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拉萨市2019-2020学年英语六年级下册专项训练:阅读B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择阅读小短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。I am Wu Yifan. This is my day. I get up at 6:30. Its windy and cloudy. Then I have breakfast at seven oclock. I go to school at seven twenty. Its sunny and windy outside at 7:20 today. My home is next to my school. I have five classes today. I eat my lunch at twelve oclock. At 4:00 p.m, school is over, I play basketball with my friends Sarah and Mike on the playground. Its cool outside.1 . Wu Yifan gets up at _. ( )Asix twentyBsix thirtyCsix forty2 . Its _ outside at 7:20 today. ( )Arainy and sunnyBcloudy and windyCwindy and sunny3 . Wu Yifan has _ classes today. ( )AfiveBsixCseven4 . Wu Yifan have lunch at _. ( )A12:20B4:00C12:005 . Sarah, Wu Yifan and Mike play basketball on the _. ( )AclassroomBplaygroundClibrary阅读短文,选择正确的答案。I am a student. I like reading books. Every week, I go to the Xinhua Bookstore. Usually I go by bus, but sometimes I go by bike. I know the traffic lights are the same in every country. Red light means stop and wait. Yellow light means slow down and stop. Green light means go. But some traffic rules are different in some countries. We should remember the traffic rules.6 . Every week I go to the _.( )AparkBbookstoreCschool7 . I usually go to the Xinhua Bookstore _.( )Aby busBby carCby bike8 . Traffic lights are _ in every country. ( )AsameBdifferentCthe same9 . Yellow light means _.( )AgoBslow down and stopCstop and wait10 . Red light means _.( )AgoBslow down and stopCstop and wait二、完形填空从短文后每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。Sam is my pen friend. We are both eleven. But he is _and heavier than me. He likes sport. He often_basketball after school. There _three people in his family. His parents are both teachers. They are Americans, but they can speak a little Japanese. They _in Japan last year. They would like to live in China next year. I hope they will _soon.11 . AtallBtallerCshort12 . AplayedBwill playCplays13 . AareBisCam14 . AlivesBlivedClive15 . AcomingBcameCcome根据图片或汉语提示选词,补全短文。My name is Tom. Exercise helps make my body_ (强壮的). After I get up, I _for about thirty _ (分钟) in the park. _ (在之前) I go to school, I have_ (早饭). I _to school. After school, I play _for about an_ (小时). I work hard at _. I listen to my _at school. I want to be a good boy. Do you like me?16 . A. strong B. hard C. healthy17 . A. run B. walk C. jump18 . A. minute B. minutes C. minutes19 . A. Before B. After C. Next20 . A. lunch B. breakfast C. dinner21 . A. walk B. walks C. walked22 . A. football B. ping-pong C. basketball23 . A. hours B. hours C. hour24 . A. university B. home C. school25 . A. teacher B. mother C. doctor完形填空。Long long ago, there _ a poor(贫穷的) man. He had an orange tree in his garden. _ the tree, there were many fine oranges. One day, he _ one of his oranges was much bigger than(比大得多) the others(其他的). It was as big as a football. Nobody could ever(曾经) see such a big orange. The poor man _ the orange to the king. The king was very happy _ gave the man a lot of money _ it.When a rich(富有的) man heard of(听说) it, he _ to himself(他自己), “Its _ an orange. Ill take the gold cup(金杯) to the king. He must give me more money(更多的钱).”The next day, when the king saw the gold cup, he liked it very much, “_ beautiful cup! Ill give you _. Please take this great orange.”26 . AisBwasCareDwere27 . AOnBInCAtDNear28 . AfindBto findCfoundDfinds29 . AgaveBbroughtChadDcarried30 . AthatBbecauseCandDbut31 . AonBforCtoDin32 . AtoldBlookedCsaidDthinks33 . AonlyBveryCbigDgood34 . AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a35 . Aa nice thingBsome breadCsome moneyDsome books三、填内容补全对话36 . (1) ?My throat is sore.(写出问句)(2)the,some,feel,winter,sick,in,people(连词成句)(3)How do you feel today?(根据实际回答)(4)Are you taller than your English teacher?(根据实际回答)我是交际小能手。(根据情景补全对话) A: Excuse me. Is this the37 . (教师的) office?B: No, it 38 . . A: 39 . is it?B: Its on the first floor. This 40 . , please. A: 41 . you. B: Not at all.第 6 页 共 6 页

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