长沙市2019年英语一年级下册Review Module单元测试卷A卷

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长沙市2019年英语一年级下册Review Module单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -Where are the cakes? ( )-_ in the kitchen.ATherereBTheyreCIts选出与下列图片相符的单词。2 . ( )AmilkBjuiceCapple3 . ( )AteacherBnurseCmother4 . ( )AbagBpicnicCsupermarket5 . ( )AshoppingBlistCbuy6 . ( )ApicnicBbottleCfruit7 . Do you _fun together in the party? ( )AhaveBhasCplay8 . _I like coffee.ACan I have some coffee?BWhat do you like?CShow me the coffee选出每组中不同类的单词。9 . AyellowBbrotherCbrownDgreen10 . AmotherBgrandpaCfriendDuncle11 . Aice creamBcakeChot dogDcap12 . AmorningBeveningChelloDafternoon13 . AboyBheCsheDI14 . 选出与所给单词属于同类的一项:grandpa( )AgrandmaBfanCgood15 . These _your eyes. ( )AisBare16 . Betty cant play pipa. ( )AaB/Cthe17 . 看中文选英文。1. 橡皮 A. eraserB. ruler2. 太棒了 A. superB. cool3. 铅笔盒 A. pencil B. pencil-box4. 来吧 A. come in B. come on5. 展示 A. showB. take18 . _ is my cat? ( ) Its in the tree.AWhatBWhereCIt19 . What are these? They are_ .( )Amy gloveByour skirtCmothers jeans20 . -_ your aunts job? ( )-She is a cook.AWhatBWhatsCWhos给下列单词选出正确的汉语意思。21 . sorry( )A谢谢B对不起22 . look( )A看B书23 . count( )A数B指24 . but( )A但是B不是25 . green( )A蓝色B绿色26 . ( )AThis is a cat.BThis is a car.选出每组词中不同类的一项。27 . AhotBhungryCgo28 . AtiredBhappyCwater29 . AcoldBpieCcake30 . AmilkBa hot dogCjuice31 . AwantBhaveCthirsty32 . Can you drive a car? ( )_AYes, I do.BNo, you cant.CNo, I cant.33 . apple for you. ( )AaBanCAn34 . I finish the homework in an hour? ( )No, you neednt.AMustBShouldCNeedDDo35 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AtigerBcuteCelephant36 . _ are they? ( )They are pigs.AWhereBHowCWhat37 . Where_ the spoon?AwasBamCisDare二、填空题38 . 将下列单词按类别归类。peach arm thirteen foot orange twenty eye pear nine 1.body:_2.fruit:_3.number:_39 . 选择正确的词填空。AuseBshorterCShallDcans E. sunny and cool(1) This tree is _ than that one.(2) We should _ bikes instead of cars.(3) I will bring a few _ of Coke.(4) _ we go to the cinema?OK. Lets go.(5) It will be _ next Monday.三、单词拼写40 . Read and write.Eg: It is = Its1. They are = _2. Let us = _3. What is = _4. Here is = _5. He is = _四、英译汉41 . 翻译下面句子中画线的单词:Look at the father chicken._42 . 翻译下面句子中画线的单词:How many? Lets count._五、判断题43 . 根据图片,判断单词正(T)误(F):swimming(_)判断图片与句子是“T”否“F”相符。44 . My dress is forty yuan. (_)45 . Sarah has a pretty jacket. (_)46 . Linda has a nice dress. (_)47 . Put on your scarf. (_)48 . My umbrella is very beautiful and cheap. (_)49 . 判断句子是(T)否(F)符合常识:Dont climb the tree. (_)50 . 判断句子是(T)否(F)符合常识:Dont be late for school. (_)51 . 判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确,并找出错误的单词:Open the window, David. (_)六、改错52 . 选出句中的错误:(_)The baby lion are cute.A B C改错,把正确答案写在横线上。53 . Thisshoesare nice. (_)_A B C54 . Mikesfeet are bigger than you.(_)_A B C55 . You look thiner thanme. (_)_A B C56 . Wu Yifanis 1.67 centimeters. (_)_A B C57 . Which size are your shoes? (_)_A B C58 . 选出句中错误的一项:(_).These areyourear.A B C59 . 判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确,并选出出错误的单词:This is her dress. That is my dress. _七、匹配题60 . 选择合适的短语填空。(1)Here are two hats, _do you like?I like the green oneIts so nice(2)Why are you unhappy_?Because I always have a lot of homework to do(3)Which brush do you want,Kitty?The one_(4)_Can you tell the differences between them?Of course八、连线题61 . 将汉语与相应的英语连线。1. 这是一个书包吗?AThis is a teddy.2. 这是一个盒子。BIs this a bag?3. 这是一个泰极熊。CThis is a box.62 . 找朋友,将单词和汉语意思连线。1. teacherA女孩 6. bookB铅笔2. boyC椅子 7. markerD水彩笔3. chairE课桌 8. pen H. 钢笔4. deskF男孩 9. pencil I. 学校5. girlG教师 10. school J. 书63 . 为下列句子连线恰当的应答语。(1) Lets fly a kite. AI can see twelve.(2) How many books do you have? BOK.(3) Whats this, Jim? CIts an orange.(4) How many fish can you see? DI have five.第 10 页 共 10 页

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