呼和浩特市2019版英语五年级上册Unit 3 Clothes 单元测试卷B卷

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呼和浩特市2019版英语五年级上册Unit 3 Clothes 单元测试卷B卷_第1页
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呼和浩特市2019版英语五年级上册Unit 3 Clothes 单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The boy usually has _ eggs every week. ( )Aa littleBa fewCa lot2 . 我们在这里拍了一些好看的照片。( )AWe took some photos there.BWe took some nice photos there.选择与图片相符的句子。3 . ( )AGood morning!BWelcome!4 . ( )AHi, Im Sarah.BHi, Im John.5 . ( )A.The boy is from the UK.AThe boy is from the USA.6 . ( )AI am from Canada.BI am from Xian.7 . ( )AThe girl is from Canada.BThe girl is from China.8 . 选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. catB. shoes C. derss( ) 2. A. monkeyB. rabbit C. clothes( ) 3. A. whatB. store C. where( ) 4. A. goodB. bad C. trousers( ) 5. A. shortsB. like C. do9 . _a desk and a bed in the room.AThere areBThere isCThere10 . They stayed there for a week _. ( )Ain JuneBin July11 . -Who _ you? ( )-Im Mingming.AisBare12 . 填空。1.How _ is it?2.Its _ (a/an) hundred yuan.3.Lets _ some.4._ is the money.5.Thank _.13 . Hisfavorite _ is tea. ( )AfoodBdrinkCvegetable14 . 你想知道顾客想要什么尺寸,你会问:_AWhat size would you like ?BWhat colour would you like ?15 . - _ is the art room? ( )- Its next to Classroom 2.AWhatBWhereCHow二、阅读选择阅读理解。A: Look at this red dress, Lucy. It is nice.B: Yes, Mom. There is a flower on it.A: Put it on, please. (B puts on the red dress.) Oh, its too big for you.B: Yes, its too big.A: Try this blue one. It is small.B: OK. (B puts on the blue one.)A: Thats lovely! Do you like it?B: Yes, I like it. Can I take it?A: Yes, you can.16 . Who is B? ( )AA red dress.BLucy.CLucys mother.17 . Who is A? ( )ALucys friend.BLucys mother.CLucys father.18 . The _dress is big. ( )AredByellowCblue19 . B wants to take the _ dress. ( )AredBblueCnice20 . The _ dress is small. ( )AredBflowerCblue三、填空题21 . Group the words.twenty, fruit, peach, twelve, fourteen, appletree, book, sixteen, river, eye 1.名词:_2.数词:_四、选内容补全对话选择合适的句子补全对话。ABut they are too big.BCan I help you?CThey are very cheap.DHow much are they?EWhat size do you want?A: 22 . B: Yes. I want some trousers.A: These trousers are very nice.B: I like them a lot. 23 . Do you have any small trousers?A: 24 . B: Medium.A: How about these trousers?B: They are the right size. 25 . A: They are 60 yuan. 26 . B: OK. Ill take them.五、匹配题27 . 选一选,读一读。(_)1. Lets play football.AYes, I can play basketball.(_)2. Can you play basketball?BWe cant play football.(_)3. Can you run with me?CGood morning.(_)4. Good morning.DMe first.(_)5. Wholl try first?EYes, I can run with you.第 6 页 共 6 页

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