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广西壮族自治区2019版二年级下册月考英语试卷一B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Its a beautiful day,? ( )Ais itBit isCisnt it2 . Look! He likesso much. ( )AswimmingBeating3 . Can you sing a song? ( )No, I _.AcantBcanCdont4 . He _ the door now. ( )Ais openingBopensCopened5 . My mother usually _ shopping on Sunny. ( )AgoBgosCgoes6 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AzooBlostCstation7 . Mom, my grandfather goes for a walk after supper every day, _?( )Adoes heBis heCdoesnt heDisnt he8 . Nancys hobby is _ table tennis. ( )AplayingBplaying theCplay9 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AmotherBfamilyCfather10 . Whats in the box? ( )A盒子里B房子里二、填空题11 . 选词填空。pick apples Oranges pears peaches fruitHi, Im Lingling. We are going to go to a fruit farm this weekend. Well pick (1) _. Dad will pick (2) _. He likes apples. Mum will pick (3) _. Peaches are her favorite fruit. What about me? (4) _ are my favorite fruit. But I wont (5) _ (摘) oranges. They havent got oranges at this farm. So I will pick some (6) _.12 . 选词填空。(每词限用一次)party theirs bamboo season second jumping1.Which _do you like best?Summer.2. After the sports meet, we have an Easter _.3. Its on the _ Sunday in May.4. The carrots are _.5. These rabbits are _.6. Pandas like _.13 . 将符合句意的单词的字母标号填在横线上AyoungBhairCthenDgrandparentsEso1.You are _cute. 2.Her _is long. 3.They are my _. 4.I was two _. 5.Linglings mother is very _.14 . 选词填空。(其中有两项是多余的) 1Do you want _ ride on a bus?2_ does the supermarket open?3I _ Jim the present from my pen friend.4_ is the book shop?5This football player is very _.三、单词拼写15 . 将下列字母按正确的顺序重新排列成一个单词,序号写在横线上:ree h_16 . 将下列字母按正确的顺序重新排列成一个单词,序号写在横线上:ntxe_17 . 将下列字母按正确的顺序重新排列成一个单词,序号写在横线上:idty_18 . 将下列字母按正确的顺序重新排列成一个单词,序号写在横线上:o d_四、判断题19 . 判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)一致:He is doing his homework. (_)20 . 根据图片,判断句子正(T) 误(F):Its too cold.(_)21 . 判断下列句子正(T)误(F):What does Tom like do? (_)22 . 判断图片与句子是否相符: He is eating.(_)23 . 判断题(1) Its time for PE class. ( )(2) I can see some ducks( )(3)Its time to go to school. ( )(4)Are those ducks? ( )No, they arent. Theyre hens.(5)Sing and dance in the music room.( )(6) ( )Are these apples? No,they arent. They are tomatoes. 24 . 判断图片与句意是(T)否(F)匹配。 ( )(1)( )(2)I want a hot dog. There are some noodles.( )(3)( )(4)She wants a glass of milk. There are some vegetables.( )(5)She wears a new shoes.Read and judge.(看图片, 读句子, 判断对 “T” 错 “F”。)25 . I have an eraser and a ruler. (_)26 . Put the pencil in the pencil box. (_)27 . The pencil is on the desk. (_)28 . Put the book in the schoolbag. (_)29 . I have three pens and two books. (_)判断下列图片与句子是否相符,相符的在括号里打“T”,不相符的打“F”。30 . Id like some cake and milk. (_)31 . Show me ten. (_)32 . This is a pig. It is fat. (_)33 . Hello, Im a pencil. (_)34 . This is a panda. It is black and white. (_)35 . 判断下列句子是否正确。(_)1.Act like an duck! (_)2.Its nice. (_)3.Good morning! (_)4.Show I your pencil-box.(_)5.My name is Panda.36 . 判断句子正 (T) 误(F):Amy is playing with some children. (_)五、匹配题帮助店员弄清顾客想要的水果, 将标号写在括号中。ABCDEF37 . Do you like bananas? (_)Yes, I do.38 . Do you like grapes? (_)No, I dont. I like oranges.39 . Do you like watermelons? (_)Yes, I do. I like grapes, too.40 . Do you like strawberries? (_)No, I dont. I like pears and bananas.41 . Do you like oranges? (_)Yes, I do. I like strawberries, too.六、连词成句42 . 连词成句。1.are ? you doing What_2.is watching Dam ? TV_3.the ! park Lets to go_4.playing isnt with train his Tom_连词成句,请注意标点符号。43 . can, What, I, do(?)_44 . waste, water, shouldnt, We (.)_45 . Festival, The, Mid-Autumn, coming, is (.)_46 . will, I, bring, a, big, of, bottle, orange, juice (.)_47 . always, gets, up, Katie, early (.)_连词成句。48 . would,like,you,what (?)_49 . the,first,Its,floor,on(.)_50 . side, they, riding, are, by, side (.)_51 . this, a, student, is (.)_52 . forest, are, bears, the, any, there, in (?)_53 . 连词成句。【小题1】up, 7 oclock, Were, to, get, going, at (.)_【小题2】visit, going, Im, my, to, grandma (.)_【小题3】going, by, Were, to, Hangzhou, ship (.)_【小题4】Were, park, in, play, going, to, the (.)_【小题5】is, a, row, Lingling, going, to, boat (.)_七、连线题54 . 连线。1.Pass me the rice,please. A Yes,I do.2.Do you like fish? B Yes,he does.3.Does Tom like milk? C No,she doesnt.4.Does Amy like bananas? D Its a tiger.5.Whats this?E Here you are,Mum.第 10 页 共 10 页

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