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广西壮族自治区2020年(春秋版)三年级下册期末检测英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出与所给单词相符的图片。1 . library ( )ABC2 . cough ( )ABC3 . mum ( )ABC4 . race( )ABC5 . lake ( )ABC6 . 我喜欢大熊猫,可以说:_ ( )AI like pandas.BI like panda.7 . -How does your mother go to work? ( )-She to work by car.AgoBgoesCwill go8 . Whos she? ( )Shes _.Amy mother.Bmy father.9 . Give _ _ pen. ( )Ame; yourBmy; youCyou; your10 . _youhungry?( )No,_not.AAre;IBAre;ImCAm;Im11 . Howbirds can you see? ( )AmuchBmanyCsome12 . They eat _little sweet food.( )AanBtheCa13 . Would you like to go to the theatre with me? ( ) AYes I like.BYes, Id love toCNo, I cant. DYes, you can14 . Look at photos( )AthisBthatCthese15 . The dog _. ( )AstopBstoppingCstops16 . There are some _ in my bag. ( )AleaveBleafCleaves二、填空题补全句子17 . Do you want to _(玩我的洋娃娃吗)?18 . Its a _(秘密).19 . Im _(准备)make you a _(惊喜礼物)for Christmas.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Dear Ali,I have something important to tell you. I have a box of gold for you on Red Cow Island. Let me tell you how to find it. Take the first right when you get to the southern(南部的)end of the island. Go straight ahead then take the first left. And you will see a pine tree. Find an arrow(箭头)on the tree. Follow the arrow and you will find a big cave. Go straight in the cave. At the end of the cave, you will see a red rock. Move the red rock away and you will see a brown box. Thats it. The key to the box is in the red vase of our home. I am sure you will find the gold. Good luck!Yours,Dad20 . The box of gold is on Chinas Hainan Island. (_)21 . Ali should take the first right at the southern end of the island. (_)22 . Ali needs to find a number on the tree. (_)23 . The gold is in a red box. (_)24 . The key to the box is in Alis schoolbag. (_)四、匹配题25 . Read and match.读一读,把问答句配对。(_)(1) Why do you always get up so early?ALet me think. Oh, I give them seats on the bus.(_) (2) Do you always help others?BWhy? My office is very far from my home.(_) (3) How do you help old people?CIts eleven now. Theyll meet in an hour.(_) (4) Why should I call the police?DNot really. I should help others more.(_) (5) When will they meet at the airport?EUse your mind! Only the police can help you!26 . 给下列短语,选择正确的中文翻译。A. 在下午 B. 吃晚餐 C.看电视 D.回家 E. 起床A. 在下午 B. 吃晚餐 C.看电视 D.回家 E. 起床(_)1. get up(_)2. watch TV(_)3. have dinner (_)4. in the afternoon(_)5.go home第 4 页 共 4 页

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