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呼和浩特市2019版英语五年级上册Module7单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Which of the underlined parts has a different pronunciation(发音)? ( )AshoutBmouseCshouldDloud2 . Jane wanted to _ the piano. ( )AplayBplaysCplayed3 . 读单词,选出画线部分读音不同的一个。(_)(1) A. bear B. pear C. deer D. chair(_)(2) A. cool B. zoo C. school D. good(_)(3)A. write B. swim C. climb D. find(_)(4) A. which B. when C. who D. why(_)(5) A. sport B. worker C. morning D. short4 . The two menthe new clothesthe king. ( )Ashows; toBshowed; toCshowed; of5 . The girl often _ her mother do the dishes. ( )AhelpBhelpingChelpedDhelps6 . Youre _America. ( )Acome fromBfromCcome7 . Sandy_ got big eyes. ( )AhasBhave8 . A: Look! There is a book about sports. ( )B: _ANo, it is.BI have a book.CGreat ! I like sports.9 . Lets clean the classroom. -_AOK!BGoodbye!CThank you.10 . 选出下列画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。(1) A. her B.worker C. doctor D. sister(2) A. near B. pear C. yearD. dear(3) A. food B. cook C. room D. school(4) A. many B. get C. any D. hat(5) A.seat B. read C. sweater D. mean(6)A.zero B.old C. home D. clock(7) A. maps B. beds C. doors D. elephants(8) A.where B. pear C. there D. here(9) A.fine B. five C. sit D. kite(10) A.thirteen B. they C. think D. thank 11 . She gives _sweets. ( )AthemBtheyCtheir从下列每组单词中找出画线部分发音不同的一项。12 . AoldBsoCtoday13 . AlastBhappyChappened14 . AweBheCegg15 . AplayedBlookedCwalked16 . AshoppedBstoppedCwanted17 . 选出下列单词画线部分读音不同的一项。【小题1】AsunBtreasureCschool【小题2】AthisBthatCmouth【小题3】AriceBcleanCcloud【小题4】AzooBbookCfoot【小题5】AnoseBsonCstart18 . This dog is _for you. ( )AwellBhelpfulCuseful19 . flowerAknowBnowCwindowDyellow20 . 选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的选项:say ( )AtodayBsays二、填空题21 . 找出划线部分含有所给出的元音音标的单词,将其归类。(1) / i / _ _(2) / i / _ _(3) / / _ _(4) / / _ _(5) / ei / _ _读一读,将下列单词分类并送“回家”。A. smallB. fatC. giraffeD. monkeyE. longF. pigG. short H. bearI. pandaJ. tall22 . cat _23 . big _根据提示完成下列句子,一空一词。24 . What are _ (那些)?25 . They are dragon _ (船).26 . People are _ (划船) on this lake.27 . 看图补全对话。1. A:Whats the matter?B:I have _ _.A:Im sorry to hear that._ _.B:Thank you.2. A:Whats the matter?B:I have _ _.A:Im _ _ _that.Take care.B:Thank you.3. A:How are you?B:_ _ _.A:Whats the matter?B:I have a _ and a _.A:Im sorry to hear that.Can I _ _ _ _after school?B:OK. Thank you!A:Take care. See you soon.B:_ _.28 . Choose and fill.(选词填空)fathers, music shows, fantastic, what, shows 1. My favorite _ are cartoons. 2. They are _. 3. My favorite TV shows are _.4. _ are your favorite TV shows? 5. My _ favorite TV shows are music shows.29 . 按要求写单词。【小题1】can not(缩写)_【小题2】sit down (中文)_【小题3】play(第三人称单数)_【小题4】help(形容词)_【小题5】him(主格)_根据要求写出下列各词的适当形式。30 . lets (完全形式) _31 . lesson (复数形式) _32 . boy (对应词) _33 . best (原级)_34 . you (形容词性物主代词) _35 . 根据图片找出单词,将序号填在横线上,再写出这个单词首字母的大小写形式。ACokeBeightCduckDwaterEdog1._2._3._4._5._用所给单词的适当形式填空。36 . I often take a _ (dance) class on Saturdays.37 . _ (class) start at 8 oclock.38 . My mother _ (work) last night.39 . That _ (sound) like a lot of fun.40 . You need a robot _ (help) you.41 . Count and write:- How many _ are there in your bag? - There are _.42 . 选词填空。1. Look! Jack is _ (writes, writing) a letter to his penfriend. 2. Can I give _ (she, her) my e-mail address?3. Shall we _ (meet, met) at 8:30 in front of the cinema?4. Im going to _ (tell, tells) Betty about my school.5. Autumn is the _ (better, best) season in New York.6. _ (Do, Does) the boys jump_ (high, higher) than the girls?No, they _. (dont, doesnt)43 . Did you _ (hear) the good news?44 . 用括号内单词的正确形式填空:The birds are _away. (fly , flying)三、英汉混合45 . 英汉互译。1. 在绳子上_ 2. 乘小汽车_3. walk to school _ 4. a new sweater _5. have got _四、连词成句46 . 连词成句:panda, is, fruit, the, eating (.)_47 . 连词成句1. sweetshavesomeICan_?2. creamiceforItothegocanshopan_.3. ahaveyouButcancake_.4. youCanakiteeat_?5. TVwatchcanI_.连词成句(写序号)。48 . the, cake, Lets, eat_.49 . at, the, cat, Look_.50 . I, have, bread, Can, some_?51 . are, you, Here_.52 . to, too, meet, Nice, you_.53 . 将下列单词按正确的顺序排列组成句子,并以书写体形式书写在一线格上,并注意字母的大小写形式和标点。1. bananas, do, like, you (?)_2. a, there, bed, is, big (.)_3. does, how, work, he, to, go (?)_4. food, favourite, your, whats (?)_5. should, exercise, more, you, do (.)_五、书面表达54 . 小作文。Mike是一个乐于助人的好孩子。仔细观察下图,写一写Mike帮助他人做了什么。提示:carry the desk ride a bike skate cross the roadMike is a good boy. _第 11 页 共 11 页

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