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长沙市2019-2020学年六年级下册小升初模测试英语试卷(五)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . It is _ story book.AtheBaCan选出每组中画线部分发音不同的一项。2 . AcatBcakeClate3 . AbedBpetCbe4 . AbigBbikeCcity5 . AhotBhomeClot6 . AtuneBdrumCfun7 . Do you want _ orange? ( ) No, Id like _ bottle of orange.Aa; anBan; aCthe; an8 . 看音标,选择画线部分的正确发音(_)1.game A./e?/B./i:/C./?/(_)2.cup A./?/B./ju:/C./:/(_)3.nice A./?e/B./?/C./a?/(_)4.fox A./z/B./s/C./ks/(_)5.cinema A./?/B./e/C./?/9 . Do you know inventions in China? ( )Aa lotBmuchCany10 . The elephant has two long teeth called _. ( )AtuskBtrunksCtusks选出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的选项。11 . AtryBmyCparty12 . AdrinkBhardCdraw13 . AsadBtakeClate14 . AhappyBjacketCcake15 . AfootBlookCschool16 . AstoriesBmushroomsCsnacks17 . 请根据下列情景,选择合适的句子。1.当你想询问照片上的女孩是谁时,你应该说:_2.当你向别人介绍你的妈妈时,你应该说:_3.你想知道照片里的男士是不是对方的爸爸,你应该问:_4.你想知道对面的男孩是不是朋友的哥哥时,你应该问:_18 . My _ is yellow.( )AshortBshortsCskirt19 . -Is she? ( )-No, she isnt. She is young.AstrictBfunCold20 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AhappilyBdeafCdifficultDmessy21 . 找出下列单词画线部分发音不同的一项。( )AowBlowerCindow22 . 选择重读正确的一项:( )AtomorrowBhappyCdinner23 . _ favourite festival is Childrens Day. ( )AHisBHimCHe24 . We _ have a computer lesson tomorrow afternoon.( )Ais going toBare going toCwas going to二、阅读选择阅读理解。Aunt Judys birthday is coming. She will be 38 years old. Dad and Mum are going to take me to her house. She lives in Guangzhou. We are going to go there by train. Her birthday party will be on Saturday. We are leaving on Friday afternoon. And we are coming back on Sunday evening. I am going to give my dear Aunt Judy a picture. I am drawing it now. I am drawing some beautiful flowers. I am drawing a small dog, too. Thats because she likes dogs. The picture will be very nice.25 . Aunt Judys birthday party will be on _.( )A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday26 . This is Aunt Judys _ birthday.( )A. thirty-eighth B. fortieth C. thirtieth27 . She lives in _, so we are going there by _.( )A. Shanghai; train B. Guangzhou; plane C. Guangzhou; train28 . I am drawing _.( )A. some dogs and a flower B. some flowers and a dog C. a dog and a flower29 . We are coming back on _.( )A. Friday evening B. Saturday evening C. Sunday evening三、完形填空Last weekend my parents and I went to the zoo. Here are lots of _ in it. First, I _ many monkeys. They were _ trees. Then we saw two _One is the mother panda._ is the baby panda. The mother is _ and bigger _ the baby panda. The baby panda is very cute. At last, we went to _ house. Wow, so many dogs. They are lovely and _ to us. Oh, what a funny _.30 . AanimalsBmonkeysCpandas31 . AcaughtBsawCbuy32 . AeatingBcatchingCclimbing33 . ApandaBpandasCpandas34 . AThe otherBOtherCAnother35 . AthinnerBfatterCfunnier36 . AthatBthanCthen37 . AdogsBdogsCdogs38 . AkindBsadCstrict39 . AparkBzooCanimal四、情景交际40 . 当你想问对方那位男士是不是你爸爸时,你可以说:_ ( )AThis is my father.BIs he your father?五、填空题41 . 根据提示完成句子1.Many girls_(试穿)the skirt.2.Many children _(live)in a big house.3.My ear_(hurt).His feet_(hurt)4.I _(have/have to)go now.5.Would you like _(drink)a glass of juice?6.Bobby _(like)_(pick)beautiful flowers.7.The Chinese teachers home _(be)near the street. 8.My father _(work)at home.9.There _(be)some medicine in the box.10.My mother is_(wash)the dishes.I am helping _(she)11.-What _(be)you _(do)?-Im _(sleep)42 . These _(be)some stamps from the UK.43 . 用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. The little girl is afraid of _(jump). 2. Alice is singer. She is good at _(sing).3. The Zhangs _(have) a big dinner at seven oclock. 4. My mother wants _(buy) some fruit in the supermarket. 5. my brother _(watch)television now.六、排序题44 . 排序,使其成为完整的对话。(_) Who is he? (_) Yes, youre right.(_) No, Guess. He has glasses and he is tall.(_) Oh, I know. Its Wu Yifan.(_) I have a good friend.(_) Is it Zhang Peng?七、任务型阅读根据表格内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Lily6:507:107:3010:00Tom7:007:207:409:00Ben6:307:007:209:3045 . Im Ben. I get up at 6:50. (_)46 . Im Lily. I eat breakfast at 7:10. (_)47 . Im Tom. I go to school at 7:30. (_)48 . Im Lily. I go to bed at 9:00. (_)八、句型转换句型转换。49 . He has a fever.(对画线部分提问)_ with him?50 . Tom should eat something.(变为否定句)Tom _ eat _.51 . I met my friends two days ago.(就画线部分提问)_ you meet your friends?52 . I did my homework yesterday. (变为一般疑问句)_ you _ your homework yesterday?53 . She was a cute baby back then. (变成一般疑问句)_she a cute baby back then?54 . You should drink a lot of water. (改为同义句)You should drink _ water.55 . I saw a film last night.(就画线部分提问)_ you _ last night?56 . I like Christmas best.(改为同义句)_ is my _ festival.57 . this, three, a, take, medicine, times, day(连词成句)_九、选内容补全对话58 . 选词填空, 完成短文。many, March, picnic, spring, April, trip, Because, On, few, plantHi, Im Sarah. I like 1. _ best. 2. _the weather is nice and there are 3. _ beautiful flowers everywhere. I have a 4. _ fun things in spring. Tree Planting Day is in 5. _. I often 6. _ trees with my friends. Tomb Sweeping Day(清明节)is in 7. _. I often go on a 8. _ with my family. 9. _ May Day I often have a 10. _. This year Ill go to the Great Wall.十、连词成句59 . 你能行。下面句子中的成员走乱了顺序,请你按照正确的句子语序组句并规范地抄写在相应小题后的四线三格中。1.six, family, my, I, have, in, people, ( . )2.our, clean, room, lets, living, now, ( ! )3.new, what, job, your, is, friends,( ? )4.you, a, like, fork, knife, and, would, ( ? )5.blue, he, and, his, glasses, has, are, shoes,( . )第 9 页 共 9 页

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