南宁市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级下册Module 3 单元测试卷C卷

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南宁市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级下册Module 3 单元测试卷C卷_第1页
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南宁市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级下册Module 3 单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . How often _ Danny eat breakfast last week? ( )AdoBdidCdoes2 . _ I go to the park after dinner.( )ASometimesBSometimeCSome time3 . On my birthday, my friend _ me a book. I was very _.( )Agave; excitingBgive; excitedCgave; excited4 . Theres only _ milk and _ tomatoes in the fridge. ( )Alittle; a littleBa few; a littleCa little; a few5 . Did you go to the zoo yesterday? ( )_ANo, I wasnt.BYes, I did.CYes, I do.二、填空题用下列单词的适当形式补全句子。6 . Theboybehindmeis_(write)aletter.7 . She _ (pick) the orange up?8 . Last week we _ (pick) many apples on the farm.9 . I _ (gain) Arts degree last year.10 . Marry is _ (read) newspapers in the study.11 . I _(call) Mike this morning.12 . He ate some bread and _ (drink) some milk.13 . There _ (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I _ (have) no time to watch it.14 . We couldnt _(swim) ten years ago.15 . Twenty years ago, Mrs. Brown _(make) friends at school.16 . 选词填空listened walked ate saw had1.We _ some nice food yesterday.2.I _ lots of monkeys.3.My grandpa _ in the park last Sunday.4.You _ a busy day.5.We _ to music last Saturday.用所给词的适当形式填空。17 . Lets _ (put) on our new clothes.18 . He wants _ (go) swimming.19 . Lets have a good time _ (one).20 . Here _ (be) some toys for you.21 . _ you going to _ (watch) cartoons?22 . Shall we _ (clean) the classroom now?23 . What about _ (go) shopping? Good idea!24 . 选择正确的单词填空。This is my school. Two years ago, it (_)was / is small. There werent (_)some / any tall trees. There (_)was/were only a slide(滑梯). But now, it (_)is / was big and narrow. We can (_)play / played football in our school.按要求写词。25 . good(副词)_26 . littering(原形)_27 . smoking(原形)_28 . should(否定形式)_29 . bring(过去式)_30 . banana(复数)_31 . 根据图片提示补全句子。Sam _ yesterday.(eat, hamburger)三、单词拼写32 . 按要求填写单词。1. these (单数)_ 2. dance (名词)_ 3. child (复数)_4. new (反义词)_ 5. heavy (反义词)_ 6. bring back (中文)_7. learn (过去式)_ 8. are (过去式)_ 9. we (宾格)_10. photo (复数)_四、汉译英33 . 词组互译。1. 把整理好_2. 装满;充满_3. 在地板上_4. 把放到上_34 . 你会做什么?我会跑.( )AWhat do you do? I can read.BWhat can you do? I can run.35 . 根据中文翻译句子,每空一词。1.上周我和奶奶一块儿看了一场花展。Last week I _ a flower show with my grandma.2.你这个周末打算干什么?What_ you _ to do this weekend?3.李明比李东小两岁吗?_ Li Ming two years _ than Li Dong?36 . 在2003年, 它第一次载着中国宇航员进入太空。_ 2003, it took a Chinese taikonaut _ space for the first time.根据汉语提示,完成句子。37 . 我将从网上看一些关于纽约的信息。Ill _ New York _ Internet .38 . 李雷将去图书馆找一些关于澳大利亚的书。Li Lei _ and _ some books _ Australia.39 . 悉尼是一座非常漂亮的城市。_ is a very _ .40 . 每年有许多人到香港去参观。_ visit _.41 . 等着瞧吧。Just _ and _ .五、判断题42 . ReadandtickTorcrossF: I sing very well. (_)43 . 判断图片与句子是(T)否(F)相符:He watched TV yesterday evening. (_)44 . 我会判断。判断图片和句子是()否()一致( ) 1. Carry your bag.( ) 2. Show me your eraser.( ) 3. I have a ruler.( ) 4. Open your book.( ) 5. Goodbye! Bye!根据图片判断句子正(T)误(F)45 . There are two cats on the bed now.(_)46 . Lingling is still in the UK with Sam and Amy.(_)47 . Yesterday I watched TV with my grandma.(_)48 . We didnt have enough food.(_)49 . Its a programme about animals.(_)六、句型转换50 . There is a beach here now.(用 before改为一般过去时)There _ a beach here _ .按要求改写句子。51 . The boy could see the kings clothes. (改成否定句)The boy _ see the kings clothes.52 . The coat fits well. (改为一般疑问句)_ the coat _well?53 . They saw many interesting parrots in the park. (画线提问)_ they _ in the park?54 . The two men showed the king his new clothes. (同义句转换)The two men _ his new clothes _ the king.55 . She watches TV every evening. (用yesterday改写)She _ TV _.按要求变换句子。56 . Those are Kates pencils. (改为单数形式)_ Kates _.57 . This yellow dress is Lilys. (对画线部分提问)_yellow _ is this?58 . Look at these dogs. The white one is your, and the black one is his. (找出错误并改正)_59 . pictures these whose are (?)(连词成句)_句型转换。60 . We like skirts. (改为否定句)_61 . I like English. (改为一般疑问句)_62 . Danny likes shorts, too. (改为同义句)Danny _ likes shorts.63 . Do you like blue? (作出否定回答)_按要求完成句子。64 . Saw is watching TV now.(用every Sunday代替now) Saw _every Sunday.65 . He plays football in the park.( 用this morning 改为过去式)He_football in the park this morning.66 . He brought some bread and honey.(改为否定句)_.67 . You should do that.(改为否定句)You_ do that.68 . Im going to pick oranges on the farm.(改为否定句)Im _ going to _ oranges on the farm.69 . I can carry this bag. (改为否定句)_七、改错70 . Read, choose and correct: How much peaches do you have? _找出错误并改正。71 . Whatdo you often doin the weekend?(_)_A B C D72 . I often do my homeworksand read books.(_)_A B C D73 . Ioftenplaysthe pipa.(_)_A B C D74 . Whatdo you havein Tuesdays?(_)_A B C D75 . Hehas tall andstrong.(_)_A B C D选出下列句子中的错误项并改正。76 . Therearefivepeoplesinmyfamily. (_)_A B C77 . Issheafarm?(_)_A B C78 . IsthisJohnuncle?(_)_A B C79 . Myauntisanurser.(_)_A B C80 . Myfamilyhavesixpeople. (_)_A B C找出错误的一项,并把错误的地方改过来。81 . Did Lingling walked to the bus? (_)_AB C82 . We buy ice creamsyesterday. (_)_A B C83 . Theyisplaying football. (_)_AB C84 . Do you eat rice yesterday? (_)_A B C85 . We go home by bikeyesterday. (_)_A B C改错。86 . Illwriting Happy Mothers Day.(_)_A B C87 . Illbuy some flower.(_) _A B C88 . Letsgoes and get some coloured paper.(_) _A B C89 . Opensit, please. (_) _A B C90 . Thatsan good idea. (_) _A B C91 . 改错:We are goingto tell storys. (_)_A B C92 . 选出错误的一项并改正:Pointat his leg.A B(_)_93 . 改错题。1. Some toy are soft._.2. Does it a toy dog?_.94 . 改错。(_)1.Whatstodinner? _A B C (_)2. I likefish and rices. _A B C(_)3. Haveanybroccoli. _A B C(_)4. Thanksyou, Lingling. _A B C(_)5. I hassomemeat. _A B C八、匹配题给图片选择正确的选项。A. Id like ice cream.B. I want to watch TVC. Can you play basketball? -Yes, we canD. There are lots of photos.E.I often ride my bike in the park.F Ill send you an email.95 . _96 . _97 . _98 . _99 . _100 . _101 . 看图选词1. 2. _3. 4._AmealBdeliciousCfieldDcrash九、看图题看图,回答问题。102 . What did Lulu do yesterday?_103 . What did Eve do yesterday?_104 . What did Rob do yesterday?_105 . What did Bob do yesterday?_106 . The boy _ his _ on his holiday.107 . Look , read and write.(看图补充句子。)1. - What are they doing? - They are _English class. 2. - My birthday is on April 20th. -Its the _ (第二十)day of April. 3. If you are walking on a bridge. You must_. 4._ ball is it? Its mine.5. This is_bike.108 . 根据图片提示及句子内容写出单词,补全句子。1. Tom r_ a bike to school yesterday.2. John and his family w_c_ last weekend. 3. He w_f_ with his daughter last Friday afternoon.4. My father fixed the chair and h_ his finger.十、仿写句子109 . 看图补全句子。例句:Ive got some chocolate. I ate last week.1._2._十一、连线题110 . Read and match.1.Is there a dog in your room?AThere is a big blackboard.2.Whats in the classroom?BIts very clean.3.How about your room?CNo, there isnt.111 . Read and match.1. I want a black T-shirt.A我们卖衣服和帽子。2. This one is very heavy.B你想要什么?3. We sell clothes and hats.C有的时候我在家吃午饭。4. What do you want?D我想要一件黑色的T恤。5. Sometimes I eat lunch at home.E这个非常重。第 16 页 共 16 页

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