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福州市2020版五年级上册期中测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -Sir, would you like _coffee with milk? ( )-Yes, please.AnoBanyCaDsome2 . He is_ his hands on his head. ( )AputtingBputingCput3 . Who is this? ( ) She is my sister.AwomanBgirl4 . - _ put these pens in the pencil-box? ( )- Li Na.AWhoBWhoseCWhat5 . Would you like to have _ to eat? ( )I dont want to eat _. I m full.Asomething; somethingBanything; anythingCanything; somethingDsomething; anything6 . Do you like that _? ( )Yes, I do. I like _.Asnowman, snowmenBsnowman, snowmanCsnowmen, snowmen7 . Thank you for _to us. ( )AtalkedBtalkCtalking8 . There is a famous mountain _ Anhui. ( )AinBonCto二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。A typhoon has two parts. One is called “eye(台风眼)”. It is right in the middle of a typhoon and it is calm(平静的). The eye of a typhoon can be about 40 kilometers wide. The other part of a typhoon is the wall of clouds around the eye. This is the strongest wind and the hardest rain. Typhoons are very dangerous. They blow away houses and cars. And they can also kill people.9 . How many parts does a typhoon have? ( )AIt has two parts.BIt has three parts.CIt has four parts.10 . Where is the “eye”? ( )AIt is at the top of the typhoon.BIt is in the middle of the typhoon.CIt is outside the typhoon.11 . The eye of-a typhoon can be aboutkilometers wide. ( )A60B40C5012 . The other part of a typhoon is thearound the eye. ( )Awall of cloudsBhousesCwind13 . Why are typhoons dangerous? ( )ABecause they can blow away houses and cars.B.Because they can kill people.BBoth a and B.三、填空题14 . 用am, is, are填空。1. He _ going to be a policeman.2. I _ going to run a race.3. We _ going to play football.4. It _ going to be sports day on Friday.5. She _ going to be a nurse.四、英汉混合英汉互译。15 . on the weekend _16 . 去野餐_17 . 散步_18 . have .class _19 . 做早操_五、判断题20 . 判断画线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同:photos bus cars(_)六、句型转换21 . Rewrite the sentences(按要求改变句子,每格一词) 1. Its cherry juice. Its grape juice.(改为选择疑问句)_ it cherry juice _ grape juice?2. I have three Art lessons a week. ( 划线提问)_ Art lessons do you have a week?3. My brother does his homework every evening.(改为否定句)My brother _ his homework every evening .4. I like watching Snow White. (划线提问) _ do you like watching?5. I was in the garden .( 改为一般疑问句)_ in the garden?七、填内容补全对话22 . 完成下列对话1. A: Whats your name?B: _.2. A: Happy New Year.B: _.3. A: I love you, dad!B: _八、匹配题23 . Read and choose 从B中选择合适的答案回答A的问题,把序号填到前面的括号中。A B1. ( ) Lets go the library.AYes, I do.2. ( ) Where is the teachers office?BYes, it is.3. ( ) Do you have lunch at school?CForty-six.4. ( ) How many desks are there in your class?DOK.5. ( ) Is that your pencil?EIts on the first floor.九、书面表达24 . 写作。请根据自己的实际情况,以“My good habits”为题写一篇小作文,向大家介绍自己的一些好习惯。要求:条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,书写规范。不少于5句话。My good habits_第 5 页 共 5 页

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