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石家庄市2019-2020学年四年级下册期中检测英语试卷(一)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题单词释义。1 . museum ( )A科学B博物馆C邮局2 . right ( )A左B转弯C右3 . visit ( )A跟着B拜访C交通4 . postcard ( )A明信片B太空C词典5 . travel ( )A价格B旅行C聚会6 . They live _ Beijing.( )AinBatCon7 . Dont _ on the grass. ( )AwalkBwalksCwalked8 . Helen _ listening to music in the bedroom.AisBdoesChas9 . _ I speak to Miss Liu? ( )AMayBDoCAmDWill10 . Breakfast is_. ( )AreadyBreadCreally11 . 选出每组单词中不同类的一项:( )AduckBtreeCbird12 . When does he_up?( )AgetBgetsCto get13 . Wheres my lunch box? ( )A我的盒子在哪里?B我的午餐盒在哪里?14 . hlp ( )AoBaCe15 . Its time _ go to school. ( )AforBatCto16 . Please pass _. I want to have a drink.( )Athe cup for meBthe cup to meCme for the cupDme to the cup二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。This is Lucy and that is Lily. Lucy is 12 years old. Lily is 12 years old, too. Lucy looks like Lily and Lily looks like Lucy, too. They look the same. They are twins. But they have different hobbies. Lucy likes listening to music and drawing pictures. Lily likes dancing and playing basketball. They are American. They are new students in Jims class. They are in Grade Six. Jim often looks after them. They are new friends. They go to a shop. They would like something to eat and drink. Lucy would like some bread. Lily would like a bottle of orange. Jim would like some apples.17 . How old is Lucy? ( )A. Eleven. B. Twelve. C. Thirteen.18 . Are Lucy and Lily twins? ( )A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. C. No, they are.19 . What are Lilys hobbies? ( )A. Listening to music and dacning.B. Dancing and singing.C. Dancing and playing basketball.20 . Who often looks after Lucy and Lily? ( )A. Their teacher. B. Jim. C. Mike.21 . What would Lucy like?( )A. Some bread. B. Some apples. C. A bottle of orange.三、填空题读一读,根据图片及句意提示完成句子。22 . Where is the _?Its next to our school.23 . Should we turn left here?No, we should _24 . I want to go to Shanghai by_25 . What are you going to do next week?I am going to _.26 . _and _ at a yellow light.四、单词拼写27 . Complete the words with letters(把单词补充完整)p_ _cil sch_ _lbag t_ _cher rul_ _五、判断题28 . 判断单词中划线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同: robot holiday (_)六、选内容补全对话29 . 选词填空,完成短文。On new years day, We all came to the palace in the morning.We (1) see the new suit of magic cloth. But could we see the new suit?The two men (2)a big box and (3)the new suit to everyone.We (4)see anything but we all shouted, ”How wonderful!”.The Emperor (5)But on the clothes and (6)out.七、改错30 . Find out the wrong word and correct: We can see some coconuts trees in the picture._八、匹配题选择与对话相符的图片。ABCDE31 . What do they usually do at the weekend? (_)They usually play chess at the weekend.32 . How do we use water? (_)Firemenusewatertoputoutfires.33 . Is Lily cleaning the floor? (_)Yes,sheis.34 . Whens your birthday? (_)Its on 15th June.35 . What are you doing, dad? (_)Im washing my hair.九、连词成句36 . 连词成句。1. it,Is,red,?2. point, the, to desk,3. blue, is, It,4. now, yellow, is, it5. desk, its, green, a,第 7 页 共 7 页

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