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郑州市2020年(春秋版)六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(一)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ there _ rabbits in the box? ( )AAre; someBAre; anyCIs; a2 . Are you all right? ( )AAll rightBThank youCYes, Im OK3 . In _, people drive on the right side of the road. ( )AHong KongBMacauCShanghai4 . We usually eat yuanxiao on the _. ( )ALantern FestivalBDragon Boat FestivalCSpring Festival选出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的选项。5 . AthankBthirdCthat6 . AthirtyBclothesCthose7 . AbikeBclimbCbookshop8 . AplaceBcakeCJanuary9 . AstudentBdumplingCcomputer找出划线部分发音与众不同的选项。10 . AbirdBnurseCdoctorDgirl11 . AopenBnotChomeDclose12 . AgradeBhaveCcakeDday13 . AexcuseBdutyCnewDstudy14 . AzooBbookCcookDlook15 . Its a long pencil. ( )AB16 . ( ) The shopping center is _ Zhongshan Road.AatBinConDBetween17 . Li Xiaolong, straight hair. ( )AhaveBhavesChas18 . 选出不同类的一项。(_)1. A. mapB. stampC. sometimes(_)2. A. dollB. thenC. candy(_)3. A. ageB. collectC. fly(_)4. A. rightB. specialC. meal(_)5. A. FrenchB. shopC. Chinese19 . Look at my shirt. ( ).AAll rightBIts niceCThank you选出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的选项。20 . AtryBdrawCdress21 . AwhoBwhyCwhen22 . AprinceBlikeCfit23 . AlateBhaveCsad24 . AputBfootCbut25 . What _he _ yesterday ? ( )Adid, boughtBdid, buyCdoes, boughtDdoes, buy26 . -Why _ she at school today? ( )-Because she_ a cold.Ais, isBisnt, isCisnt, has27 . Her brother _ in Beijing. ( )AwasntBhasntCwerent28 . 选择下列句子的重音是正确的:( )ABC29 . There are five _ in my flat. ( )AroomsBroomCthe roomDa room二、完形填空完形填空。We all know we should _ healthy and _ a good life habit. In the past, people _ three meals at home, and they ate a lot of vegetables and _ meat.They _ very strong and they didnt need _ the doctor.But now people eat more meat, eggs and junk food. They often go out for dinner with their families and friends, and they often feel _. Why?I think eating _ meat is bad for health. Good rest, a little meat, a lot of vegetables and more exercises are _ for health. So I do exercise every day. My eating habits are good. I eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I drink a cup of water 15 minutes before each meal. Of course, I love junk fodd, too, but I only eat a little. I sleep for nine _ every day.30 . AkeepBkeepsCkeptDkeeping31 . AhadBhasChaveDhaving32 . AhaveBeatsCeatDate33 . Aa littleBa fewCmanyDlot of34 . AarentBwereCareDwerent35 . AlookBto lookCseeDto see36 . AillBhappyCgoodDhungry37 . Atoo manyBtoo muchCa littleDa few38 . AwellBniceCbadDgood39 . AhoursBhourCminutesDweeks三、填空题40 . Have you _(get)any stamps from China?四、排序题41 . 按顺序排列下列句子。(_) No, thanks.(_) I want some rice and bread.(_) Ten yuan, please.(_) Can I help you?(_) Do you want some dumplings?(_) How much are they?42 . 给句子排序。快帮小蚂蚁排好队,好让他们早点去课堂学习。1.My names Wu Yifan. 2.Bye! 3.Hello! Im Mike.4.See you. 5.Whats your name? 正确顺序为:_五、任务型阅读阅读短文, 判断正(T)误(F)。A long time ago, there was an old man who was very patient(有耐心的). Every day, he sat in front of his house doing the same job. He was patiently sharpening(磨尖)a piece of iron(铁). One day, his neighbour saw him at work. He asked the old man, “What are you doing?” The old man said, “I want to make this iron into a needle(针). ”The neighbour was surprised because the piece of iron was big but a needle was very small. He asked the old man, “How long will it take you to finish making the needle?”The old man answered, “I dont know. If I die before I finish it, I will leave this work for my son. And if my son dies before it is finished, he will leave this work for my grandchildren. Someday, this piece of iron will be a needle.”43 . The old man was patient. (_)44 . The old man worked every day. (_)45 . The old man worked at office. (_)46 . The old man wanted to make the iron into a needle. (_)47 . The old man didnt have any neighbours. (_)阅读短文,完成句子。I have a head and I nod my head if I say yes. I have two eyes. I can see the beautiful world with my bright eyes. I have two sharp ears for me to hear the people and the animals. I can hear planes, buses and other things, too. I have a big nose to smell the sweet flowers and delicious food. I have a small mouth and I can speak and eat with it. I have two clever hands to point and write. I have long arms to hug my mother and my friends. I walk with my legs and I play football with my feet. Look! I have a round face and a strong body. I am a handsome boy. I am a clever boy, too.48 . If I say yes, I _.49 . I see the people and animals with_.50 . I have_to hear the beautiful world.51 . I_the food with my big nose.52 . I_with my feet.53 . My _is round and my _is strong.54 . I am a _and _boy.55 . I use my hands to _and_.六、选内容补全对话补全对话。(把编号写在横线上)A. Im sorry to hear that.B. Whats the matter? C. How are you?D. Does your right hand hurt?E. Can you write?F. What should I do?G. Are you sick today?Lisa: Hi, Tim.56 . Nick: I am sick.Lisa:57 . Nick: My fingers hurt.Lisa:58 . Nick: Yes. My right hand hurts. too. Lisa:59 . Nick: No. I cant write. 60 . Lisa: You should go to see the doctor.Nick: Thank you.Lisa: Youre welcome.七、匹配题61 . 看图片,选择正确的英文表达,将其序号填入题前括号内。AThis is a red car.BMy cap is in the kitchen.CThis is my fridge.DLook at my toy cars.ECome and look our bathroom.FLook, this is a sofa.(_)1. (_)2. (_)3. (_)4. (_)5. 八、抄写题规范抄写句子。62 . Dont go at the red light.63 . The cat is angry with them. 九、连线题64 . 读句子,将其与恰当的答句连线。1. How many book do you have?A Its on the desk.2. How many pencil boxes do you see?B I have 17.3. Where is your book?C I see 6.4. Is it on your desk? D OK!5. Open it and see!E No, it isnt.十、书面表达65 . 根据表格信息,以“Mikes Busy Weekend ”为题,说说Mike上周末的活动。_第 10 页 共 10 页

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