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内蒙古自治区2019年六年级下册小升初冲刺训练英语试卷(九)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . What do you want_?( )AbeBto beCisDare2 . I like to _in the living room. ( )Awatch TVBread booksCdo homework3 . Which book do you want, the thick one or the thin one? ( )-_.AI want the blue one.BI want the short one.CI want the thick one.4 . They are making.( )AmasksBmaskCan mask5 . _ do you leave home? ( )At half past seven.AHowBWhenCWhere二、填空题将下列单词归类。fanstrongcomputermaths bookfriendlylightnotebookquietblackboardtall6 . 教室陈设:_7 . 书本类:_8 . 外貌性格:_9 . 在下列每组词语后补充一个相同类别的单词,并将其写在横线上。1.gym,school,_ 2.taller,shorter,_3.went,ate,_ 4.teacher,doctor,_5.played,visited,_10 . 根据所给图片补全句子,每空一词。1. I couldnt play before.2. I like to play now.3. I rode to school by before.4. The fish can drink.5. The could sing songs years ago.三、单词拼写11 . 选择合适的选项,补全单词。( )1. pi _ c_ A.e,o B.i,e C.e,e( )2. cro _ _ A.is B. ss C.so( )3. _ _op A. do B.dr C.rd( )4. m _ _ _ A.era B. eor C.ore( )5. m _ _t A. ea B. ae C.ei四、阅读回答问题完成表格,再用完整的表达方式写一写。How many minutes.do you.?play pingpongthirty minutes a daywalktwenty minutes a dayplay basketballforty minutes a dayride a bikean hour a weekrunfifty minutes a week12 . How many minutes _ do you _?I play pingpong thirty minutes a day.13 . How many minutes a day do you walk?_.14 . _.I play basketball forty minutes a day.15 . _._.16 . _._.五、任务型阅读17 . 阅读短文,将图片与正确的选项相连Hello, my name is Jenny. This is my family. My father is a worker. My mother is a teacher. I have a brother. His name is Bob. He is a policeman. I have a sister. Her name is Lynn. She is young. I am ten years old. Im a student. I love my family.ABCDE【小题1】father(_)【小题2】mother(_)【小题3】brother(_)【小题4】Jenny(_)【小题5】sister(_)六、选内容补全对话18 . 选用方框内的单词填空。go am boating boats Are is【小题1】-What would you like to do?- Id like to go _.【小题2】- Who are you?- I _ Tonys friend, John.【小题3】- _ there any tigers in the forest? - No.【小题4】- Lets _ swimming in the lake. -Cool!【小题5】- What colour _ the plant? - Its blue.【小题6】I can see some _ on the river.七、匹配题读句子,选答语。A.HernameisMary.B.OK!C.Yes,youcan.D.Itstenoclock.E.Itstimetogetup.F.Yes,itis.19 . Whattimeisit? (_)20 . CanIhaveatry? (_)21 . Its6:00. (_)22 . Letsplayfootball. (_)23 . Whatshername? (_)24 . Isthisthelibrary? (_)25 . 仔细观察所给单词的类别,将下列单词的序号填入对应的横线上AparkBflyCTuesdayDherEswimming(1)Friday Sunday_(2)my his_(3)zoo school_(4)read visit_(5)running getting_八、书面表达26 . 书面表达请你写一段话,描述一个你喜欢的城市,要求句子正确,内容充实,表达连贯,语言得体,书写工整,注意使用正确的标点符号,最少6句话。_第 7 页 共 7 页

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