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陕西省2019年六年级上册第一次月考英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . the second day of Chinese New Year, were going to watch a lion dance. ( )AInBOnCForDAt2 . -_isthisplant?( )-Itstenyuan.AHowmanyBHowmuchCHow3 . 选出不同类的一项。(_)1. A.scienceB.morningC.afternoon(_)2. A.ChineseB.MusicC.floor(_)3. A.whatB.theyC.when(_)4. A.tenB.fourC.they(_)5. A.basketballB.PEC.football(_)6. A.bedroomB.dining roomC.desk(_)7. A.blackboardB.breakfastC.dinner(_)8. A.pencilB.chairC.pen(_)9. A.kiteB.quietC.toy(_)10. A.runB.ChinaC.row4 . -Whats he like? ( )-_AHe is a worker.BHe can speak English.CHe is very strict.DHe likes ice cream.5 . Im from _. ( )AUKBukCthe UK6 . Whats the house like?( )AIts new.BIts old.7 . Is this a ruler? ( )Yes, _.Ais itBit isntCit is8 . I go to school _ Monday _ Friday. ( )Afrom: toBto: fromCbetween: and9 . - is New Years Day? ( )-Its usually January.AWhen; atBWhat; inCWhen; in10 . You cant take this book, _you can take that one. ( )AandBbutCor二、填空题11 . 选词填空。1. This is Danny. He is _ (wear, wearing) a T-shirt.2. She likes the black _ (trouser, trousers).3. This _ (is, are) a skirt.4. These _ (is, are) sweaters.5. _ (It, They) are yellow.根据中文提示完成句子。12 . 在一些地方有龙舟比赛。There are _ in some places.13 . 在秋天,天气凉爽。我们可以放风筝和爬山。In autumn, it is _. We can _ and climb _.14 . 春节在一月或是二月。The Spring _ is _ or February.15 . 人们在中秋节吃月饼、赏月。People eat _ and _ at the Mid-Autumn Festival.16 . 我喜欢吃粽子。I like eating _.三、单词拼写看图,用所给字母组成正确的单词,补全下列句子。17 . This is my _. (o r t e h r b) 18 . Shes my _. (n u t a) 19 . Its a _. (a t c) 20 . This is an _. (y e e) 21 . I like the _. (d r b i) 四、任务型阅读阅读短文,根据短文内容填空。This is my mother. Shes a nurse. Shes quiet. This is my father. Hes a doctor. He likes painting. My aunt is a farmer. She likes flowers. My uncle is a driver. Hes good at sports.22 . My mother is a _and shes_.23 . My father likes _.24 . My aunt is a _.25 . My uncle is_.阅读理解。Christmas is a popular holiday in Western countries. People always buy presents and give them to their children and their friends. Children always like to get up early to find the presents in the stocking or under the Christmas trees on Christmas Day.Peter wakes up at six twenty on Christmas Day. He quickly puts on his new clothes and looks for his present in the stocking. He finds a lovely toy dog in it. Then he runs down to the first floor and he sees a box under the Christmas tree. He opens the box. Theres a pretty dress in it. Its his sister Nancys present.Peter looks around, and finally he sees another box for him under the tree.根据短文内容判断句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的写T,不相符的写F。26 . Christmas is a popular holiday in China. (_)27 . Peter gets up at twenty to six. (_)28 . The pretty dress is for Peters sister. (_)29 . Peter gets one Christmas present. (_)30 . Peter and his sister are very happy. (_)五、判断题判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。31 . Im a girl.(_)32 . Im a boy.(_)33 . Hello, Im Sarah. Im from Canada. (_)34 . Hi, Im Mike. Im from the USA(_)六、句型转换35 . 按照要求变换句型。1. dinosaur, the, tallest, in, Thats, this, hall.(连词成句)_2. You are older than me.(同义句)_3. Mike is 1.65 metres.(对划线部分提问)_4. How heavy are you? (感觉自己的实际情况做回答)_5. 越来越低/ 越来越长(汉译英)_七、匹配题36 . 从栏中选出栏句子的答语。I. II.(_) 1. What did you do last week?AI walked back.(_) 2. Can I have some water?BFootball.(_) 3. When did you go to Xinjiang?CIm from Nanjing.(_) 4. What do Americans speak?DSure. Here you are.(_) 5. How did you come back?EYes, I have.(_) 6. Have you got a book?FEnglish.(_) 7. Did you go with your friends?GIts me.(_) 8. Where are you from? H. I rode my bike.(_) 9. What do you like to play? I. Yes, I did.(_) 10. Whos that little boy? J. We went there in June.八、看图题看图片,完成下列句子或对话。37 . He is _ with a ball. 38 . The mouse is _ bread. 39 . The elephant is _. 40 . The monkey is _ a tree. 41 . Is the girl _ on the playground? Yes, she is. 九、书面表达42 . Writing.书面表达。请你想一想,我们可以做些什么让城市变得更美好。第 7 页 共 7 页

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