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福州市2020年(春秋版)英语五年级上册期末专项训练:语音和词汇(二)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Im from the UK. My is Tom. ( )AnameBcountry2 . 选出每组单词中不同类的一项(_)1. A. apple B. bear C. pear D. grape(_)2. A. banana B. in C. on D. under(_)3. A. watermelon B. strawberry C. boat D. orange(_)4. A. UK B. USA C. Canada D. pear(_)5. A. grape B. apple C. watermelon D. milk选择每组中不同类的单词。3 . AthinBtallCeye4 . AEnglishBstudentCmaths5 . AwindowBbookCdoor6 . AdeskBstrongCthin7 . AriceBblackboardCpicture选出每组中不同类的单词。8 . AleftBrightCturn9 . AsubwayBbyCbike10 . AfastBslowCdown11 . AfilmBtripCtravel12 . AworkerBcountryCcoach13 . -Can I look it? ( )-Sure.AforBatCin14 . My brother likes friends the Internet. ( )Amake; onBmaking; inCmaking; on15 . Tom _this email_me. ( )Asent; forBsent; toCsend; to16 . His father is a police_.( )AofficeBshopCofficer17 . Here some cakes you. ( )Thanks.Ais; forBare; forCis; to18 . 根据中文释义,选择对应的选项,将其序号填入题前括号里。(_)1.季节 A. summer B. season(_)2.哪一个 A. what B. which(_)3.最 A. best B. good(_)4.漂亮的 A. sunny B. pretty19 . 选出每组中不同类的单词。【小题1】AtellBhelpCtook【小题2】AgreatBpianoCdelicious【小题3】AmilkBfoodCjuice【小题4】AposterBpictureCthin【小题5】AateBhelpedCmake20 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AsupermarketBcarCzoo21 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AlearnBteachCumbrella22 . We also goand ride our horse. ( )AswimsBswimCswimming23 . Look at the _ , please. ( )AclockBoclockCyour24 . My grandma gave a nice watch _me last night. ( )AtoBinCforDon二、填空题25 . 新学期来了。Amy想知道她的英语老师是个怎样的人。你能帮帮她吗?1=A,2=B,3=C依此类推。1521195147139198201385189191391919238920519859192011212114416185202025根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。26 . The_ (自然)park is so quiet.27 . There are many tall_ (建筑物) in the city.28 . There are_ (鸭子)and_ (兔子).29 . This is a_ (桥).30 . Are there any_(湖泊) on the _ (山)?31 . There is a lake near the_ (村庄).32 . My home is_ (在的前面) the river.33 . Lets_ (照相) of the koalas first.三、单词拼写读句子,根据图片或汉语提示补全单词。34 . My father _(有)a brother.35 . This is a map of _. 36 . Li Ming _ to school.(步行)37 . Today is _(星期日). I dont go to school.38 . Lilys _(父母)will come to see her tomorrow.根据汉语意思补全单词。39 . cra_on 蜡笔40 . mo_th 嘴41 . be_r 熊42 . th_ee 三43 . j_ice 果汁44 . Look and write the words:_四、填内容补全对话根据课文填空,将正确答案写在短文下的横线上。Susans day for choresSusan is always busy 45 . Sunday. In the morning she 46 . the bed. Then she sweeps the floor and 47 . the plants. 48 . the afternoon she usually 49 . clothes. Before dinner, Susan feeds her pet50 . . After 51 . she often takes 52 . the rubbish.She enjoys her day 53 . 54 . .五、匹配题55 . 读句子,选图片ABCDE1.Put your storybook in your desk. _2.Put your eraser near your pencil box. _3.Its black and white. _4.Put your ruler in your schoolbag. _5.Put a book on your head. _六、看图题56 . 看图填空。1. _ is the capital of China. Its in the _.2. _ is a famous city in China. Its in the _.3. WashingtonABis the capital of _. Its in the _.4. San Francisco is a _city in America. Its in the _.七、音标题57 . 找出下列每组中画线部分读音不同的一项,将序号填入题前的括号里(_) 1 . A. grapeB. face C. cat(_) 2 . A. oldB. clock C. often(_) 3 . A. riverB. bridge C. bike(_) 4 . A. speakB. ice cream C. dear(_) 5 . A. clothes B. healthy C. thirsty八、连线题58 . 请你将下面的图片与相对应的单词连线。1. Ahot2. Brainbow3. Crainy4. Dsun5. E. cold第 8 页 共 8 页


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