长春市2019-2020年度英语四年级下册Unit 4 Free Time 单元测试卷A卷

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长春市2019-2020年度英语四年级下册Unit 4 Free Time 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There _ some apples on the table. ( )AisBamCare2 . - May I _ a peach? ( )- Yes. Here you are.AhaveBwatchCuse3 . -May I have a pie? ( )-_.AYes, you may.BBye-bye.4 . - _ that? ( )- Its _ eraser.AWhat aBWhats anCWhos an5 . What _ you do the day before yesterday? ( )AdidBdoCdoes6 . What under your table? ( )AdontBisCcan7 . What_ spring like? ( )AdoesBisCdo8 . There _ a bridge and two lakes in the nature park. ( )AisBamCare9 . ( )AbookBflower10 . _ these your trousers? ( )Yes, they are.AAreBIsCWas11 . I want to go _. I need some _.( )Ashop, crayonsBshopping, crayonCshopping, crayons12 . Im a waiter (服务员). I work in the _. ( )AschoolBrestaurantCgarden13 . 找出每组单词中不同类的一项,并将序号填在括号内。(_)1. A. five B. seven C. foot(_)2. A. water B. milk C. cake(_)3. A. elephant B. body C. monkey (_)4. A. nine B. eraser C. crayon(_)5. A. faceB. mouth C. school14 . There _ six boys. ( )AisBareChave15 . Lets the playground.( )Ato goBto go toCgo to二、情景交际16 . 打扰别人时出于礼貌,你应先说_AExcuse meBSorry17 . 路人向你表示感谢时,你应说_AThank youBYoure welcome18 . 做完作业后,你想听音乐,妈妈同意后会说:_ ( )ANo, you may not. Sorry.BYes, you may not.CYes, you may.三、填空题根据句意补全句子。maths English music Chinese PE art19 . We learn ABC in _ class.20 . We play football in _ class.21 . We sing songs in _ class.22 . We draw pictures in _ class.23 . We study Chinese in _ class.24 . We learn numbers in _ class.四、单词拼写根据汉语意思,补全下列单词.25 . ho_ey (曲棍球)26 . m_se (驼鹿)27 . beav_(海狸)28 . ra_c_n (浣熊)29 . s_e_al (特殊,特别)五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。Hi, I am Tom. I have a good friend. His name is Jimmy. He has a sister. Shes only five. We often play badminton on Sunday. I have a blue pen and Jimmy has a green eraser. I often borrow his eraser and he often borrows my pen , too. We go to school together from Monday to Friday. But his sister doesnt go to school.30 . Jimmy is Toms good friend. (_)31 . Tom has at sister. (_)32 . Jimmy and Tom play baseball on Sunday. (_)33 . Jimmy has a green eraser. (_)34 . Jimmys sister can go to school now. (_)六、英译汉35 . I am good at street dancing. ( )A我擅长街舞。B我想学街舞。36 . I go camping once a month. ( )A我一周去野营一次。B我一个月去野营一次。七、句型转换37 . 句子大变脸。1Bill lives in Japan. (变为一般疑问句)2. Does she go home on foot?(肯定回答)3. He likes collecting stamps. (变为否定句)4. I read newspapers every night.(用he改写句子)5. Do you go to school by bus?(否定回答)八、匹配题选择下列英语单词或词组相应的汉语意思。A. 多少(接可数名词)B. 发送一封电子邮件C. 制作一张购物清单D. 赶快E. 0.5千克F. 在那边G. 等待H. 许多的I. 从. .回来J. 多少(接不可数名词)38 . hurry up(_)39 . how much(_)40 . how many(_)41 . a lot of(_)42 . send an email(_)43 . back from(_)44 . wait for(_)45 . half a kilo(_)46 . make a shopping list(_)47 . over there(_)九、连词成句48 . doctor My is cousin a (.)_十、连线题49 . 看图连线。Tigers eat meat.Cats eat fish.Horses eat grass.第 6 页 共 6 页

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