C. an D. /( )2.A. to B. of C. behind D. under( )3.A. same B. different C. one D. some( )4.A. him B. her C. he D. his( )5.A. Let us B. Its C. Let D. It( )6.A. five B. two C. three D. four( )7.A. be B. is C. are D. am( )8.A. It B. Its C. Its D. Its( )9.A. on B. in C. to D. behind( )10.A. The B. /C. A D. And( )11.A. team B. grade C. classes D. school( )12.A. I B. my C. mine D. meThere are 7 days in a week. They are _,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday and _Sunday is the first day _ a week. Monday is the _ day of a week. The _ day of a week is Saturday. In China,most people work _ days a week. They go to work _ Monday to Friday. They go to work _ bike every day. They dont go to work on Saturdays _ Sundays. They _ at home.31 . A. Monday B. Friday C. Thursday32 . A. Saturday B. Wednesday C. Sunday33 . A. of B. at C. on34 . A. second B. first C. third35 . A. first B. middle C. last36 . A. 5 B. 6 C. 737 . A. at B. from C. for38 . A. on B. by C. to39 . A. or B. and C. about40 . A. works B. stay C. finishIt is sunny today. My mother, my father and I go to a park. We like the park very much. It is very big and beautiful. There _ many trees and flowers in it. Many people like _ there. Look! An old man is sitting _ the chair. He _ a book carefully. Two boys _ on the ground. _ mothers are talking _ each other. Two birds _ in the sky. The ducks are swimming _ the river. They are very happy. What is the cat doing? Oh, it is running _ a mouse.41 . AamBisCare42 . AgoBgoesCto go43 . AinBatCon44 . Ais readingBreadsCread45 . AjumpBjumpsCare jumping46 . ATheirBTheirsCThey47 . AandBwithCof48 . Ais flyingBflyCare flying49 . AonBatCin50 . AbeforeBafterCunder三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正误,对的写T,错误的写F。Jenny is my good friend. She is eleven years old. She comes from America. Usually she goes to school on foot, because her home is near. Jennys mother is a teacher. She goes to work by subway, because its fast. What about her father? Her father is a doctor. He goes to work by car. On weekends, Jenny and I often go to the park. Sometimes we have a picnic. It is very funny.51 . Jenny is from the USA(_)52 . Jenny usually walks to school.(_)53 . Jennys father is a teacher.(_)54 . Jennys mother goes to work by car. (_)55 . Jenny and I are good friends.(_)56 . 根据短文内容判断正误,对的用T,错的用F。In the morning I get up at six. I wash my face and put on my clothes. Then I eat my breakfast with my family at six thirty. At six forty I go to school by bike. I am never late, but Tom is sometimes late and Mary is always late. They often run to school.【小题1】In the morning I get up at seven. (_)【小题2】I eat my breakfast with my family at six thirty. (_)【小题3】At six forty I go to school by bus. (_)【小题4】I am never late. (_)【小题5】Tom is always late.(_)57 . 我是智多星,判断我最行!Read and tick or cross. (判断正误)( )1.The man tells Zhang Pengs the way to the park.( ) 2.Jhon and Zhang Peng want to go to the park on foot( ) 3.The Peoples Park is near the traffic lights( ) 4.John wants to go at a red light.( ) 5.Zhang Peng follows(遵守)the traffic rules阅读,根据文章内容,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示。The weather in Shanghai is not always good. In winter it is often cold and wet. In summer it is very hot. Spring is very beautiful. It is not very cold, but we have a lot of rain in spring. Autumn is the best season. The days are clear and dry and it is sunny and warm all the time.The weather in Shanghai is sometimes warmer than in Beijing. But in summer it is cooler in Beijing than in Shanghai.58 . The weather in Shanghai is always good. (_)59 . It is rainy in spring in Shanghai. (_)60 . In winter it is often cold and dry in Shanghai. (_)61 . Autumn is the best season in the year in Shanghai. (_)62 . Sometimes it is warmer in Beijing than in Shanghai. (_)第 9 页 共 9 页

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