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济南市2019年三年级下册期末考试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Look! What lovely dogs! ( )Yes! Dogs are very _ to people. They are our good_.Afriends; friendlyBfriendly; friendsCfriend; friends2 . John wants _a film this evening.( )AseeBto seeCsaw3 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AnaughtyBbirdCnice4 . Its my _. ( )AniceBfavouriteCbig5 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AtenBsixCpicture6 . 从下列每组词中选出一个不同类的单词(_) 1. A. BeijingB. WashingtonC. New YorkD. London(_) 2. A. cold B. hot C, warm D. windy(_) 3. A. headache B. fever C. stomachache D. toothache(_) 4. A. young B. stronger C. longer D. bigger(_) 5. A. high B. river C. old D. long(_) 6. A. watermelon B. banana C. chocolate D. orange(_) 7. A. biscuit B. bread C. cake D. milk(_) 8. A. computer B. table tennis C. basketball D. football(_) 9. A. London B. China C. America D. England(_) 10. A. old B. were C. strong D. long7 . What is this, Lingling?( )AIts a cat.BIt is white.8 . I like . ( )AcupcakeBtartsCtart9 . Those are( )AtigersBpandaCbird10 . 选出不同类的一项(_) 1. A. doctorB. teacherC. speakAfarmer(_) 2. A. riverB. danceC. lake(_) 3. A. from Monday to Friday B. play volleyballC. play table tennis(_) 4. A. areB. is C. be(_) 5. A. blackB. yellowC. pencil11 . ( )AdoorBwindow12 . Do you _ this sweater? ( )AlikeBto likeClikes13 . 给下列单词选择正确的汉语意思【小题1】live( )A生命;居住B妻子C树叶【小题2】town( )A农村B城镇C国家【小题3】office ( )A高楼B生活区C办公室【小题4】sick( )A高兴的B开心的C病的【小题5】medicine( )A化学B药C机器14 . -How are you? ( )-Very _, thanks.AwellBgoodCgoodbye根据汉语意思,选择正确的单词。15 . 好吃的 ( )AgoodByum16 . 胡萝卜 ( )AcarrotBtomato17 . 这些 ( )AthisBthese18 . 试一试 ( )AtryBlook at19 . 看 ( )Alook atBwhat20 . Theyplaying games.( )AareBisCbe21 . -Will you fly a kite this weekend? ( )-_AYes, it is.BNo, I wont.22 . What are they? ( )AThis is a pig.BTheyre dogs.CIts a kite.23 . -The schoolbag is so heavy. ( )-_Let me help you.AIm thin.BIm strong.CIm quiet.24 . I can help _ to get on the bus. ( )AheBherCthey25 . Dont _ the tree. ( )AjumpBwalkCclimb26 . Ilost _notebook. ( )AmeBmyCyou27 . is this woman?She is my mother.A、WhoB、Where28 . Here you _. ( )AisBamCare29 . - Here you are. ( )- _AYes, please.BThank you.CYes, it is.找出不同类的单词。30 . AcoldBsunnyCwarmDlong31 . AwhoseBwhoCwallDwhere32 . AhorseBhenChomeworkDcow33 . AtomatoBpotatoCcarrotDsheep34 . AclothesBskirtCsockDshirt35 . 早上好,男孩女孩们!( )AGood morning, Mr Jones!BGood morning, boys and girls!给下列食物选择合适的颜色。36 . ( )AyellowBbrownCred37 . ( )AblueBgreenCwhite38 . ( )AyellowBredCblack39 . ( )AwhiteBbrownCyellow40 . ( )AblackBredCblue41 . 选出与所给单词同类的一项。(_)1. uncleA. auntB. want(_)2. shyA. badB. pupil(_)3. heA. niceB. she(_)4. little A. bigB. mother(_)5. cuteA. prettyB. but42 . I do not want to eat _ meat or fish. I am too fat. ( )AmanyBanyCsome43 . The _ is watching the cat.AmenBchildrenCgirl44 . What they ? ( )They are .Adoes; do; farmersBdo; do; farmersCdo; does; farmer45 . Look! What are? ( )AthisBthese46 . Whos that woman? .AHes my grandfather.BShes my grandmother.CHes my father.47 . She should _ exercise every day. ( )AdoBdidCdoing48 . What time is it in? ( )Its.ALondon, ten oclockBSydney, ten oclockCNew York, twelve fifty49 . Hes my father. Thats his _.( )AdogBbag选出下列单词中属于不同类的。50 . AclockBroomCphoto51 . AbikeBdeskCbanana52 . AphotoBgardenCcomputer53 . AbesideBtableCdesk54 . AaboveBflowerCbehind55 . What grade are you _? ( )AinBonCme56 . I want to be a reporter. I like to _ for people. ( )Abuild good housesBcook good foodCget news57 . 选出下列单词中不同类的单词( )AcatBhandCbird58 . Does he _the flu?AhasBhaveCto have59 . There are _cows on the farm. ( )AtwelfthBtwelveCsecond60 . Hows the _? ( )Its rainy and cool.AweekBweatherCyear61 . We look at_. They look at _. ( )Athey; usBthem; weCthem; us62 . Its time to _. ( )AbreakfastBget upCPE class63 . What can you do? ( )_.AIm Mrs Wang.BI can skip a rope.CI am six.64 . Where are you from? ( )_AIm from Australia.BIm Mike.CThank you.65 . Are those hens? ( )No, _.Athey areBthey arentCThey are66 . _ is it from your home to school? ( )Three kilometres.AHow manyBHow muchCHow far67 . Will it _ windy tomorrow?AisB/Cbe68 . 将下列单词中不属于同一类的找出来(_)1.A.window B.cat C.dog(_)2.A.tea B.apple C.coffee(_)3.A.tea B.juice C.hamburger(_)4.A.TV B.light C.box(_)5.A.basket B.a hambueger C.door69 . A: Haveyougot_email _Amy?( )B: Yes,Ihave.Aan,toBan,fromCa, from70 . many windows? ( )Four.AHowBWhatCWho71 . _ school bag is heavier, yours or mine? ( )AWhoseBWhosCWhoRead and choose. (读一读, 选择正确的汉语意思。)72 . How many candles? ( )A多少个蛋糕?B多少支蜡烛?C多少个盘子?73 . Show me eight. ( )A给我展示一下七。B给我展示一下八。C给我展示一下九。74 . Happy birthday! ( )A新年快乐!B祝你快乐!C生日快乐!75 . Lets eat the cake. ( )A让我们切蛋糕。B让我们一起吃。C让我们吃蛋糕。76 . This one, please. ( )A请给我这个。B我要一个。C请给我一个。二、情景交际77 . 你想询问“这些是什么”,应该这样问:( )AWhat are these?BLook at these.78 . 你想知道别人书包里有什么,会说:( )AWhats in the schoolbag?BWhats in your classroom?79 . 如果你不小心掉到河里时,你应该喊: _( )AHello!BHelp!80 . 如果你要称赞别人的裙子很漂亮,你会说:( )AIts too big.BIts red.CIts nice.81 . 苏阳想问苏海她的夹克衫在哪儿,可以说:( )ASu Hai, is this your jacket?BSu Hai, wheres my skirt?CSu Hai, wheres my jacket?82 . 介绍自己的家庭成员时可以说:( )AIs this my father?BThis is my aunt.CThis is my mother, I think.83 . 当你向别人介绍你的朋友戴着眼镜,穿蓝色鞋子时,应说:_ ( )AHe has glasses and his shoes are blue.BHe has a blue hat and brown shoes.84 . 当你想说我会做家务时,可以说:( )AI can do my homework.BI can do the housework.85 . 别人找不到电影院在哪,你只知道学校附近有一家电影院时,你应该说:( )AThe school is beside a cinema.BA cinema is near the school.86 . 当你迟到了,应该说A、Come in.B、Im sorry.C、Its OK.87 . 当主持人闪亮登场时,他会介绍自己说:AHow are you?BHi!Im Sam.88 . 当你想问妈妈买了多少奶酪,你会说:( )AHow much cheese did you buy?BHow many cheese did you buy?89 . 当你想告诉别人你们明天准备野餐,可以说:( )AWere having a picnic?BWere going to have a picnic.CWere going picnic.90 . 学校将要在3月举办一次运动会。你要把这个好消息告诉Mike,你对他说:_( )AMike, we will have a sports meet on March.BMike, we will have a sports meet in March.CMike, we have a sports meet.91 . 你想知道对方足球踢得好不好,你可以问:_ ( )ACan you play basketball?BCan you play football well?CCan you play football?92 . 一位老奶奶走到路口,红灯亮了,你会说:( )AGo. Its green now.BStop. Its red now93 . 你想说那幅画很漂亮,应该说( )AHow beautiful!BI cant see it.94 . 你想告诉小勇她是个非常聪明的小女孩,应说:( )AShes very a clever girl.BShes a bit clever girl.CShes a very clever girl.95 . 朋友过生日,你想送他一件礼物,你应说:AHeres your present.BHappy birthday.96 . 你想知道Mike 有多少根蜡笔,你该说:( )AHow are you?BHow old are you?CHow many crayons?97 . 你想问妈妈,弟弟在干什么,你应该说:“”。( )AWhat is he doing?BWhat is she doing?98 . 你看见今天的天气很晴朗,你可以说:( )AIts sunny.BIts cloudy.99 . 别人向你道谢, 你应该说:( )AThank you.BYoure welcome.100 . 它又大又胖。你应该说:( )AIts big and thin.BIts big and tall.CIts big and fat.101 . 你想向John 介绍Mike, 你可以说:( )AMike, this is John.BMike, Im John.102 . 昨天是国庆节,你怎样告诉别人?( )ATomorrow is National Day!BToday is National Day!CYesterday was National Day!103 . 朋友感冒了,你会建议他说:_ ( )AHave a cold.BDrink more water.CDrink more juice.104 . 刘涛在图书馆里大喊大叫,我们应该这样提醒他:_( )ADont talk.BDont run.CDont shout.105 . 询问朋友身体状况时,你可以说:_AIm fine.BHow are you?106 . 当你对班上新同学表示欢迎时,你应该说:_ ( )AThank you.BWelcome!107 . 当你想说我昨天吃了一个苹果,应说:_ ( )AI eat an apple.BHe eats an apple today.CI ate an apple yesterday.108 . 你想告诉别人这是你制作的海报,你应该说:( )AThis is my poster.BIts my poster.109 . 你帮助朋友在书桌下找到了他的尺子,你应该说:( )AIts on the desk.BIts under the desk.CIts in the desk.110 . 汤姆向别人介绍他自己,他应该说:( )AHi, Tom.BHello, Im Tom.CHello, Tom.111 . 当别人问你的问题你不知道,你会说:( )AI dont know.BI see.112 . 你想表达“我们有100本书”,你应该这样说:( )AI have one hundred books.BWe have one hundred books.CWe have one hundred balls.113 . 早上,你见到你的朋友,你应该怎样问候( )AGood morning.BGood afternoon.CGood bye.114 . How about this skirt? ( )A这条短裙怎么样?B这件T恤衫怎么样?115 . 当别人问你想吃什么的时候 ,你可以回答:AThank you.BSome tea.CA sandwich, please.116 . 下午遇见老师你应该说:_( )AGood morning.BGood afternoon.三、排序题117 . 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。ANo, I dont like cakes.BWait a minute. Im cooking meat.CIm hungry, Mum.DNo, there isnt.EIs there any bread in the fridge?FI want some tomato soup too, Mum.GWould you like some cakes?H. What a pity! _118 . 将下列句子排序。(_) All right.(_) Its time to go to bed.(_) Shall we watch TV now?(_) Good night.(_) Whats the time, Mum?(_) Its nine oclock. (_) Good night, Mum.(_) No, its late.119 . 把下面句子连成通顺的一段对话 1.Nothing , were bored .2.Id like to go to the park.3.Hi, girls . What are you doing ?4.Yes , thats fine .5.Well ,what would you like to do today ?6.Lets go .7.Thats a good idea! Is that OK ?120 . 排列正确的顺序。( 1 )Wang Tong: Good morning, Sarah!( )Wang Tong: Whos that boy? Hes a little fat.( 4 )Sarah: Yes, he likes eating. Hes my friend, John. Hi, John. This is my friend, Wang Tong.( )John: Nice to meet you, Wang Tong!( 2 )Sarah: Good morning, Wang Tong!( )Wang Tong: Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from?( )Wang Tong: Yes, I like sports. Do you like sports? Lets play.( 7 )John: Im from the USA. Youre so tall!( )John: No, I like eating like a pig.( 10 )Sarah: Haha. OK! Lets go, Wang Tong.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)Hello, friends! My name is Victor. I have a room. Its very nice and clean. What can you see in my room? Look! You can see a bed. Its white. You can see a desk. Its yellow. You can see a chair. Its green. You can see a computer, too. Its black. You can see a light. Its blue. I like my room.121 . Victors bed is white.(_)122 . Victors desk is yellow.(_)123 . Victors chair is black.(_)124 . Victors computer is blue.(_)125 . Victors room is nice and clean.(_)阅读理解,根据短文判断下列句子正误,正确写T错误写F。My name is Daniel. I live in Tangshan now. My aunt lives in Beijing. I went there with my father last week. We went there by plane. It was a short trip. My father read magazines on the plane. I watched some childrens shows. My aunt went to the airport to meet us.I played with my cousin. We ate some fresh food. The next day, we went to the Great Wall. It is very beautiful. We took many pictures there. The third day, we watched a dinosaur show. Some dinosaurs are bigger than the tigers. Some are smaller than me. We stayed in Beijing for three days. We came back to Tangshan yesterday.126 . Daniels cousin went to Tangshan last week. (_)127 . Daniel took lots of pictures in Beijing. (_)128 . Daniel stayed in Beijing for 3 days. (_)129 . Daniel read magazines on the plane.(_)130 . Daniel went to Beijing with his mother.(_)阅读短文,判断正误,对的用T,错的用F。Last Sunday, it was sunny. In the morning, I got up at six oclock, then I brushed my teeth, washed my face. I was too hungry, I looked for my breakfast. To my surprised, I didnt find anything to eat. I had to cook by myself. At about 8 oclock, I went to Annas home. Many students were there. We played soccer. Some of us watched TV. But It was boring. At last, we went to the park. We rode our bikes and flew kites. We had a lot of fun.131 . I got up at 7:00 in the morning. (_)132 . I cooked by myself last Sunday. (_)133 . I didnt eat breakfast last Sunday.(_)134 . I didnt go to Annas home. (_)135 . We flew kites last Sunday. (_)Rend and judge. (读对话,判断正“T”误“F”.)Tom: Mum, look there! Rain!Mum: Oh, no! I dont like rain.Tom: I like it very much. Lets go to the park.Mum: OK. But I cant find my umbrella(伞). Where is it?Tom: Is it on the desk?Mum: No!Tom: Is it behind the desk?Mum: Yes, you are right.Tom: Now lets go!136 . Tom doesnt like rain. (_)137 . Toms mother cant find her umbrella. (_)138 . The umbrella is on the desk. (_)139 . Tom cant find the umbrella. (_)140 . They will(将要)go to the park. (_)第 19 页 共 19 页

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