重庆市2019年英语四年级下册Unit 3 Weather 单元测试卷A卷

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重庆市2019年英语四年级下册Unit 3 Weather 单元测试卷A卷_第1页
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重庆市2019年英语四年级下册Unit 3 Weather 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出单词中与众不同的一项:( )AyellowBredCpen2 . -you spell the word “yesterday” five years ago? ( )-No. But now I .ACant; couldBCould; canCCouldnt; couldDCan; can3 . Mike and Mary _my friends. ( )AareBisCam4 . -it like? ( )- Its blue and in the shape of a teddy bear.AWhatBWhatsCwhats5 . ( ) (8)- How many_ are there?-_five.Aanimals; ItsBanimals; TheyreCanimals; There are我会辨。选出下列每组词汇中不同类的一项。6 . AorangeBscarfCbanana7 . AmathBChineseCdress8 . AcowBtomatoConion9 . AhotBcatCwarm10 . ArainyBsnowyCsweater11 . Its hot and _ in Guangzhou. ( )AcoldBsunnyCsun12 . 你去老师办公室,老师对你说:( )ACome in, please.BIm sorry,Miss Li.13 . - _ it a wall? ( )-No, it isnt.ADoBCanCIs14 . Is that a carrot?AYes, it isnt.BNo, it isnt.二、任务型阅读根据表格内容,补全句子。CitiesBeijingKunmingHarbinLhasaHong KongWeathercoolwarmcold(morning)cold/(noon) hotwarm15 . In Beijing, its _ today.16 . Whats the weather like in Kunming?Its _.17 . Its _ in Harbin.18 . Today is _ in Hong Kong.19 . In Lhasa it is _ in the morning, and it is _ at noon.三、汉译英翻译。20 . 今天冷吗?_21 . 让我们去上学吧。_22 . 今天天气暖和。_四、判断题23 . 判断题(_)1. They are four apples.(_)2. How many monkeys? Eight pies.(_)3. They are three tigers(_)4. The classroom is small. (_)5. Kitty can see many kites in the classroom. 五、句型转换24 . 根据提示完成句子。Did you go there by plane?(做肯定回答)_六、匹配题25 . 为下列问句选出正确的答语。(_)1. How are you?AYes, it is.(_)2. What colour is your coat?BFine, thank you.(_)3. Is it new?CNo, its small.(_)4. Is it big?DIts red.(_)5. Are you a panda?EYes, I am.第 4 页 共 4 页

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