河北省2020版英语三年级上册 Module 2单元测试卷A卷

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河北省2020版英语三年级上册 Module 2单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 这些石头非常地大。( )AThe stones are very big.BThe stones are very small.2 . 北京是中国的首都。 ( )ABeijing is a beautiful city.BBeijing is the capital of China.3 . _ is it ? ( )Yellow.AWhatsBWhat colourCWhat about4 . _ do you want?Noodles, please.AWhatBWhenCWhy5 . 选出正确答句。(_)1.Good morning. A. Goodbye. B. Good morning.(_)2.Pears? A. No, thanks. B. Me too.(_)3.How many rubbers? A. Yellow. B. Two rubbers.(_)4.Is this your bag? A. Yes. B. Thank you.6 . I love.( )AmusicBEnglishCart选出正确的英语单词。7 . 谢谢 ( )AthankBwelcomeCyour8 . 男孩 ( )AgirlBboyCwoman9 . 包 ( ) AheBbrotherCbag10 . 你的 ( )AnameBMyCyour11 . 你好 ( )AniceBhelloCmeet12 . _ is she ?-She is behind the tree .AwhatBwhoCwhenDwhere13 . 5. 你想告诉刘涛,你是迈克。你会说:( )AHello, Im Mike.BHi, Mike.14 . He is talking on the phone.( )AB二、情景交际15 . Zhang Peng在介绍自己名字时,应该说:_ ( )AIm Zhang Peng.BGood morning.16 . 当你见到一位新朋友时,你应该说:_( )ANice to meet you!BGoodbye!CHow old are you?17 . 早上上学时,看到李老师,你会说:( )AGoodbye, Miss Li.BGood morning, Miss Li.CGood afternoon, Miss Li.18 . 当你想跟对方道别,你可以说 ( )AGood afternoon.BGoodbye!三、填空题19 . Read and write.(选择正确的单词完成句子)time colour name dont Is like warm Nice you How1._ are you?2._ this an orange?3.I_ a sunny day.4.I_ like a rainy day.四、英译汉Read and translate.(翻译下列句子)20 . Its seven oclock._21 . How old are you?_22 . Good night!_23 . What time is it?_24 . Good evening._25 . Sorry. I dont know._五、判断题判断下列图片与句子或对话是否相符,相符的打T,不符的打F26 . That is my mother.(_)27 . Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too (_)28 . Is it a ruler?Yes, it is. (_)29 . Open the window! (_)30 . Im six. (_)31 . 读句子,判断图片与句子内容是否相符,相符的打,不相符的打。(_) 1. Hi! Im a boy.(_) 2. I have two apples.(_) 3. I can see five rulers on the desk.(_) 4. Its a sunny day.(_) 5. Its a balloon.判断下列问答是(T)否(F)相符。32 . -Good morning, children.-Goodbye! (_)33 . -Whats your name?-My names Mocky. (_)34 . -Hi! Im David.-Hello! Im Lily. (_)35 . 判断下列句子正()误()(1) Who is little Zeke? ( )(2) Lets send a email to my friend,Danny. ( )(3) Who is sending us an email? ( )(4) Lets go to the restaurant for have lunch! ( )(5) Where does Danny live? ( )36 . Read and judge(T)or(F):- How many cats? - Yes, it is. (_)六、选内容补全对话37 . 从方框中选择合适的句子,补全对话。ALets go to the playground.BIm going to play football.CCan you jump high?DCan you run fast?EYou will be a good goalkeeper.Jenny: Hello, Sam!Sam: Hello Jenny!Jenny: What are you going to do?Sam: 1. _Jenny: Great! I like football too. 2. _Sam: Yes, I can jump really high.Jenny: 3. _Sam: Yes, I can.Jenny: 4. _Sam: Thank you!Jenny: 5. _Sam: OK! Lets go!七、连线题38 . Read and match. (看一看,连一连)1. How old are you?A我7岁2.Im seven.B你多少岁了?3.Whats your name?C我的名字是小贝。4.My name is Xiaobei.D你的名字是什么?5.Hello!E你好!第 7 页 共 7 页

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