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重庆市2019版三年级上册期末测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The day after tomorrow they _ a volleyball match. ( )Awill watchingBwatchesCis watchingDare going to watch2 . _ did you _ last weekend? ( )AWhat; doBWhere; goCWhere; do3 . _ do you have dinner? ( )At ten.AWhereBWhatCWhen4 . Is it _ apple? ( )AanBaC/5 . ( )AIm 11.BNo, I dont.CI live in Liyun Estate.选择与单词相符的图片。6 . bird ( )ABC7 . duck ( )ABC8 . elephant ( )ABC9 . monkey ( )ABC10 . tiger ( )ABC根据汉语意思选择正确的单词。11 . 体育场 ( )AlibraryBgymCplayground12 . 以前 ( )AagoBlastCyesterday13 . 羽毛球 ( )AbaseballBping-pongCbadminton14 . 容易的 ( )AeasyBhardCnew15 . 查阅 ( )Alook atBlook upClook into16 . 选出每组中不同类的单词。【小题1】AmeatBmilkCmumDnoodles【小题2】AcoffeeBteaCcatDmilk【小题3】AappleBnoodlesCpearDorange【小题4】AbutBthinCshortDtall【小题5】AapplesBdoesCpearsDtrees17 . 选不同类的单词:( )AstudentBteacherCshelf18 . _ do you have this morning?( )We have science and Chinese.AWhatBWhatsCWhere二、阅读选择19 . 阅读理解。An old tiger lives in the forest. He often tells other animals to bring him food to eat. One day, he sees a monkey and says, “I am hungry, Monkey. Bring me a fat pig in the village.”“Oh, Tiger,” says the monkey. “I cannot do that now. There is another tiger over there. He is big and ferocious(凶猛的). Iam afraid ofhim.” “What?” says the old tiger? “Show me that tiger. I will talk to him.”“Come with me,” says the monkey. The monkey and the tiger get to a bridge over the river. “Now look down at the river,” says the monkey. “Do you see a tiger?” “Yes, I do.” “I will eat him up!” Then the tiger jumps into the water.根据对话内容,选择正确答案。( )1. The old tiger lives in the _.A. mountain B. forest C. village( )2. The old tiger wants a fat _ .A. monkey B. dog C. pig( )3. The underlined(划线) words “am afraid of” means _.A. 喜欢 B. 害怕 C. 崇拜( )4. The monkey and the tiger get _ the bridge _ the river.A. to, over B. over, to C. in, to( )5. At last, the tiger _.A. eats up another tigerB. talks to another tigerC. jumps into the river三、情景交际20 . 你跟苏海道别,可以说:( )AGoodbye, Su Hai.BHello, Su Hai.21 . 当别人向你问路,你想告诉他直走时,你应该说:_ ( )AGo straight on.BTurn left. .22 . 当你想问这只猫什么颜色时,你应该说:A Whats this?B What colour is a cat?C What colour is the cat?23 . 你过生日,妈妈送了你礼物,你应该说:( )AThank you, Mum.BYou are welcome.CBuy a birthday cake.24 . 你向奶奶介绍你的好朋友杨玲,你可以说:( )AThis is my sister.BGrandma, this is Yang Ling. Shes my friend.CAre you Yang Ling?四、选内容补全对话25 . Choose the conversation. (完成对话) AHere you are.BDont worry.CThats OK.DYoure welcome.1. -Thank you. -_. 2. -Can I use your knife, please? -Sure._ . 3. _. We can call 110. The police can help us.4. -Sorry. I dont have a glue stick. - _五、看图题26 . 看图完成下列句子。1. She is a _. She helps _.2. She is a _. She helps _.3. He is a _. He stops _.六、字母题Look and write. (写出下列字母的小写形式。)27 . _28 . _29 . _30 . _31 . _第 7 页 共 7 页

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