南京市2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册Unit 3 Where did you go Part B Read and write 练习卷C卷

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南京市2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册Unit 3 Where did you go Part B Read and write 练习卷C卷_第1页
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南京市2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册Unit 3 Where did you go Part B Read and write 练习卷C卷_第2页
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南京市2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册Unit 3 Where did you go Part B Read and write 练习卷C卷_第3页
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南京市2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册Unit 3 Where did you go Part B Read and write 练习卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择1 . 阅读理解。根据短文,选择最佳答案填空。Davids birthday was on a snowy day in December. He got lots of presents from his family and friends. His father and mother gave him a red box with a storybook in it. His mother said, “There are a lot of hinny stories in it, and its good for you.” Mike, Davids best friend, gave him a large box. A toy car is in it. Davids sister gave him a round box. “It is a birthday cake,” he thought. But it was a basketball. David likes playing basketball. Davids brother gave him a big yellow box. David opened it and there was another box in it. The box was green. He opened the small box and saw a third box. This one was blue. There was a short letter in it. “Go to your study. You can see three boxes there, a black one, a grey one and a white one. Your birthday present is in one of them.” David ran to his study and found them on the desk. The black one is bigger than the grey one, and the white one is the smallest. He opened the grey box, but found nothing in it. Then he opened the biggest one. He was very glad to see a model plane in it.【小题1】Davids parents put their present in_. ( )Aa yellow boxBa lot of boxesCa black boxDa red box【小题2】Who is Mike? ( )AA friend of Davids fathers.BOne of Davids best friends.CDavids brother.DDavids sister.【小题3】What colour was the biggest box? ( )AWhite.BBlack.CGrey.DBlue.【小题4】How many boxes did Davids brother give him? ( )AFour.BFive.CSix.DSeven.【小题5】What was in the biggest box? ( )AA book.BA letter.CA model plane.DAn apple.二、填空题2 . 根据图片内容,完整句子的填写。A:What did you do last weekend? A:What did you do yesterday?B:I. B:I.A:What did you do last Sunday? A:What did you do last Saturday?B:I. B:I.3 . 选择合适的动词,并用其适当形式填空。1. John usually _ lunch at school, but yesterday, he _ lunch at home because yesterday was his birthday.2.Last holiday, I _to the zoo with my parents. We often _ there on holidays.3.My aunt likes _ pictures of flowers. She _a lot of pictures of them last weekend.4.My mother often _ some food for the poor children. Last weekend, she_ lots of nice food for them.三、英汉混合英汉互译。4 . 发现_5 . 杂志_6 . 袋鼠_7 . 考拉_8 . 悉尼_9 . London_10 . Oxford_11 . Big Ben_12 . London Eye_13 . Tower Bridge _四、其他按要求写句子。14 . off, my, I, fell, my, bike, and, foot, hurt, (.) (连词成句)_.15 . Turpan, we, of, grapes, in, saw, lots, (.) (连词成句)_.16 . I went to the UK last month. (改成一般疑问句)_.17 . I went to the park last Sunday. (就划线部分提问)_.第 4 页 共 4 页

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