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福州市2020年六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(四)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题找出下面每组单词中不同类的一项。1 . ATuesdayBSaturdayCMs2 . AhillBboatingCmountain3 . AoftenBeverywhereCsometimes4 . AwillBkindCstrict5 . AfreshBbesideCabove6 . Point to the_. ( )AwestBeastCsouth7 . Is the park far _ here ? ( )AtoBfromCin8 . -_ cookies did you eat? ( )-About ten.AHow manyBHow muchCHow long9 . 找出与其他不同的一个,将其字母序号写在括号中:( )AleftBnearCright选出不同类的单词。10 . AheBsheCmy11 . AareBisCtoo12 . AfriendBsisterCthis13 . AMikeBLiu TaoCa14 . Miss Li _ them _ Chinese New Year. ( )Atelling; toBtells; aboutCtell; about15 . A: Its cold outside. You cant your coat, dear. ( )B: OK, Mum.Aput onBtake offCput off16 . 选出下列单词中不同类的单词 (_)1. A. busB. carC. cardD. bike(_)2. A. oftenB. oneC. twoD. three(_)3. A. goodB. niceC. skateD. well(_)4. A. schoolB. mouse C. homeD. park(_)5. A. fishingB. playing C. singD. dancing17 . We should know the secret good health. ( )AtoBonCat18 . 你想说你喜欢十二月,你可以说:( )AI like October.BI like December.CI like November.19 . I like _.( )AvegetablesBbreadCsoup20 . Some students dont know how _at school. ( )AstudyBto studyCstudyingDstudies21 . What _ he _? ( )Adoes; haveBdo; hasCdoes; has22 . He likes _ stamps. ( )AcollectingBcollectsCcollectedDto collects二、填空题看图,补全句子。23 . We have a _ on April 4th.24 . Cathys birthday is on _.25 . There are _.26 . My sister is an _.27 . The _ is on the first floor.28 . 完型填空。根据短文,选择合适的单词填入短文下面的横线中。send picture make interested travelJerrys uncle bought a present for him. It was a book about space (1) _. Jerry was very (2) _ in the book. There were (3) _ of spaceships from America and Russia. China also (4) _ a man into space. Jerry really wanted to read this book. Then Jerrys uncle and Jerry were going to (5 )_ a paper Chinese spaceship.29 . I want to become _ (a/an) tour guide.用所给单词的适当形式填空,补全句子。30 . Hes_(use)chopsticks.31 . _(It)are tigers.32 . Ive_(get)a new friend.33 . This_(be)my black pen.34 . Koala_(can)fly.35 . 按要求写词。1. play(过去式)_2. high (反义词)_3. shop(现在分词)_4. go(单行形式)_5. my(名词性物主代词)_36 . 选词填空:1. I have _ pens. (two, 2nd)2. Teachers Day is on September_.(ten, 10th)3. Its _ oclock now. (four, 4th)4. Fathers Day is on the _ Sunday in June. (three, 3rd)5. There are _ trees. (six, 6th)三、任务型阅读37 . 将人物与颜色连线。1 .Im John. My favourite colour is blue.2.Im Lucy. My favourite colour is red.3.Im Ann. My favourite colour is orange.4.Im Xiaogang. My favourite colour is black.5.Im Tom. My favourite colour is green.1.John 2. Lucy 3. Ann 4. Xiaogang 5.TomA红色 B绿色B黑色C蓝色D橙色阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Im Linda. Im from Australia. I like dancing and playing the violin. I play the violin three times a week. I also like traveling. I want to visit the Mogao Caves this summer vacation. I have a friend. Shes from China. She likes swimming and taking photos. She swims once a week. She also wants to visit the Mogao Caves. We will take many photos there.38 . Linda is from China. (_)39 . Linda travels three times a week. (_)40 . Linda wants to visit the Mogao Caves. (_)41 . Lindas friend is a boy. (_)42 . Lindas friend likes taking photos. (_)四、句型转换43 . There are twenty students in our class. (对画线部分提问)_句型转换!一空一词。44 . Please play football here.(变否定句)_ here.45 . You must stop at the red light.(变肯定祈使句)_ at the red light.46 . You mustnt play on the street.(变否定祈使句)_ on the street.47 . Its easy to learn English well.(变一般疑问句)_ easy to learn English well?48 . Dont talk in the library.(变同义句)_ in the library.按要求完成下列各题。49 . I like to swim in summer. (对划线部分提问)_ you like to swim?50 . It is warm in spring. (改为一般疑问句)_ warm in spring?51 . The trees have some apples in autumn. (改为否定句)The trees _ have _ apples in autumn.52 . He likes to learn to play football. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ to learn to play football?53 . The trees are green. (划线提问)_ are the trees?54 . Im going to have a birthday cake. (改为一般疑问句)_按要求完成句子。55 . You didnt come to school last week. (变肯定句)_56 . We saw lots of grapes here. (否定句)_57 . We went to Sanya last Sunday. (对划线部分提问)_ you _ last Sunday?58 . We went there by plane. (对划线部分提问)_ you _ there?五、选内容补全对话从方框中选择选择合适的句子补全下面的对话。A. When is your birthday?B. Which season do you like best?C. No, it isnt.D. What will you do on that day?E. Because Mid-Autumn Day is in autumn.Amy: 59 . Zhang Peng: I like autumn best.Amy: Why do you like autumn?Zhang Peng: 60 . Amy: 3. 61 . Zhang Peng: Ill eat mooncakes.Amy: Is your birthday in autumn?Zhang Peng: 62 . Amy: 63 . Zhang Peng: Its in March.Amy: Cool! Tree Planting Day is in March.Zhang Peng: Womens Day is in March, too.六、连词成句连词成句。64 . like, would, tea, you, Jenny, some (, ?)_65 . would, is, that, like, what, I (.)(缩写形式)_66 . a, us, look, let, have (.)(缩写形式)_67 . have, stone, a, magic, I (.)_68 . is, dinner, there, for, no, food (.)_69 . 连词成句。1. This, our, is, classroom._2. Do, often, you, to, go, the, library?_3. I, borrow, often, from, books, library. _4. We, have, will, meeting room, in, the_70 . 连词成句。1. zoo, the, the, Im, to, weekend, going, on (.)_2. going, are, this, Where, you, evening (?)_3. grandparents, this, going, Im, weekend, to, my, visit (.)_4. can, to, get, I, museum, the, How (?)_5. you, evening, Are, cinema, going, the, to, this (?)_连词成句我最棒。71 . I food every healthy day eat (.)_72 . father strong My be to wants (.)_73 . do happy do What you be to (?)_74 . hands before wash We should eating (.)_75 . reads night He at usually newspapers (.)_76 . you,do,What,have ( ? ) _七、书面表达77 . 书面表达。假如你是 Xiaoling,请根据图片介绍一下你的朋友们正在做什么。RoseLucyPeter AliceAnn_第 11 页 共 11 页

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