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吉林省2019-2020年度六年级上册第一次月考英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . We enjoy this party. We _ at the party.( )Ahas a funBhas funChave a funDhave fun2 . 找出不同类的选项(_) 1. A.father B.mother C.me(_) 2. A.driver B.dad C.cook(_) 3. A.teacher B.pig C.horse(_) 4. A.rice B.soup C. mum(_) 5. A.get up B.watch TV C.in the morning3 . He _ reading stories.AlikesBlikedCliking4 . Last Sunday, my friends and I went to the zoo. We _ some pandas, monkeys and many other animals. ( )AsawBseeCbought5 . _ family and _are going to buy some new clothes tomorrow.A My, meAMe, IBMy, IAolderBbigCold7 . 选出发音不同的单词(_)1. A.nineB.kiteC.thing(_)2. A.smokeB.throwC.move(_)3. A.mineB.nineC.picture(_)4. A.faceB.dadC.cake(_)5. A.teamB.teaC.bread8 . I _ email to my e-friend last night. ( )Awrite aBwrote aCwrote an9 . These days, more and more people care about food. ( )AsafeBsafetyCsafelyDsave10 . Where _ Danny last Sunday? ( )AisBdidCwas11 . What are you doing here? Im waiting _ Bob. ( )AinBforCat二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hi, Im Jack. Welcome to my farm. My farm is so big. There are many animals on the farm. I have 15 cows, 20 sheep, 40 hens and 10 horses. And there are many vegetables. Look at the tomatoes, potatoes, onions and carrots. They are fresh. I like my farm.12 . Jack has a farm. ( )AsmallBbigCclean13 . There are hens on the farm. ( )AfortyBthirtyCfifty14 . We cant see on the farm. ( )AcowsBdogsCcarrots15 . There are animals on the farm. ( )A60B85C7516 . Jack his farm very much. ( )AlikesBlikeCdoesnt like三、完形填空17 . 完型填空。1 afternoon, my uncle and aunt come to my family. Their 2 comes here with them, too. Maria is my young sister. We are good 3 .My 4 are not at 5 . They go to 6 a doctor. So I phone them to 7 back quickly(快点). My uncle and aunt 8 me a new hat. Its 9 is blue. I 10 it very much.( )1.A. Today B. This C. That D. Its( )2.A. daughter B. son C. children D. cat( )3.A. friend B. sister C. friends D. classmates( )4.A. father B. mother C. teacher D. parents( )5.A. family B. home C. school D. time( )6.A. look for B. find C. see D. look( )7.A. go B. come C. look D. take( )8.A. bring B. take C. carry D. fetch(拿)( )9.A. name B. color C. like D. face( )10.A. look B. look like C. am like D. like四、填空题18 . 写出下列动词的过去式。1. walk _2. do _ 3. cook _4. rain _ 5.talk_ 6. help _7. stop _ 8. sing _ 9. listen _ 10. eat_五、任务型阅读根据对话判断正(T)误(F)John. What time is it, dad?Dad: Its 6:30.Mom: Time for dinner.John: Mom, can I have some rice and vegetables?Mom: Yes. of course.Dad: Can I have some noodles?Mom: Sorry, you cant. Do you like dumplings?Dad: No, I dont. I like rice.19 . Its in the morning. (_)20 . John likes rice and vegetables(_)21 . Dad likes dumplings. (_)22 . Dad likes rice. (_)六、汉译英根据中文提示,完成句子或对话。23 . 你需要什么吗,迈克?是的。我想要一把伞。Can I_you, Mike? Yes. Id like _.24 . 那把伞多少钱?20元。How_that_? _yuan.25 . 我想要一件红色的夹克衫和一顶黄色的帽子。Id like_and _.26 . 这些鞋子真漂亮。它们多少钱?60元。These_very_. How_are they? _ yuan.27 . 它仅仅只要5元。Its_yuan.七、英汉混合英汉互译。28 . 一间美术室_ room29 . 读故事_30 . 在我们中间_31 . 我的双脚_32 . 在二楼_ the _ floor33 . the hole in the ice _34 . just right _35 . show you around my farm _36 . see a film_37 . be good at skating _八、句型转换38 . 按要求写句子。1Im in Grade Four(变为一般疑问句)_2Do you like spring?(作否定回答)_3Where are you from?(根据实际情况回答问题)_4What are you good at?(根据实际情况回答问题)_5I like football(变为否定句)_九、书面表达39 . 假设你是小星,根据提示向大家介绍你的家人上班的时间。_第 7 页 共 7 页

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