沈阳市2019版英语三年级上册 Module 2单元测试卷B卷

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沈阳市2019版英语三年级上册 Module 2单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -_?( )-Im fine,thanks.AHow are you?BWhats your name?CGood morning!2 . What does your father do, Mike? ( ) Hes a taxi _.AdriveBdrivingCdriver3 . Where the twenty desks? ( )AbeBamCisDare4 . This isnt my book. ( )A这不是我的书。B那不是我的书。5 . - How are you? ( )- I am _.ALisaBsixCfine根据汉语意思选择正确的单词。6 . 第十二 ( )AsecondBtwelveCtwelfth7 . 第二十 ( )AtwentyBtwentiethCthirtieth8 . 特殊的 ( )AspecialBfestivalCnoise9 . 端午节 ( )AMid-Autumn DayBDragon Boat FestivalCNew Years Day10 . 九月 ( )AAugustBNovemberCSeptember11 . ( )AMum, this is Mike.BDad, this is Lucy.12 . We have Maths in the morning.( )AB选出正确的英语单词。13 . 谢谢 ( )AthankBwelcomeCyour14 . 男孩 ( )AgirlBboyCwoman15 . 包 ( ) AheBbrotherCbag16 . 你的 ( )AnameBMyCyour17 . 你好 ( )AniceBhelloCmeet18 . 他们是朋友。( )AThey are friends.BWe are friends.二、情景交际19 . Good morning的回答是:( )AGoodbye.BGood morning.20 . 你想把你的妹妹介绍给你的朋友Amy认识时,你应该说:( )AAmy, this is my sister.BShe is Amy,Sister.CThis is Amy,Sister.21 . 早晨遇到老师,你这样跟老师打招呼:_( )AGood morning.BGood afternoon.CGood evening.22 . 放学前,与同学李磊道别时,你应该说( )ABye, Li Lei.BHello, Li Lei.三、填空题23 . 选择恰当的单词填空How, English, at, can, again1. Glad to see you_.2. Im good_Chinese.3. _do you do?4. I_help you.5. I am not good at_.四、英译汉24 . hard (英译汉) _五、判断题25 . Read, think and wtite“T” or “F”: - Whats your name? - My name is Linlin. (_)判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。26 . The girl is very helpful at home.(_)27 . Mr Jones is our art teacher.(_)28 . The students are very hardworking.(_)29 . My grandparents are very old.(_)30 . I like funny friends.(_)31 . 看图,读句子,并判断正()误()。( )1. Whose watch is it? Its Anns.( )2. Whats this? It is a computer.( )3. Whose CDs are these? Theyre Kens.( )4. Put the book into the box. OK.( )5. Show me a camera. Here you are.( )6. Its Uncle Booky umbrella. It is beautiful.32 . 情境判断,相符的打“ ”,不符的打“”。(_)1.你上学时在校门口碰到班级同学,可以说:Good morning. (_)2.你放学时可以对老师同学们说:Goodbye.(_)3.你想问这是一只书包吗?可以说:This is a bag.(_)4.晚上你准备关灯睡觉了,可以对家人说:Good evening.33 . 将下列相关的话题连线。1. Hello!2. Bye!3. Bye-bye, Sam. a. 打招呼、问好4. Goodbye!5. Bye-bye!6. Good morning! b. 再见7. How are you?8. Hi!六、选内容补全对话34 . 补全对话。AThen I cut the paper with scissors.BHere is a present for you.CWill you help me?DIts a Chinese dragon.EHow did you make it?Daming: (1) _Simon: Wow! What a beautiful Chinese kite! Whats the animal?Daming: (2) _Simon: I like it so much. Daming, did you make the kite yourself?Daming: Yes, I did.Simon: Youre so great. (3) _Daming: First, I painted a dragon on a piece of paper. (4) _ At last, I put sticks and strings on it.Simon: I want to make it, too. (5) _Daming: Of course, I will. You can take it to your school tomorrow.七、连线题35 . 将对应的问句和答语连线。第 7 页 共 7 页


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