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南昌市2019-2020年度六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(一)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 在机场( )Ain the planeBat the airportCto the airport2 . When do you _ every day?Ago to homeBgo homeCgo a home选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词3 . AwaterBwashCwatchDbox4 . AshowBsnowCyellowDnow5 . AshoesBsweatersCjeansDsocks6 . AthankBwithCthatDbrother7 . AnameBgameCtableDfather8 . AcityBiceCdanceDdoctor9 . AlifeBfishCcinemaDcoin10 . AwhenBwatchCbetweenDwho11 . AclassesBglassesCboxesDtomatoes12 . AbrotherBherCrememberDPeter13 . 找出下列单词划线部分发音与其他两个不同的一项(_) 1. A. bag B. dad C. naughty(_)2. A. thin B. those C. this(_)3. A. cake B. have C. name(_)4. A. leg B. she C. clever(_)5. A. but B. cute C. thin14 . 选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的选项:see ( )AtreeBlike15 . They _the first animal into space yesterday. ( )AsendBsentCsending16 . _ you at home yesterday?No, I _.AAre;am notBDid;didntCWas; werentDWere; wasnt17 . What does your cousin do?( )_AHe does housework.BShe works in a school.CHe is a coach.18 . Can I see your pictures _? ( )Sure.AsometimesBsometimeCsome time选出下列单词划线部分读音与其余不同的选项。19 . AclockBcakeCknow20 . AtimeBlikeCsit21 . AcomeBniceCcool22 . AbagBgroundCorange23 . AthankBswimClike24 . AlikeBgirlCmilk25 . 选出与划线部分不同类的一项:Childrens Day is on June 1st. ( )AJulyBMayCMonday26 . Read and choose.选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(_) l. A. boy B. full C. noise D. oil(_) 2. A. bear B. hereC. there D. dare(_) 3. A. whose B. what C. when D. why(_) 4. A. yellow B. busyC. your D. yes(_) 5. A. blue B. school C. whoseD. put(_) 6. A. nextB. head C. teacher D. bread27 . There _ some orange juice in the bottle. ( )AisBareChas选出与句意相符的图片。28 . The panda is short.( )AB29 . Beijing is a big city.( )AB30 . The T-shirt is very nice. ( )AB31 . My school is close to a park. ( )AB32 . Amys house is small but beautiful. ( )AB33 . well( )A哪里B空气C熟练地二、阅读选择阅读理解,根据短文,选择正确答案。One day, Tony meets his friend, Alan, in the street. Tony is a writer and he is richer than Alan. Alan is a farmer, he is poorer than Tony. The two boys walk along the street together.They talk about many things. Tony likes to listen to music and he tells Alan about some newer songs. Alan likes reading, and he tells Tony about some newer books.They have the same friends, Jim, hes tallest of the three. They talk about these, too.Then Tony remembers something. “I lent(借) you ten dollars last week,” he says “Can you give it back to me?”“Ive very sorry, Tony,” Alan says. “I forgot about it.”He thinks about this money for a minute. Then he says, “I havent got any money with me today. Ill pay you back tomorrow.”“All right,” Tony says, “I can wait another day.”At that moment a man runs up. He has a knife in his hand. Alan and Tony are afraid. He is a dangerous man.“Give me your money,” he says to Tony.Tony takes out his wallet and gives it to the thief.The thief takes out the money and throws the wallet on to the ground.“Now you give me your money,” he says to Alan.Alan thinks quickly. He takes out his wallet, but he does not give it to the thief. He gives it to Tony and says, “I owe(欠) you some money, Tony. Here it is.”34 . Tony isthan Alan. ( )A. writer B. richer C. poorer35 . Alan is a. ( )A. writer B. farmer C. poorer36 . Jim is taller than. ( )A. Tony B. Alan C. Tony&Alan37 . Tony and Alan meetswho runs up. ( )A. a knife B. a thief C. a friend38 . Alan takes out his wallet and gives it to. ( )A. nobody B. Tony C. the thief三、完形填空39 . 完型填空。Grorge and his wife had a small bar (酒吧).The bar often kept 1after midnight because people came to 2while they are waiting 3trains. At two oclock one morning, a man was 4sitting at a table in the small bar. He drank 5and fell asleep.Georges wife wanted 6to bed. She went into the bar several times,and each time the man was still there. At 7she said to her husband, “Youve woken up that man six times now,George. But he isnt drinking8. Why havent you sent him away?Its very 9.” “Oh, no, I dont want to send him away,you see,whenever I wake 10up, he asks for his bill.(账单)When I bring it to him, he pays for it. Then he goes to sleep again.”( ) 1. A. open( ) 2. A. eat( ) 3. A. at( ) 4. A. still( ) 5. A. too many( ) 6. A. went( ) 7. A. last( ) 8. A. anything( ) 9. A. early( ) 10. A. heB. closeB. drinkB. toB. oftenB. too muchB. to getB. endB. somethingB. lateB. hisC. closedC. sleepC. forC. always C. a lot ofC. to goC. firstC. nothingC. interestingC. him四、填空题选择正确的单词填空,补全句子。40 . Peter is my best friend. He is an _ (active, quiet) boy.41 . Miss Wu is our new teacher. She teaches _ (we, us) Englih.42 . What _ (is, does) Mike like? He is tall and quiet.43 . Tom is helping Joy _ (washes, wash) the dishes.44 . Zheng Banqiao is good at _ (paint, painting) bamboo.45 . I can see many animals from different _ (country, countries).五、阅读回答问题阅读理解Dongdong is six and he is in Grade One. His sister Jill is ten and she is in Grade Four. Now they are going to buy some vegetables.On the road, Jill asks, Whats two times seven? Sorry, I dont know. Come with me and Ill show you. Jill says at the shop. They buy seven kilos of potatoes and the potatoes are two yuan a kilo. So theyre 14 yuan in all. And then they go out of the shop. Dongdong says, I know two times seven is fourteen. Yes, youre so clever. Jill says.根据短文内容,回答问题。46 . Are they going to buy any vegetables? _47 . Whats two times seven? _48 . How old is Jill? _49 . What do they buy? _50 . What does Jill say at last (最后)? _六、匹配题51 . 给下列句子选择正确的答语Whats that?_AGood morning.Is this a monkey?_BYes, I am.How old are you?_CIm ten.Are you Mr Cow?_DYes, it is.Good morning._EIts a cat.七、看图题52 . 观察图A、图B,从图B中找出与图A不同的物品,并把对应的单词写下来。desk book carchair boat ballpen dog cap图A图B【小题1】_八、连词成句53 . 连词成句1. you about what (?)_2. We have afternoon PE Music and in the (.) _3. What do you like lessons (?)_4. have I PE and Music (.)_第 9 页 共 9 页

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