南宁市2020年英语四年级下册Module7 单元测试卷C卷

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南宁市2020年英语四年级下册Module7 单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . They _ a family, one and all. ( )AamBisCare2 . Peter, lets basketball together after class. ( )AplayBplaysCplaying3 . Lingling her mum yesterday. ( )AcallBcallsCcalled4 . Where were you last weekend?( )I _ at home.AstayedBstayCamDam staying5 . ( )This boy is _ a bike.ArideBridesCriding二、填空题6 . -_(do)you_(play)theguitaryesterday?-No,Ididnt.I_(draw)somepicturesthere.用所给词的适当形式填空。7 . Mike _(come) from the USA8 . You shouldnt _(throw) rubbish in the river.9 . Mr. Green _(drink) too much yesterday.10 . Too much _ (plastic) is bad for the Earth.11 . She _(use) some eggs to make a cake yesterday.12 . _(not do) use too much plastic.13 . World Environment Day is on _(five) of June.14 . There _(be) a lot of paper on the desk just now.15 . _(protect) the Earth, we should _(save) energy.16 . We _(drink) water now. But we _(drink) orange juice yesterday.把下面季节的月份写下来。17 . spring_18 . summer_19 . autumn_20 . winter_21 . My brother goes_(AfishBfishing)in autumn.22 . 按要求写词。1. rest(近义词)_ 2. went(动词原形)_3. start(第三人称单数)_ 3. lets(完全形式)_5. cant(完全形式)_ 6. buy(过去式) _7. begin(现在分词)_ 8. leaves(单数)_9. no(同义词) _ 10. right(反义词)_按要求写一写。23 . bought(原形)_24 . do(过去式)_25 . we(宾格) _26 . their(同音词)_27 . There are(缩写形式)_28 . is(过去式)_29 . child(复数)_30 . 选词填空。(注意大小写)oninbesidearoundnearThis is our little house 1._East Street. Our apartment is 2._ the third floor.3._ our house there is a big school.4._ our house is Jims house. Jim is a good friend of mine.At the moment were sitting 5. _ my room. Jim is sitting 6. _ a chair and I am sitting 7. _ the floor.8._ me there are a lot of magazines.9._ the wall there are some pictures of me, my friends and my family. The sun wakes me up in the morning. I like living 10. _ this area.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Many people have pets(宠物). Some people like rabbits very much. They have pet rabbits.Mr Trotter is a doctor. But he doesnt help sick people. He helps rabbits. People call him “The rabbit doctor”. When their pet rabbit get sick, they give him a call. And Mr Trotter drives his car to the peoples houses. In the car, Mr Trotter has medicine(药)to help the sick rabbits to get well.31 . Trotter is a rabbit. (_)32 . He goes to peoples houses by car. (_)33 . Mr Trotter helps sick people. (_)34 . Many people have pets. (_)35 . They call Mr Trotter to help the pet rabbit. (_)四、匹配题给下列句子选择相应的图片。A. B. C. D. E. 36 . Its in April. We have a school trip. (_)37 . Were going to have a sports meeting on October 8th. (_)38 . Amy is going to school trip on Jun 1st. (_)39 . School Open Day is on February 20th. (_)40 . Were going to have a math text. (_)第 4 页 共 4 页

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