重庆市2020年英语五年级下册Lesson 15 Sending the Postcards 练习卷B卷

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重庆市2020年英语五年级下册Lesson 15 Sending the Postcards 练习卷B卷_第1页
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重庆市2020年英语五年级下册Lesson 15 Sending the Postcards 练习卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . How old are you ? _ nine.AIBImCAm2 . Two birds are flying _ the sky.AonBatCin3 . Here _ some cakes _ you. ( )Ais; forBare; forCare; of4 . 见到客人站着,你应说:ASit down, please.BHow are you?CIm fine, too.5 . -1 have a ruler. ( )-_AOK.BMe too.COh, no.二、排序题6 . Fangfang找不到去图书馆的路了,她只好向警察求助。将下列句子重新排序组成一段对话。( ) Its beside the zoo. ( ) Excuse me, where is Zhongshan Library?( ) Youre welcome. ( ) Go straight. Turn left at the second traffic lights. ( ) Thanks!( ) Where is the zoo?三、任务型阅读7 . 看图,判断句子正误。正确的画,错误的画 。( ) 1. Go straight. You will see the zoo. ( ) 2. Go straight. Turn right at the second traffic lights. Youll see the cinema on your left. ( ) 3. Go straight. Turn right at the first traffic lights. Youll see the hotel. ( ) 4. Go straight. Turn right at the first traffic lights. Youll see the restaurant. ( ) 5. You dont move. The post office is on your left. 四、匹配题8 . 从II 栏中选出 I 合适的答句。I II(_) 1. Do you like Christmas?ANo, there isnt. (_) 2. Which festival is in Jan. or Feb?BIts on the 1st of June.(_) 3. Whens Childrens Day?CYes, I like it very much.(_) 4. Is there a park?DChinese New Year.(_) 5. Whens the Spring Festival?EIts in Jan. Or Feb.五、连线题9 . 读一读,连一连动物的特征。1. The pandaa. a long nose.2. The duck isb. a long tail.3. The elephanthasc. so tall.4. The giraffed. a short tail.5. The monkeye. black and white.第 3 页 共 3 页

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