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长春市2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册专项训练:阅读理解、短文填空、完形填空与书面表达B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Today is Sunday, Sam plays the piano in the morning. Then he does his homework. In the afternoon, he visits his grandparents with his parents. They have dinner there. His grandpa buys a bird for him. He is very happy.1 . Today is _. ( )ASundayBSaturdayCMonday2 . Sam _on Sunday morning. ( )Agoes swimmingBplays footballCplays the piano3 . Sam does his homework on _. ( )ASunday morningBSaturday morningCSunday afternoon4 . Sam visits his grandparents with _. ( )Ahis sistersBhis brothersChis parents5 . _buys him a bird. ( )ASams grandmaBSams grandpaCSams father6 . 读短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案,将其标号写到括号内。Look at Toms bedroom. Its new and nice. A bed and a chair are in it. A desk is on the floor. Some flowers are on it. A bookshelf is behind the bed. Some English books are on the shelf. A picture is on the wall. Some people are in the picture. The man is his father. The woman is his mother. Who is the boy? Do you know?(1)Whose room is it?A. Toms room B. Fathers room. C. Mothers room(2)Where are the flowers?A. On the floor. B. In the desk. C. On the desk.(3)Whats on the shelf?A. Some Chinese books. B. Some math books. C. Some English books.(4)Who is the woman?A. Tom B. Toms mother. C. Toms sister(5)Who is the boy? Its _.A. Tom B. Mike C. David二、完形填空完形填空。Teacher: Hello, everyone. School is _ in four days. Would you like to _?Students: Certainly. _ shall we go?Teacher: _?Student 1: I want _ go to Beijing Zoo.Student 2: Me, _.Teacher: _ animals do you like?Student 1: I like _ and tigers.Student 2: I like giraffes. They are _.Teacher: _ you like camels?Student 1: Yes, they are _.Teacher: OK! _ go.Students: Hooray!7 . A. in B. out C. after8 . A. swimming B. take trip C. take a trip9 . A. What B. How C. Where10 . A. OK B. Hello C. Any ideas11 . A. to B. too C. two12 . A. to B. too C. two13 . A. Who B. Where C. What14 . A. monkey B. monkeies C. monkeys15 . A. tall B. trip C. farm16 . A. Do B. Are C. Shall17 . A. big B. wrong C. zoo18 . A. Let B. Let we C. Lets三、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答问题。Water is called the “life bloo” of our Earth. We can see it everywhere. It is in the air. It runs through mountains and valleys(山谷). It can make lakes and seas. Water is very important to people, animals and plants. All living things cant live without water. People drink water every day. Plants need water to grow. So we should save water.19 . What is water called?_20 . Where does water run through?_21 . What can water, make?_22 . Are there any living things that can live without water?_23 . What should we do?_四、填内容补全对话24 . 根据图片完成对话,用上Is there / Are there句型。Wu Yifan: Look! This is my holiday photo!Sarah: Is it a nature park?Wu Yifan: _Sarah: _Wu Yifan: _Sarah: _Wu Yifan: _Sarah: _Wu Yifan: _Sarah: Do you like this park?Wu Yifan: Yes. Its pretty.五、选内容补全对话选择正确的选项补全对话。A. When is your birthday?B. Which season do you like best?C. No, it isnt.D. What will you do on that day?E. Because Mid-Autumn Day is in autumn.Oliver: 25 . Mike: I like autumn best.Oliver: Why do you like autumn?Mike: 26 . Oliver: 27 . Mike: Ill eat mooncakes.Oliver: Is your birthday in autumn?Mike: 28 . Oliver: 29 . Mike: Its in March.Oliver: Cool! Tree Planting Day is in March.Mike: Womens Day is in March, too.六、书面表达30 . 以“My.”为题,根据提示写一常短文,描写你的一位家人,要求至少35个词,内容充实,无语法错误。提示:father mother brother sister grandpaWhat is his/her hobby? What can he/she do? How does he/she do?My _31 . 小作文请以 My family为题介绍你和你家人的职业、爱好以及经常从事的活动。要求语句通顺,表达正确。不少于50个词。_32 . 书面表达请简单介绍自己的房间,内容包括房间的大小,以及房间里所含的物品,物品的位置等。(描述有什么物品时请用there be句型)要求:条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范。33 . 书面表达。以“My summer vacation”为题,写一篇作文,描述你的暑假计划。不少于6句话。_34 . 小小作家。根据提示词组描写愉快的周末时光。Tips: last weekend, went camping, went fishing, rode a horse, ate hamburgers, ate chicken, drank juice, drank Cola,_35 . 书面表达。看图填空:This is my animal friend. It is white. It has_eyes and_ears. It_four legs and a_tail. It can _and_. My animal friend is a rabbit. I like it very much.第 8 页 共 8 页

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